Chapter 81. Prepation Process
Hycinth held perfectly still in my arms as Mimi and Gemma rinsed our bodies of the residual oil. I wasn't sure how to interpret her silence. What did she think about seeing my complete extended family? My mother?
It was hard as fuck to see my mother. I hadn't expected it and I never dreamed I would see my extended family of wolves. Why hadn't my father told me about that part of the ceremony? Had he experienced it as well or was this the first time it had ever happened? When these three days were over, he and I would sit down and talk. I suspected he would handle my mother's presence and message the same way I did grief beyond comprehension, but a gift of unmeasurable worth, an incredible blessing, and certainly not a moment I expected to have while I still breathed.
It was closure for me. I was finally able to say the words my mother needed to hear -how fucking sorry I was for that day. I knew she wouldn't blame me. But I needed to say them.
And to s
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