Book cover of “Colder Than Ice“ by Alegna2017

Colder Than Ice

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Alegna2017
  • Uploaded by user482308
She was cast aside, unwanted and overlooked. He was betrayed, left shattered by the one he trusted most. He withdrew into himself, building walls of ice around his heart. She, too, was forever changed, her spirit scarred by a world that had never seen her worth. He was a Beta, always stepping back, never the first choice. She was a nobody, invisibl... 


Aprils pov.

"I Jake Currington alpha of the dark moon pack reject you April Robinson as my mate and the Luna of this pack." He said with no emotion.

" I...April Robinson .. accept your rejection.." I said through tears.

5 hours earlier:

I wake up with a huge smile on my face! Its finally here! I'm finally eighteen!

I make my way through the house and finally get to the kitchen. I am greeted with the amazing smell of pastries!

"Hey mom! " I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello darling." She says." Happy birthday! " she says excitedly!

"Thanks mum." I say.

"Today you might find your mate, are you excited?" She says.

"Honestly mum I'm not. What if I don't find him? I don't want to be too disappointed. I have to go now..I'm late for school." I say.

I get in my car and head to school.

Well I realize now that you don't know anything about me. Maybe I should tell you just a little bit.

My name is April Robinson and I'm a werewolf. You might be thinking " what? A werewolf?" But it's true we actually exist.

Today I have the hopes of finding my mate. A mate is a werewolfs soul mate. A significant other. Mates are supposed to love you and care for you like no other person does or ever will.

At the age of eighteen is when most werewolves find their mates.

I reach school and make my way towards my locker.

Skips to lunch time:

I have no friends in this school and hence I always eat my lunch in the library .

I haven't found my mate yet (if you were wondering!) And I don't think I will.

The bell rings and I make my way to class.

The teacher called in sick so we had a substitute today.

Just when I am about to continue reading " all the bright places" I hear a knock on the door ..

'Yes, come in!" The substitute says.

When the door opens I am hit with the most amazing scent ever, it smells woodsy and it makes my hormones turn hay wire!

"Mate! Mate! Mate!" Snow (my wolf) screams in excitement.

I am happy too but that is before I see who it is. No ! no! no! It can't be! The future Alpha of this pack can't be my mate!

The look of disgust he gives me let's me know that my mate feels the same.

"The principal wants to see April Robinson " his voice stirred something in me.

Wait what? What did I do?

I stand up and make my way to the principals office.

It is just him and I in the hallways . I start walking towards the principals office but I'm stopped when something pulls me back.

" April, I know you are my mate " he says.

" I know that too! Could this day get any better? " I say enthusiastically.

"Actually it can. I Jake Currington future alpha of the dark moon pack reject you April Robinson as my mate and future Luna of this pack.." he says with no emotion.

I feel my heart breaking and the tears start flowing on their own accord..

" w...h...y.." I stammer.

" I need a female to bear me strong alpha pups. And honestly you are not that female.." he says.

Well if my heart broke before it sure as hell is shattered now!

" I April Robinson accept your rejection." I say and walk away from my supposed mate before I break down more in front of him.

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