Chapter 4

Astria’s POV

I heard another knock on the door and I was really beginning to get pissed! If Jenny could not handle her boyfriend’s anger, she should not try venting it on me! All I wanted was to enjoy my day off and satisfy a certain beast. My gluttonous stomach!

I heard the knock again and I stood up.

“Jenny I swear to God, if you try any sort of stupid…”

I swung open the door and saw a strange but somewhat familiar face standing on my doorstep.

Who was this person?

“Oh I am sorry. How can I help you?”

The dude opened his mouth but nothing came out at first. I so wanted to tell at him and shut the door on his face and I was about to do just that when he said,

“It is really good to see you again Tria sweetie.”

The name suddenly rang in my head. It was like a loud bell. No one else called my Tria sweetie. No one would dare to accept…

“Oh my fucking god! Da?!”

He smiled and replied. “Good to see you still remember me little angel. How’s my goddess doing these days? Still telling white lies for the greater good as your name suggests?”

I did not answer him but just jumped on him instead!

My best friend in the world right after Lucy was right in front of me!

“We could keep on hugging but it should continue inside the girl. You definitely do not want to draw more attention than you already have to yourself.”

I burst into laughter. Damien was still as funny as ever!

“Still the funny guy huh? Wonder how many guys you managed to swoon with that attitude and your sexiness is way over the top baby! Got me screaming daddy take me! Come in silly. Lucy would be glad to see you!”

“Sigh… I doubt that. My arch nemesis and the only one competing with me for your heart. Tell me, how much space did she manage to gobble up in my absence?”

I smiled and leaned closer to his ears. “Don’t tell her I said so but your space has been reserved for you alone and no one else can occupy it!”

“I’m touched Tria love.”

He gave me a peck and began to call Lucy. “Lucy, Lucy!”

“Jeez, who is screaming my name… Oh my goodness Astria, where in the world did you find this hunk and who the fuck is he?”

I almost choked at Lucy’s words. The damn girl had no filter and always ended up scaring the sane guys away!

“Hey handsome. You Astria’s new boyfriend or what. You’re smoking hot and something tells me that underneath that shirt is something even better!”

“Well, well, well. I see Lucy the banshee has not changed a bit! Still scaring away the sane ones? Pfft and you have gotten way more bold! What happened to the Lucy who always thought first”

“She died a long time ago. Damien, get over here you jerk!”

“OK ma’am. No need to yell my poor ears off!”

Damien walked towards Lucy and she grabbed his ears. Not so harshly though and yelled at him.

“Why did you just disappear like that? Do you know how devastated Astria and I were? And do not even give the I lost you numbers excuse! I so want to hang you right now!”

His good mood almost evaporated and he felt ashamed. He had indeed left them abruptly and upset the balance of a lot of things.

“I am so sorry Lucy darling. Can you ever forgive me?”

“With you looking so cutesy, I cannot hold it for so long!”

She jumped on Damien and whispered into his ears. “Welcome home Damien. I’ve missed you. We’ve missed you.”

He smiled and whispered back. “I missed you too. Hope no one took my place in my absence though.”

“Someone did!”

“Who dared do that?”

“A beautiful and sensitive soul. An angel and a lover of all good people?”

He put her hands on his face to make a show of searching for someone.

“And where is this good and sensitive soul? Is the person not here?”

“I am right in front of you, silly human!”

She smacked him right on his head.

“Oh forgive me your grace. I did not notice. How can I not notice this beautiful and sensitive soul in front of me? The banshee of evil herself, cleansing and piercing hearts with her screechy voice.”

“Oh you!”

She climbed off him and gave him a solid knock. His head was really beginning to hurt!

“Ouch Lucy. That hurt a lot!”

“Serves you right! How dare you call your friend and the most sensitive soul a banshee!”

“I apologize for real this time ma’am. How should I make it up to you?”

“Shopping spree, you’re coming with me and you’re paying!”

“Deal darling. Why don’t you and Astria dress up and we will all go shopping? It has been a while since I last went shopping. This should be fun!”

“Yay! Astria haul ass. No more eating for me! I have to fit into my new wardrobe!”

I watched the two banter and I felt my heart warm at the sight of both my besties bashing each other playfully. Although I think Lucy was a bit harsh on Damien but that had to be said. I’ll give him a piece of my mind later but right now? I was just too happy to see him again.

Lucy had managed to make him take us shopping? This girl was going to be the death of us both! We earned decent salaries. But not enough for a wardrobe change and she was trying to put that on my poor bestie?

“Lucy don’t you think…”

“Nope! He’s paying and that is his business! He has made up his mind and can I not leech off my rich bestie?”

Pfft! I almost choked. I thought he was her nemesis some minutes ago? What would this girl not do for a new wardrobe?

“I still love you best ya know. But I love a new wardrobe as well! Dress quickly and let’s get ready to spend some dollars!”

I sighed to myself and put on a jean jacket and pants. I was not going to kill Lucy’s mood. She was all abuzz with this and I was going to help keep it that way.

We went down and saw Damien had helped himself with coffee.

“Damn it I am so sorry again. I got so excited that I forgot to make you coffee.”

“It is OK Tria love. I helped myself already. Are we ready to go?”

Lucy chirped in her cheery voice. “I was born ready. Most especially, born ready to shop! Let’s haul ass ladies!”

Damien chuckled and replied. “Sure. I’ve called our Uber. They’re waiting right outside. Shall we ladies?”

Wow, that was fast. Lucy buzzed outside. Obviously trying to see who the driver was and if he was a hottie.

I smiled at Damien. He was trying to compensate for his absence and I really appreciated it.

“Thanks a lot Da. You’ve made our day, you know.”

“It is nothing darling. Let’s shop to our hearts content and talk too. You have to tell me how you’ve been this whole time! I wanted every little detail.”

Damien and his consideration for me. Sigh… This was something I had really missed. I had Lucy and I loved that but having another bestie was awesome as well!

Turns out the driver was a hottie and Lucy called dibs on the front seat. Well I definitely was not going to argue it with her. I will let her flirt to her heart’s content today. I wanted to talk a bit more to Damien.

I wonder what he has been up to these days…

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