Chapter 4. A Secret with His Daughter

After our disconcerting situation earlier today with Andy, I wrapped up cleaning and came to relax on the couch as always, waiting for the lunch delivery, and battling to flush that little accident out of my mind. 

Andy has since earlier not come out of the study. When we finally pulled away, after asking me if I was alright, and I nodding my head that I was, he excused himself to go change from his then soaked clothes and I was left to dry the floor. Only after I was done and out of that room did I see him going in. 

That was so embarrassing. And it's more embarrassing that I am unable to get the image of me atop of him. What a dirty mind I am developing! I need cleansing for God's sake!

It's now noontime and I have nothing to busy myself with except fathoming about that short-lived moment earlier when I was soaking up in the heat from Andy. My mind is becoming so nasty and I abhor how my body is fascinated by these wildly crazy thoughts. I can't help it.

"Are you sure you didn't get hurt earlier?" That is Andy's voice, and he parks himself on the next couch. 

"Yes. I am alright, sir... I mean... Andy!" I say, trying to hide the blush.

"Okay. Take that stool out of that room immediately. Tidy up only where you can reach. I will not be there to fetch you next time." He orders.

"Okay. I apologize...for what occurred earlier."  I mumble, averting his eyes like a plaque.

"It's alright. Here. I got you a phone." He says, handing me a phone that looks way too valuable for a servant like me. 

"For me?" I hesitantly ask. 

"Yeah! You can talk to your family and friends any time." He says.

What a sweet boss I have!

"Thank you so much." I walk backwards after gladly receiving the phone, and sit where I was seated earlier, eyeing the gadget in my hands. It sure must be very expensive to the point that I can't even guess its price. And to top it all, it is my very first souvenir from someone. How ironic! A heartwarming irony, I must admit!

"Don't you like it?" He speaks, maybe after observing I am absorbed in thoughts.

"I do like it, very much. Thank you." I say with all sobriety, and he nods his head. "Ooh, it has a password." I further state.

"Sorry. I forgot to deactivate that. Let me." He walks and sits beside me as he deactivates the password which doesn't take long. "Here. It's all done." He hands me back the phone and proceeds. "After picking up Angel from school, we will go to the mall. You can get a sim card there."

"Okay. Thank you so much once again." I express my sincere gratitude.

"Don't mention it. Instead of being bored here when Angel is at school, you can call your family and friends and catch up. As long as you prioritize your work." He states.

"Sure. Nevertheless, my circle is too small. I only have my family- my dad and my mom, and my twin siblings- Mina and Mira. As for friends, I only have Rita." I confess.

I snap my eyes at him, realizing that I might have let out too much. I should learn to control my big mouth.

"Aren't you too young to be that reserved? I mean, people your age are out there having fun and exploring the world. Don't you feel like you are trailing behind the trend or something?" He queries with a questioning tone, as if I am the most confusing creature he has ever encountered.

"Not exactly. I'm okay this way. I have a lot of obligations to my family right now. I can't afford to get diverted. Maybe when I accomplish my goal, just, maybe, then I will have time for myself to "explore". I respond, earning a smirk from him.

"Your parents must be so proud of you." He says with a small smile on his complexion, and since I don't want to brag about how delighted my parents are with me, I just smile back. 

I know my parents are proud of the decision I made. And I hope my sacrifices will be worthwhile. I'm their only hope. The fate of my two sisters lies with me. I want to help them pursue their careers and secure their dreams. I want to help my father pay off the bank loans before they come to mortgage the little we have left. What is there to mortgage anyway? Nothing! 

That reminds me, I didn't even ask how much Andy will be paying me. I was over the moon about getting a slot in a billionaire's house that I forgot to ask how fat or thin my salary will be. I should ask so that I start rationing it. 

"Let's go." He beats me to speaking.

"Huh!" I exclaim.

"Let's go pick Angel and proceed to the mall." He adds.

"Aah...okay." I think my qualm will have to dawdle for now.

He grabs the car keys and his phone, and after locking the house, we get into his black limo and hit the road to Angel's school.

"I haven't seen Mark since yesterday evening." I state while someplace on the way.

The city streets are so confusing. I haven't familiarized myself with them yet. 

"I gave him the weekend off. He will be back on Sunday evening." He retorts, and I nod my head. Didn't I tell you, that Andy is a terrific boss? Inside this impassiveness that is on the outer surface, lies a sweet candy! 

I wonder why with all his rich luxurious life, and a bubbly daughter, he refuses to smile at the world. Why boss?

We drive in silence to Angel's school and pick her up, and we take a different route to the mall, I presume.

I thought that the cute doll will fill this limousine with giggles and her childish chit chats, but no. The kid fell asleep almost immediately we fetched her in my arms. I wonder why she just fell asleep like that. Her breathing is shaky like she had cried or something. I might be wrong though. 

Pulling up in front of the most glamorous mall I have ever seen, not that I have been to any before, Andy parks in the parking lot. I don't know what we are supposed to do in the mall and I don't think I need to ask. I'll just sit here, getting a kick out of the view until I am told what to do. 

People have a life in the city, I tell you. I look at the happy children jumping up and down the playing grounds, playing together. Couples walking hand in hand in and out of the mall, the parking lot almost filled up with expensive sparkling four-wheeled machines. My! What is that shit we call life back in the upcountry?

"Should we wake her up?" Andy's voice cut my eyes cruise abruptly.

"I don't think so. The poor kid might be so tired." I respond.

"Okay then. I'm afraid I'll have to leave you with her. Here." He hands me the car keys after lowering the tilted windows down a little to allow in some fresh aura. "In case she wakes up before I come back, you two can step outside and breathe some fresh air." He says.

"Okay." I mumble as I take the keys.

"Let me adjust the seat for you." He says, and leans in, so dangerously close to my face according to my not-so-innocent brain. 

Again, this closure agitates some assorted emotions in me. This heat? This tickling sparkles? What are you doing to me, Andy? I never felt this way even for that pathetic boyfriend whom I thought I loved, only for him to dump me for my only cousin. Why do I react like this to a man I have known for barely two weeks? Am I ordinary? Is this even normal?

"Is that okay?" He implores, and due to the heat that is suffocating me because of him being this close, I can not find my voice. I just nod, praying that he gets done now. When he is done, he steps out of the car, and only then do I release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Ooh, my! I lay my back on the seat and pull Angel close to my chest so she can rest well. The kid is still fast asleep. 

After resting in the car for a few minutes, Angel decides to wake up eventually, and we get out of the car so she can get some fresh air. 

"You've slept a lot kiddo. What got you so tired? Did you play a lot?" I inquire once we are outside.

"No, Auntie Ania! I did not even play today. I just got into a fight and then the teacher caned me." She sadly explains.

Huh? The little disciplined kiddo I take care of is not capable of starting fights. This isn't like her.

Crouching in front of her with one knee, I take her small hands into mine. 

"Why did you have to get into a fight, princess?" I implore.

"It's those kids again. They taunted me again about not having a mother. So I got furious and slapped one of them. Then we started fighting. The teacher came and they said I am the one who started the fight." She sadly explains.

"Didn't the teacher ask you why you started the fight?" Stupid question, but I had to ask.

"She did, but I kept quiet. I didn't want to say anything in front of the whole class. What if everyone starts taunting me too?" Angel says.

Ooh, poor kid! This is deeply amiable! 

"Let's see, we need to tell Daddy about this, princess. He is the only one who can sort it out." I soothe.

"Daddy will get mad at me. He tells me that kids who cause trouble are bad. He always tells me to be a good kid, not to fight."

"But Daddy will surely understand if you explain it to him." She shakes her head. "You still don't want to tell Daddy?" She shakes her head again. "Ooh, sweetie! Do you want me to talk to your teacher?"

Now that just slipped out! If I was to think, this would never cross my mind. It isn't any of my responsibility, but...

"Yes." She wasted no second in replying.

"Okay. Cheer up now, alright? I'll talk to the teacher on Monday, but here is the deal - after I talk to your teacher, I will have to tell your daddy too about this whole thing, okay? We can't hide things from your daddy, princess." I explain.

"Yes, untie Ania. Deal!" Her face shines bright.

"Come here, you smart kid!" I hug her tight, to assure her that things will be okay. 

I hope Andy won't skin me alive for this. If there is one thing I know about him, it is that he doesn't joke when it comes to his daughter and that he is so insecure about her.

Pulling away from each other, I encounter two dreadful eyes from a lady glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now.

"Who the hell are you?" The lady implores, scrutinizing me from head to toe with an expression that speaks nothing but mockery. As much as I don't like being rude, I can't help it this time.

"And you want to know who I am because you are...?" I hold Angel with one hand.

"Such audacity from a cheap, worthless bitch! No need to respond anyway. You can't be anything more than Andy's maid." The witch spits, as if she knows Andy too well.

Andy? Did she refer to him as Andy? So they know each other? What is she? I mean, who is she? His ex? His girlfriend? The ex-wife? 

Whoever the fuck she is, she has no damn right to talk to me like this.

"First, you do not have any right to talk to me like this. Secondly, I am his maid, yes, so what, huh? Do you have a problem with that?" I scoff.

"Ooh, please! What problem would I have with trash like you? Gosh! Be cautious with his kid, will you? You might contaminate her with some God knows what diseases and..."

"What's going on here?"


Andy roars from her back, cutting her off and I saw how terrified she seems all of a sudden. Her face turns completely pale. Andy, on the other hand, looks like an enraged devil. 

"Janie!" Andy calls, clenching onto his shopping bags that are about to fall. They are a lot, and hefty. Just what did he buy? "What the hell are you doing here?"


"Even outside the office, I am still your boss, Janie! Address me properly!" Andy orders, with a voice that can unnerve even the devil himself.

"I'm sorry, sir." She speaks, head hunched down like a servant in front of a master. Between me and her, she's more fit for the position of a maid right now, and I can not hide the smirk on my face. "I just saw your car here and decided to say hi, sir Adrian."

Ooh, she was saying hi! Bitch!

"Was anything I heard earlier in any way close to hellos? What right do you have to disrespect someone like that?" Andy barks as softly as he can afford to.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just saw how she was clutching your daughter... and... the way she's dressed.. and.."

"Get lost from my sight! And, Janie? Leave your resignation letter with my PA on Monday morning. I have condoned more than enough of your crap already. You have exhausted your chances. You are fired!" 

Wait, what? fired? As in, FIRED? Just like that?

I pull Angel closer to me, quivering like I am the one who is being relieved of my duties, and holding on to the little girl as if she were my only savior. 

The bitch opens her mouth to maybe beg for pardon, but a single glare from the beast Andy seals her lips, blocking whatever she was about to utter somewhere in her throat. As she walks away, she doesn't have even the bravery to look back at me or Andy. Well, do I need to feel pity for her? Coz I am not!

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