Chapter 2. He Wants to Meet Up

Christopher’s POV

I am sitting down on this brown wooden chair, watching the door to the restaurant like a hawk. I arrived here earlier than planned but she is still thirty minutes late. Did she not get my message?

I checked the time once again and I sighed in frustration. I felt like the way I acted two days ago during dinner was rude and I want to apologize for my behavior. I also want to assure Adele that I will be the best husband I can be in our marriage and she won't regret marrying me but can I even do that when she is not even here?

Wait a minute, is she doing this intentionally? Standing me up because I refused to speak with her after dinner? I surely hope not.

I sighed for the umpteenth time since I arrived here, in this restaurant.

"Would you like to order your meal now, sir?" a voice said and I looked up, just to meet the face of the waiter who served me some water earlier.

"No, I will do that later. I am waiting on someone," I told him and he smiled.

"Very well then," he said with a slight bow of his head before leaving.

God! Where is she? Is she always this late for events?

"Boss," a familiar voice said and I looked up at him.

"Should we just head back to the office now?" Liam asked and I frowned.

"No, let's wait a little bit more, then we can leave," I told him and he nodded.

"Okay, sir. I will be in the car then," he replied and I gave him a nod.

Liam bowed his head to me in respect before walking out of the restaurant.

I stared at the door for a long time and when I got tired of it, I finally picked up the menu.

I should just take my leave actually.

I was about to stand up from my seat when a shadow cast itself on the brown, circular table in front of me.

"I hope I did not keep you waiting for too long," a voice said and I looked up, just to see her staring down at me.

I accessed her dress for a minute before replying. She is putting on a yellow spaghetti-strap dress that reached just above her knees. She covered her dress with a blue jean, long-sleeved jacket and she top it all off with black leather boots. Her hair is down and I must say, it is long.

Her face is however another thing entirely. She has her lips puckered towards me in a frown. Her sharp eyes are staring at me like she would strangle me anytime soon.

Okay, I get it. She does not want to be here but I like the fact that she is keeping the meeting simple. She even has no makeup on.

I looked down at my wristwatch and I furrowed my brows. An hour has passed since the time we were supposed to meet. She is an hour late.

"No, you did not keep me waiting at all," I told her sarcastically as I looked up at her with a small smile.

"Please, sit," I added and she sighed before placing her black purse on the table and taking her seat in front of me.


Adele’s POV

It has been a day since we visited the Marvins at their house for dinner. I haven't thought much about the meeting though, I don't really want to.

I was about to pick up my pencil when the door to my room flew open. I turned my head towards it and I saw her walking towards me with her eyes so bright.

She got to the foot of my bed and got on the bed, sitting down in front of my feet.

"What is it, mother?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Guess what?" She asked again and my lips twitched.

"What?" I asked back.

"Christopher wants to meet up!" She screamed and I frowned.

"Who?" I asked back in confusion.

"Christopher Marvin," mother replied and I frowned.

"And how do you know that exactly?" I asked her with furrowed brows and it is annoying that that smile hasn't left her face.

"He called your father, just to tell him about it," she explained and I nodded my head in understanding.

"Right," I replied sarcastically and mother stopped smiling.

"You will go, right?" she asked and I slanted my lips at her.

"I will have to think about it," I told her and she nodded.

"Okay then," she said before getting up from my bed.

"But I don't see what you need to think about in it," she added as she got to the door before walking out of my room.

I seriously can't believe this. He wants to meet up after how cold he acted during dinner? Looking at this positively, he might want to call off the wedding. That's good.

Wait a minute, he called father to talk about meeting up with me? He thinks they control me or what? How ridiculous!


Mother gave me the address of the restaurant where we are going to meet up and the time he would like us to meet the next day.

I looked up at the time and it was finally the time he wants us to meet. I am staring at the clock with a frown on my face. I still can't believe he talked to my parents instead. I am quite sure the rich Christopher Marvin could easily get my number without even asking me about it.

I sighed as I thought of the fact that he might want to call off the wedding and walked into the bathroom instead. I should hear what he has to say.


Christopher’s POV

I beckoned the waiter to come over to our table before facing Adele once again.

"What would you like to eat then?"

"Have you decided on something?" I asked again and she looked up at me with those sharp eyes.

I don't think I have met a woman who looks at me like that before. They are always ogling at me, but not this one.

She turned her head to look at the waiter that had just arrived and gave him her order instead and I did the same.

"How have you been?" I started and she answered quickly after I finished talking.

"Why am I here?" she asked instead and I sighed as I picked up my glass of water.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted during dinner the other day," I told her sincerely and she slanted her lips at me.

At last, she changed that expression but it wasn't for long because after slanting her lips, she went back to frowning.

"Mmm," she hummed as she looked down at the table.

"Is there anything else you want to say though? Order than to apologize?" she asked and her eyes told me she was indeed expecting me to say something else.

"You don't act like you want the wedding to take place," I said as I squinted my eyes at her.

"Neither do you," she replied with a chuckle and I sighed.

"Who told you I don't want it to?" I asked, mimicking her chuckle and she looked up at me.

"You do?" she asked with a raised eyebrow that just screams disbelief.

"Yes, I do. Why don't you want it?" I asked her back and she just shrugged at me.

I was about to say something else when the waiter arrived with our orders. He placed our meals in front of us and after telling us to enjoy them, he left.

"I am sure you know why," she said back to me with a smirk before looking down at her steak.

"Daniel," I said simply and she took her eyes off her meal abruptly and turned her gaze to me.

"Is he not?" I asked as she continued staring at me with surprised eyes.

She gulped and looked down at her hand before looking at her steak, and then at me. Only that her gaze is looking behind me.

"Look," I called out to her and she looked at my face but she looks furious.

"I will be the best husband to you, I promise. If you are worried about your freedom, trust me, you will have it easily," I explained to her and she made a chuckle.

"Right," she replied in disbelief once again and I sighed.

"I-," I started but she cut me off immediately.

"Let's just have our meals before it turns cold, Christopher," she said coldly to me.

"Chris," I corrected her but I don't think she heard me anyways.

We ate our meals quietly after that and when her glass went empty, I poured her another glass of wine.

I watched her stare at the glass of wine for a long time before she looked up at me.

"Thank you," she said calmly and for once, I could see the sincerity in her eyes. She has stopped frowning too.

"It's no problem," I told her and she nodded as she kept looking down at her almost-finished steak.


"Why wouldn't you let me pay for your meal?" I asked her as we walked out of the restaurant.

"I might not be as rich as you are but I can most certainly pay for the meals I eat," she replied sternly.

"That was not what I meant," I told her quickly and she stopped in her tracks all of a sudden.

"It is not how you think it is as well," she replied back and for the second time since I have met her, I held her gaze in mine for a long time.

"I should go now, it's getting late," she said, taking her gaze off me.

I blinked continuously when I took mine off her as well. What was that anyways?

"Okay, I will walk you to your car then," I told her with a smile.

"My car?", she asked and for the first time since this evening had started, she has a smile on her face.

"I don't have a car. I am going to take a cab home" she replied, like she expected me to be aware of that before and my lips twitched.

"Mm, how about I take you home then?" I asked her and she raised a meaningful brow at me.

"My parents are going to like that," she replied with furrowed brows, slanting her lips.

I signaled at Liam who is sitting in the car, far away from us. The car arrived in front of us immediately and I opened the door to the back seat.

"Please, get in," I said politely and Adele stared at me first with an expressionless face before getting inside the car.

I walked to the other side of the car after I had closed the door to her side. I took a deep breath before pulling the door open.

The ride to her house was pretty quiet and bothersome. Liam kept glancing at me curiously through the rearview mirror. I looked at the lady beside me and she is looking outside instead.

"You did not ask to see me, just to stop the wedding," she started before turning her head to look at me.

"I am disappointed, Christopher," she said clearly and boldly with a sharp gaze.

"It is Chris," I told her and she gave me a confused look in return.

"My friends call me Chris," I told her again and she chuckled immediately after I finished talking.

"I am not your friend, Christopher," she replied, calling my name with gritted teeth.

I shook my head at her in dismay before looking out of the window. It's past four in the evening already. It indeed is getting late.

"I am sure you would gain something as well if the union falls through," I told her sternly.

She just chuckled at my words and I furrowed my brows in confusion but I did not turn my head to look at her.

"We are here, boss," Liam said immediately after the car came to a halt.

"My regards to your parents," I said when I saw her hand grip the door handle.

"They would be delighted to hear that," she said indifferently before going out of the car.

I sighed as I watched her walk toward the front door. I gripped the car handle in my hand as well and got out of the car before quickly going after her.

I held her left wrist and she stopped immediately in her tracks. She turned slowly and when her eyes met mine, I saw the surprised look in them.

She removed her hand from mine abruptly and I gulped before placing both of my hands inside my pants pockets.

"I would really love for this marriage to work," I told her sincerely after I had calmed down.

Her gaze turned to a sharp, murderous one and after a few seconds, she walked away from me. Great.

I walked to my car and quickly got into the car.

"What do you think?" I asked Liam immediately after he drove the car away.

"She is pretty but feisty," he replied and I smirked.

"I know, right?" I asked quietly back, almost in a whisper.

"She is prettier than Bianca too," he said again and I turned my head sharply to look at him.

His eyes met mine in the rearview mirror and I told him in all seriousness with a sharp, murderous gaze.

"You really do not know when to stop talking"

"I am sorry, boss," he replied before clearing his throat awkwardly. 

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