Chapter 4

In a few minutes, the pain in his ass was walking out in one of Ginny’s leather jackets, jeans and boots. He had had to bribe her for them. He couldn’t help but notice how well they encased her shapely legs, fitting her like a second skin. No doubt someone like her was used to having better clothes than Ginny’s coarse ripped jeans but for once Princess High and Mighty was not complaining. He could tell something else occupied her mind as she walked briskly toward him as he stood by the bike waiting.

Maggie collected the helmet he held out to her, her eyes sweeping the small ‘town’ that held only a few houses, maybe 8 or 10, in a regular square pattern. Right now it was just her and Asher. While she changed her clothes, the rest of the pack had gone out one after the other and the only few remaining had gone behind closed doors. She could tell she wasn’t welcome. That was no problem. She was glad to be out of their hair.

“Ready?” Asher asked.

She nodded and hoisted herself on the back of the bike. When he gunned the engine she said, “Go as fast as you can.”

“Sure.” Your Highness, he added in his head with a roll of his eyes.

She didn’t know what to expect but as soon as they were out of the clearing where she could see that all the houses were made from the same rough wood with barely enough supplies for insulation and drainage, and one of the houses didn’t even have a front porch, Asher turned slightly.

“Hold tight,” he told her.

“I’m sure I won’t fall off a motorcycle. I have been on one before after all.”

“I don’t doubt ya, but if you say so…” Without warning he pumped the engine and tore into the woods like a maniac. Maggie almost fell off and would have done so too if she hadn’t been lucky enough to reach out and grab a hold of his jacket. Even for a werewolf, her eyes could not keep up with the trees that blurred because of his insane speed. Before she knew it her hands were curving around his waist and she held on for dear life.

“Are you trying to kill me?!” She yelled over the roaring engine.

He said something she didn’t quite catch.

“What was that?”

“You wanted fast, this is fast unless you want me to slow down.”

She didn’t want that. The thought of giving him that satisfaction did not appeal to her. Besides, she was momentarily distracted by him. Since she was behind him with her hands around his waist, she felt the heat of his body. He was rigid and smelled of male. Even more delicious was the strong smell of his wolf.

She felt the tenseness of his shoulder as he sent the motorcycle flying over the rough forest terrain. Man and machine became one and his muscles bunch and relax beneath his hoodie causing her to squeeze her hands lightly to feel him. He was an attractive man, she had observed that when he came in that morning. She was a woman after all.

But I’m not the woman I used to be, Maggie thought to herself. That Maggie was soft and ready to trust but the new one was tough and beginning to learn that trust was not earned. It wasn’t given either. Once bitten twice shy. Now was not the time to lose focus and play a damsel in distress.

Besides, she wanted to see what Lance was up to. He was the one who pushed the knife through her heart while his brother, her uncle, and the rest of her clan tore her father up. Pain lacerated her chest. For as long as she lived she would never forget her father’s dying howl.

Tears burned her eyes as the memories came back. Her father had been so trusting. And so was she and that had been their greatest weakness.

Now that the moon goddess had given her a second chance at life she would never make that mistake again.

The drive to town was thankfully short. She told Asher where she wanted to go, the bus station at 5th Lane. The traffic was light and only a few minutes later he pulled up in front of the station.

She got down and took off the helmet making sure to smooth her curls down as she handed it to him.

“Here. Thanks.”

When his eyes widened she rolled her eyes.

“I do have some courtesy. I acknowledge that you saved my life and I am grateful.”

“You have a weird way of showing your gratitude but as I said, you’re welcome.”

She managed a smile and as she left she turned back for a moment, “Also, I should sue you for reckless driving.”

“I don’t want to hear it from someone who naps in the woods.”

A laugh spurted out of her before she could stop it. Shaking her head at him she left still smiling until the bus arrived. That was when the gloom set in. She was going into the lion’s den ready to step on its tail. If it bit her, she would bite harder. She entered the bus, holding onto a pole at the center of the aisle. Her heart thudded in her chest out of a mixture of excitement and fear. Would they be surprised to see her alive?

Vivian would be shocked to hear her story. If only she had listened to her best friend. Her sweet best friend had warned her Lance was too perfect but she had been too blind to see. Lance was her father’s choice for her and since they got along so well she had believed in his lies. Now she knew better.

She couldn’t wait to see Vivian again.

Asher watched her go. The woman was fighting many demons. He could see the pain and vengeance in her eyes. He understood those strong emotions. But his pack would not.

Ash was dreading the moment when he would go back to respond to the questions he was sure they had. They would want to know why he brought a Ptakkagaris into their territory and what that meant for them. For now, however, he would stall that moment. He had the night shift at the Red Light district but he would hang around with May and Tony until nightfall.


Ezra Dark Storm had owned a multi-dollar company built on real estate, car dealerships, and imports and exports while owning shares in several other companies. Maggie had grown up under the spotlight as an only child. She had her mother’s beauty and her father’s brains so it came as no surprise that when at age 18 Ezra announced in a room full of Dark Storm Enterprises board members that she was his heir. All members were members of the Dark Storm pack and as Alpha, her father had been responsible for the welfare of every pack member.

As Maggie dropped off in front of the 82 – floors skyscraper complex that housed her father’s business a grimace marred her brow. Those pack members who had hugged her, shook hands with her father and celebrated with them had been the same to turn against them.

She walked with a steely determination to the front door, ignoring the look of surprise on the faces of workers who had paused to stare.

Someone told them I died, she realized with bitterness.

“Miss Maggie Storm?”

She opened the door to the first floor. Silence fell upon the workers, jaws slacked and eyes bulged in surprise. Security cameras hummed and whirred. Maggie faced them.

“You are alive.”

“And I have come to take what is rightfully mine.”

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