Book cover of “Ethereal“ by Erarexon


  • Genre: Romance
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Erarexon
"Then what will I get in return?" Darius closed onto her, his mouth near her ears as his palm held both hands together stopping the angel from fleeting away like wind. She wanted to run away, and he could see the mischievousness in her enchanting eyes. "I-" the girl pondered a bit, and before she could form a sentence, Darius handed her the ice cr... 

Chapter 1

Darius was furious, working as a judge in the Supreme Federal Court was one of the most satisfying jobs one can ever have the privilege of being a part of. It was a game of dominance and understanding. Reading the mind of the criminals and knowing the intent behind their crimes gave him a thrill that he wafted as a d***.

There were mafias, d*** lords, and high hitched cases presented in front of him and he had never given a wrong judgment in his life.

He had presided over thousands of d*** lords, murders, and whatnot, but the moment a mafia boss who is soon going inside the prison and standing inside the court for his sentence is called by his teenage daughter in front of the whole court ‘Dad I want him!’ with ‘him’ being the very judge. Darius couldn’t help but feel disgusted.

His fury had been so raging that the girl sat down shivering, never meeting his steely platinum eyes again while her father was given ten years more than the sentence that was to be originally given in prison.

It wasn’t the first time an incident as such has taken place. To be liked and admired was a different thing but the moment men and women much above one’s age give lecherous looks as if thinking he was just meant to satisfy one in bed, a toy to be played with…it was vile and disgusting.

Once he was just a boy, in other words, nobody strong, and had gone through that phase of rigorous hard work to be where he was. It had been more than twelve years but today’s incident reminded him of the time when he was a thin kid termed as ‘pretty’ in the garage between scary men among whom he worked to support his brother and himself being an orphan.

The judge meant to control the rate of unlawful acts and work against misdemeanors hence was famous to be exceedingly dangerous. Darius had a reputation for being merciless and cruel and the moment the girl’s word gave him a snippet of his past, the dam of anger broke free.

Right now, as soon as the court ended he came to this place, for having a moment of peace.

The coffee and croissant were served to him in the graceful café that presented delicious delights in the open garden with fresh flowers planted over. His gloomy mood was sensed by Cupcake – his golden Retriever who sat beside his leg whining.

“Can I… Can I please make a portrait?” The anger bubbled again and he was going to pour the avalanche of emotions out on the owner of the sweetest voice that asked him the question.

The moment his gray irises looked up from the coffee table meeting the sparkling greens of the angel that used one fragile finger to point at his pet dog the man looked at her incredulously.

“You want a portrait of him? Why?” There was nobody in this city who could not recognize him but yet this little princess resembling a marigold flower looked at him awkwardly before pointing out.

“He is the prettiest thing I have ever seen...” Although it was not entirely true, Roxanne found the man handsome yet there were no intentions from her side.

He was magnificent sure but looks never mattered to her in the first place, it was the heart that must be good. She would rather have someone who would treat her like a princess, not the one who will abuse and misuse her trust and just look beautiful.

She despised such beauty.

“What will I get?” Roxanne woke up from her trance and a small pout formed on her cherry lips.

“I will…I will buy you a c-cake…?”

And only then did Darius actually look at her, much beyond his perception of people who never saw him as a person; this was a fresh breeze, a girl so pure that she won his heart. The judge who was known to read the minds was stumped when he could only figure out one thing in those glimmering emeralds…innocence.

“Then I have to accept your offer, please sit.” Roxanne smiled softly, taking a seat.

People by this time have stopped chatting, their silence ignored by the gallant male while the adorable bunny remained naïve to their eyes that were widened and mouths whispering when the man who had sat alone for three years at the same table and refused to talk to others invited the girl to sit beside him.

He was Darius Vicari and his favor meant being absolutely victorious.

While the girl drew Cupcake on her portfolio, her companion found out that his rage had radiated off completely.

“Are you new to this city, princess?” Roxanne found her hand stopping as she bit her lip looking up at Darius.

“I…I am not. I have lived here my entire life.” Roxanne stuttered, her cheeks flushing as she answered.

“Then how come you are not aware of it?” Darius knew that he was on the news every now and then so how come she was unaware. He did not press for the answers, just merely stated his questions from heart.

“If I t-tell you n-now…promise you will not run away with y-your dog.”

“Try me.”

“My father got imprisoned for 15 years today, he is someone nobody can ever mess with but-” Darius felt the things were going in the direction of which he although was aware but refused to admit that his first act of wrath would come like this upon him.

“What is your name?”

“Roxanne Scavo.”

The world stopped. Roxanne Scavo, eldest daughter of the deceased wife of Elijah Scavo, the man he had ruled against today, the d*** lord of Italy.

And the woman who had said, “Daddy, I want him“…she was this girl’s sister.

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