Book cover of “Married to Mr. Billionaire“ by Kri

Married to Mr. Billionaire

  • Genre: Romance
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Kri
Billionaire X Psychiatrist Cold-hearted billionaire Rehan Malhotra was forced to marry the warm-hearted psychiatrist Mayra. Two worlds collide: sexual tension, tragic past, heartache, and maybe love too? Will Mayra be able to heal Rehan's broken soul? 

Book 1. Married to Mr. Billionaire. Chapter 1


"We'll all miss you, Dr Mayra," Receptionist Samantha said, passing me a few documents. I took them from her and offered her a weak smile. I am also going to miss everyone here.

" Call me anytime, Sam, we will be just one call away."

" Okay, Mayra. Here you go." She added and placed my transfer letter on the desk.

"All the best for your new journey."

I nodded and automatically, the corner of my lips twitched as I glanced over my name mentioned in the documents.

Sometimes it feels strange to watch my name written without any family name. But I couldn't help it. I don't even know who my family was. Whether they are alive or not? All I know is that someone from my orphanage had told me years back that I had been there since the day I was born.

All my childhood and teenage had passed in craving for the love of family. I had seen many of my friends back in the orphanage getting adopted. I always felt envious of them because no one ever spared me a single look to thought about adopting me. But now it doesn't matter. Being alone for whole my life of twenty-four years, taught me that love is not always about expecting, but it's all about offering.

"Dr Mayra, are you okay? You seemed zoned out."

I laughed nervously at Sam's words and wrapped my arms around her, reassuring her that I am fine. After bidding goodbye to everyone, I made my way to the airport.

From today I am going to have a new start to my journey, starting from the place where it all began. After six years, I am returning to the country where I had grown up.

I still remember the day when I turned eighteen and was all ready to leave the orphanage. It was great luck of mine that I got a scholarship for a medical college abroad. Then after completing my studies, I got an internship as a psychiatrist. And after a few years later, I ended up with the name 'Dr. Mayra.'


As I reached my destination, I sighed. Everything is going to change. New country, new city, new hospital, new people, new life. Let's just hope that this new journey will bring some new chapters to my life.

"Barbie doll."

A huge smile formed over my cheeks as I heard a familiar voice.

Tilting my head a little, I arched up my eyebrows in surprise and walked to the person standing in front of me. After adjusting my backpack on the right shoulder and pulling the suitcase along with me.

" Hey," I whispered and wrapped my arms around him.

" Welcome back to India."

" How are you, Vishal?" I asked, ignoring the smirk which constantly appeared across his face.

He was planning something.

" Well, since now you are going to be a part of the hospital where I work, then I'd say I'm good." I shook my head at his cheeky tone.

Vishal is like my good friend. We both met a few years back at one of the medical conferences and ever since then, we share a bond of friendship.

He is a well-known surgeon but he can be quite childish.

" Look, doll, in this hot weather also, I came to pick you up from the airport. Now, please don't just stand here like a statue. Come on, let's go."

I nodded and quickly sat inside his car.

Biting the corner of my lip, I mentally debated whether I should ask him or not. The question that had been bothering me for so long.

To my periphery, I looked at him, only to find him with a giant smile on his face.

Why does he seem so happy with my arrival?

" Why, Vishal?"

" Huh?"

" Why did you want me to come here?" I asked hesitantly.

He looked into my eyes and then said, " You'll see."

Okay, so he is not going to give me the real reason.

" Look, Mayra, there's something with which I need your help. I can't tell you what exactly, but now you seem to like my only hope."

He sounded calm, but the hint of little seriousness in his tone doesn't go unnoticed by me.

" You know, Vishal, I am already here so there is no chance that I will return after knowing the reason. Trust me, you can tell me. I promise I'll try to help you with whatever you need."

He averted his eyes from me and fixed them on the windshield.

" Do you know Rehan Malhotra?"

I had a sudden urge to laugh at his question.

" Come on, who doesn't know him?" I replied and that's when the corner of his mouth broke into his signature smirk.

" Well, he's going to be your next patient."

He announced with a casual shrug. I blinked twice to register his words.

Rehan Malhotra? The billionaire Rehan Malhotra?

" Relax, okay? He's also a human."

" Do you know him?" I asked him, surprised.

He chuckled.

"Yes, Barbie doll. I know him. He is my best friend."

" You never told me about this," I whispered.

"You never asked."

" B-But why me? He can hire any best Psychiatrist then why me?"

How am I going to treat him? He's such a big personality. I had never seen him, but the stories I'd heard about him were enough for me to have my heart fill with pure respect. He worked hard to build a huge empire in the business world at such a small age. I can imagine the number of sleepless nights he might have spent for achieving all the success. But why does he need a psychiatrist?

" Because you are the best I can ever find for him."

I flushed.

" Can I ask you something?"

" Sure, doll."

" Why does he need a psychiatrist?"

His face became hard at my question and a second later, I regretted asking him that.

" He doesn't, but I need you for him."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.


He exhaled a deep blow of air and his hold on the steering wheel tightened a bit.

"I will give you his medical files tomorrow."

" Okay."

" We are here. Go and take proper rest, you might be tired from the journey. If you need anything, just drop me a message, okay? Otherwise, we'll meet tomorrow. Take care."

He said before placing a kiss on my temple.

" My life is strange, isn't it?" I asked myself once when I reached the balcony. Grabbing the seat on the couch, my eyes wandered over the sky. The sun was settling down and the slow breeze was passing through my skin.

I don't know why it feels like Vishal was hiding something from me. Like there was some other reason besides treating Rehan Malhotra.

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