Chapter 2

-=Yesha's Point of View=-

Julia was deep asleep, wrapped in a blanket when I arrived. I'm not sure how she sleeps, especially in this heat.

"Juls, wake up," I whispered, gently shaking her arm, but she didn't budge, so I tried harder, asking her to accompany me to the mall.

"Yesha, go away! Please don't bother me! I've just returned from duty," I could see she was tired and sleepy when she replied, but I kept going.

"Juls, please, I need you," I begged, my voice shaking with sorrow.

I tried to hide it previously because I didn't want to make my mother worried about me, but now that I'm with Julia, I don't have to.

She abruptly lifted the blanket from her face, and I could tell how serious she was as I gazed into her eyes.

"So, did Brix break up with you already?" She inquired,

Finally, she rose up and hugged me after I nodded my head in response to her question.

The tears I held back finally poured freely from my eyes as I let the pain finally leave my chest.

She didn't interrupt me while I told her what had happened, and after comforting me that everything would be fine, she finally decided to accompany me to the mall.

It took her fifteen minutes to get ready, and then we rode my bike to the nearby mall.

We went to our favorite pizza parlor on the third floor of the mall because she hadn't had her meal yet.

"So, let me get this straight: that person broke up with you because you wouldn't agree to have sex with him?" She queried as she chewed her pizza.

"I suppose so; I can't accept that he couldn't understand that I wasn't ready yet," I said grumpily, my gaze fixed on my pizza.

Seeing Julia shake her head after hearing what I just said puzzled me, it was as if I said something wrong.

"Did I say anything wrong?" I asked her, feeling puzzled.

"I'd like to know why you're so opposed to having sex. Even though we're in the twenty-first century and sex is not that taboo anymore, I understand that some women still choose to keep their virginity before they get married. But I know you, and I'm guessing you're not one of them," she said.

I took a deep breath first before finally responding to her query, I'm open with Julia and she knew almost everything in my life, so it was not that difficult to confide in her.

"I don't want to be like my mom," I said, alluding to the fact that my mother raised me as a single parent, and I saw how much she struggles raising me all by herself, and I'm terrified to experience the same thing if I happened to get pregnant and have a child without a husband.

"If that is what troubles you, there are other countermeasures you can take. You could ask that Brix wear a condom, or you could use birth control pills; if you like, I could give you some pills," she answered nonchalantly.

"Oh, my gosh! I had no idea you were using those and that you already have experience in sex!"

I was surprised and shocked at the same time to learn that she was using those contraceptives and even more surprised to learn that she had prior experience having sex.

"You're such a dummy! Those are from the hospital, and I am still a virgin for the record," she replied as she flicked her fingertips across my forehead.


She just looked at me like I deserve what she did to me, so I grudgingly looked at her which she chose to ignore, so I decided to speak.

"Does it mean I should give myself to Brix?" I asked, still a bit hesitant.

"It is entirely up to you, Yesha. It depends if you love him and if you're willing to surrender your V-card to him in order to win him back," she said.

"Of course, I love him! If I didn't love him, I wouldn't be shedding tears like this!" I stated.

I ignore a small voice in my head that tells me I didn't really love Brix, and the only reason I'm hurt like this is because of my disappointment with having five failed relationships.

"Then why don't you get started?" She inquired; her gorgeous face contorted into an annoyed grimace as she looked at me.

Quickly, I got up and left, ignoring Julia's question about who would pay for our meal.

I proceeded to the parking lot where my bike was parked and rode it to Brix's condo apartment in Makati, where he lives.

When I got to the building, it was well past 8 p.m., and knowing Brix's routine, I was confident he had already gone home.

My heartbeat was beating so fast as I waited for the elevator to take me to the floor where his unit was located; I didn't realize I was clutching the paper bag so tightly due to my anxiety.

Inside the paper bag is a box of condoms I bought at a nearby pharmacy.

I nearly died of shame while paying for the items, and even though I didn't get my change, I left the store right away, while my face is crimson from embarrassment.

Finally, I arrived at the 27th floor, exited the lift, and headed to his condo unit, 27-C.

I was about to knock when I realized I still had his spare key.

I used the spare key he gave me to get into the property; there was no one in the living room when I entered, so I assumed he was already in his room.

"Don't overthink, Yesha," I kept telling myself as I was about to change my mind; thankfully, I stuck to my decision to give him my virginity.

Slowly, very slowly. I approached Brix's room and opened the door, but the smile on my face disappeared as I saw what was inside.

I can't believe he just broke up with me a few hours ago and was already banging another girl!

I felt my hope and dreams vanish instantly, and all I wanted to do was to disappear.

Now I know that it was really over between us.

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