Book cover of “Fated to Love You“ by Mina Zack

Fated to Love You

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Mina Zack
Ava White is born a soft and innocent girl into an inferior and weak pack, but everything changes when she loses her mother. Consumed by a long hatred between her pack and the blood moon pack, Ava seeks nothing but vengeance to appease her hunger for the raw pain in her heart until she meets... Nicholas Skye, a blood moon alpha, a heart stealer... 

Chapter 1. The Beginning

The long war and hatred between a great and inferior pack, the blood moon and the crescent had begun long ago.

It moved from decades to centuries, down from generation to generation.

Centuries ago, long before the prophecy of the pure white wolf, the son of a blood moon alpha was seen trying to take advantage of a girl from the crescent pack in a drunken state.

The girl already had a mate in her pack and he was present in that place at that time.

In an attempt to save his mate, he ended up murdering the blood moon.

This caused the blood moon alpha to be angry. His only successor was murdered. He was blinded with fury.

He didn't care to listen that it was the result of protecting the girl's honor.

He didn't want to know if his son was at fault. All he knew and placed in his heart was his son was murdered by a crescent.

He declared war on the crescents wiping away most of the pack. The crescents were not strong in strength and number and therefore raised the white flag in surrender.

The blood moon alpha would not accept their flag or end the dispute. The crescents pleaded and he finally accepted on a condition.

Every first son of every household was to be given as a slave to the blood moon.

It was an outrageous and ridiculous condition but they had no choice but to heed it.

The crescents accepted the condition.

As the years went by, their demands grew stronger. They punished the crescents and made them practically beg before they could eat.

Some of the blood moon men took it as an advantage to molest and violate young women from the crescent pack.

The crescents couldn't take it anymore and so waged war against them despite the fact the blood moons were stronger.

The blood moons rendered them to dust. A few crescents escaped and went into hiding.

Ever since then, the blood moons sought after the crescents.

Their paths must never cross because it never ends well for the crescents.

Decades later, the crescents built up their pack again but were always careful not to expose themselves to the enemy till they could hide no more.......

White wolves have been extinct for over a hundred years. They were meals to the monster that lives among humans and the supernatural.

They've been in extinct for a long time that no one ever thought one will be seen again or even be alive until...

A child is born, her skin smooth and soft. Her silky white hair curled around the top of her head.

A bundle of joy to her mother and a ray of horror to her father.

Upon the heirs that least come forth from the clan, there came a prophecy to her mother.

The child was the chosen one. Born to defeat the demon king and end his era. Born to unite the packs. She was the pure white wolf.

Her mother could not believe it. A marriage between both packs was also prophesied. That was the only way to end his reign. At the rise of the blood moon shadowing the full moon, hands held together, the demon king shall be defeated.

Bounded by rage and anger, he sought for the child. How could it be? A mere child couldn't be the one to bring him to his downfall.

Her mother falling to her knees pleading, and reminding him that the baby was all she had in the world, but he wouldn't listen.

Still, in his enraged and bitter state, he sought for the girl child and found her cackling in her cradle.

He snatched the poor helpless child proceeding to devour her into his abyss of darkness when he stared into her eyes.

He got lost in the twin pool of silver rain colored eyes. He was torn between devouring her and saving himself to become stronger or letting her grow to seek destruction upon him.

But on second thought, it was better to stay on the safer side, and with that, he placed the child above his mouth sending hollows of darkness toward her.......

*** The war ***

Lightning struck across the pale gloomy sky as thunder rumbled through the heavens. The fire burst around the house spreading tiny sparks of flames everywhere.

Mother held me running towards the backdoor. I saw the pack shape shifting into their form and fighting the enemies.

She pushed me out of the house yelling."Run, Ava, run!"

In my haste to do her bidding, I fell to the ground and in a blur, a burst of flame erupted out of nowhere, and from the corner of my eyes, I could see a flaming tree falling towards my direction.

I screamed in fright and before I could close my eyes, I was lifted up from the ground.

Mother held me tightly to herself as she averted another falling flamed tree.

"You have to go now, Ava, and do not look back." She said sounding very agitated. Her voice was wavering.

"What about you?"I asked. I wasn't about to go anywhere without her.

She kissed my forehead."Do not worry about me my child, just go." She said.

"But mother..." I protested.

She was about to speak to me when a black wolf with red eyes charged toward us.

Mother had no time to shape shift as he flung her towards the trees.

"Run!" was the last thing I heard as I took to my heels. I looked behind me and saw the wolf raising his claws and brutally hurting her.

I screamed unable to feel my feet as I saw the red stain that was forming a circle on her dress.

A wolf came towards me with the intent of hurting me and one of the members of my pack charged towards him as I ran with tears clouding my eyes and having no idea where I was heading to.

Everywhere I turned, bursts of flames erupted and trees came crashing down. I was nothing but a weakling, I should have protected my mother but here I was fleeing after watching her being killed in a brutal way.

I reached a flowing river and sat at its bank sobbing slowly, wishing and hoping it was all a nightmare I'd wake up from.

Howls and screeching of wolves echoed through the forest.

I closed my eyes with my fingers in my ears moving back and forth hoping for it all to end.

The forest was quiet when I crept back into it. I scrunched up my nose as the smell of blood, burnt trees and houses filled the air.

The sky was a color of smoking grey and the flames that once licked the bark of every tree and cabins turned into smoldering ashes.

The war of hundreds of years ago had come again, claiming the lives of many loved and innocent ones.

I was nothing but a mere child that had witnessed this gruesome event unfold.

There was no place to hide, no comforting hands to hold, no one to say everything was going to be alright. No one to run to.

With each step I took, I saw lifeless wolves and a few laying wounded.

Tears dropped down my eyes as I sought for my mother, Queen of the crescent pack.

"Mother,” I called out softly but no answer.

I kept walking amidst the bodies of the dead wolves when I saw her.

Her white dress covered in black blood.

I scrambled towards where she laid falling every now and then on the dead bodies.

"Mother," I whispered holding her palm in my tiny hands, my tears falling afresh. Soft whines escaped her lips as she looked at me.

She lifted her hand weakly to my cheek with a faint smile on her lips.

"Ava," she spluttered and with that closed her eyes, her hand falling from my face.

I shook her, but there was no response. "Mother!" I screamed. I laid on her chest sobbing silently when I heard footsteps behind me.

Instincts told me to play dead as I held my breath laying silently.

The footsteps came closer and I heard a growl. I opened my eyes to see the wolf right in front of me.

In a fright, I jumped back and he snarled. He was ready to attack me.

At this point were I felt there was no hope, I didn't mind joining my mother.

He was ready to pounce on me when something went deep behind his back. He howled in pain backing away from me and I saw a sword buried deep in him.

In a few seconds, the wolf laid silently dead on the ground. I turned to see my rescuer.

I recognized him to be my uncle, mother's brother.

He went on his knees and I saw a deep cut on his shoulder and three paw long scratch on one side of his face.

"Ava," he called out. softly to me. I went into his arms holding him tightly.

"Uncle," I began, sobbing again. "Mother is dead. She's..she's gone." I cried out.

He held me close and strokes my hair.

"Hush..everything will be alright. I'm here now," he assured.

Would everything really be fine? I didn't think so. The house I've known and grew up in was rendered into dust. The people I knew as family were laying lifeless on the ground.

Where was the hope that we'd ever be a pack again? This changes everything. Mother was gone and nothing would ever be the same again.

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