Chapter 3

Chapter Summary: Streets of Rage.

The next morning, Jungwoo found himself driving to the university where Taeil taught and the man of his nightmares studied.

He did not know if visiting this place after a heavy hangover night was a great idea. Or why he was just reaching there in the first place. His mind could not exactly process any valid reason for that. His mind was not processing anything accurately at all. Since his last day at work, he probably had lost his consciousness. And the high level of alcohol just contributed more to that act.

He just kept going with the thoughts, which seemed to lessen his rage, stress, frustration, and pain. And since drinking was not enough, he was now on his way to meet a man and spit all his rage onto him. He didn't know if it was the right move, especially in that situation. But he sure did know that it would not make things any right at all. But he didn't care. He just needed that, and he'd get that. Since he literally had nothing else to lose…

“Damn that rich kid!” No doubt who exactly he addressed. No matter how drunk and wasted he was last night, he still clearly remembered the poisonous darts the young man had shot at him just by his words. But he could not blame him. It was the truth. And the truth was mostly meant to be bitter. But for Jungwoo, it went way too much. Everything was just way too much.


Soon he arrived at his destination. He parked his car by the sideways of the campus so it wouldn't seem obvious to anyone. He stayed in the car and waited for the bell to ring and the students to leave, which luckily happened in just a few moments. The man he waited for also came into sight, and Jungwoo wanted to drive right away on him, but oh well…

He saw that the young man was not alone. There were two other men by his side. Jungwoo hit the steering wheel in annoyance. But he started driving slowly, following the trio.

They were all walking, which Jungwoo was thankful for. He just wished that the other two would disappear quickly, which didn't happen real quick but did happen. They both parted their ways, and soon the latter was alone.

He slowly stopped at a spot, which made Jungwoo slow down a little more. He seemed to be checking his phone and was about to make a call. So, before he could do anything, Jungwoo sped up and stopped right in front of the young man, making him look in his direction suspiciously. He still had his phone in his hand, but he wasn't doing anything, probably waiting for something to happen.

Jungwoo closed the car's door while the young man slipped his phone into his pocket. For a few moments, they just kept standing there looking or, rather, glaring at each other. The latter was the first to break the moment.

“I am surprised that you didn't actually drive on me,” the latter spoke politely.

Jungwoo chuckled emotionlessly before saying, “Wouldn't that be so easy for you, Donghyuck? You should also suffer through the pain. A lot of pain.”

Jungwoo quickly approached the man and landed a forceful fist, which Donghyuck stopped by gripping his wrist and moving away slightly.

Donghyuck looked at Jungwoo's shocked and furious expression. He smirked at the man. "Fortunately, my motive is no pain, no gain, sir." He then pushed the hand away and punched Jungwoo's jaw, making him stumble a bit.

“You sickening fucker!” Jungwoo's eyes were firing with an intense rage. He again stomped at Donghyuck, making him dodge, which increased the level of Jungwoo's rage.

“Your language is really strong, sir.”

“My smacks are even stronger.”

Jungwoo again went to smack the young man and hit him this time. He didn't take another second and landed another punch on Donghyuck's face, who groaned in pain as he defended himself and checked his mouth to find that it was bleeding.

He saw Jungwoo was about to attack again, which he didn't let happen as he pushed him and hit him in the mouth, giving him the same wound as his own. But a little more brutally.

Jungwoo wiped the blood from his mouth, breathing heavily. They both were running out of air and stayed still in their position for a few moments panting messily.

“Impressive how you got the balls to fight me as if you are fighting for your rights when you are the one who is wrong here,” Jungwoo suddenly spoke in silence, and Donghyuck could not do anything but frown in confusion as to what the man was implying.

“You don't know. Do you? Of course, you do! But you thought that I'm the biggest fool on the earth and probably never gonna know…”

Donghyuck was impatiently waiting for Jungwoo to move forward with his statement; instead, he found himself forcefully stomped to the ground and the giant above him.

Jungwoo aggressively punched Donghyuck in the face. His fists burned like fire at the contact.

“Of your,” he punched again, “Dirty,” punch, “Little,” punch, “Secret.”

Donghyuck could hear his words clearly even after all the stings through his ears caused by this brutal attack. And he also now had a horrified expression after acknowledging the man's short sentence.

He didn't know why or how, but his mind delivered the particular one-word question to his mouth, automatically releasing without a second thought, “What?”

The man started laughing humorlessly at Donghyuck 's question but spoke afterward. 

“You are asking ‘what’? After stealing my lover, my husband, my in-laws, my peace, my happiness, and ruining my life as hell, you got the balls to raise a question?" He continued laughing, but this time, he sniffed a little. Probably preventing himself from shedding tears.

Donghyuck was just trying his best to capture and process his rant.

“But because you are a monster, they were not enough for you. You even put your nullius being inside my husband's womb. Your impure blooded infant has poisoned our relationship.”

It was now Donghyuck, who was getting furious at Jungwoo's statements. But not especially because Jungwoo was bad-mouthing him. But because he bad-mouthed his unborn child. At this point, he didn't even care that the man had gotten to know their secret.

“How I wish I could kill that fucking homewrecking sinister before it even comes into this world!”


“Don't you fucking dare to even touch my child!” Donghyuck growled as he took over Jungwoo. He punched his jaw and then his mouth, eye, and everything else which could make Jungwoo scream in pain.

“Yes! Yes, that's my child! What are you gonna do about it? Oh… You just said. You'll get violent. Just like how you are right now.”

He started strangling the man, and the latter started coughing as some blood was now flowing down his mouth. 

“I even know that you hit your own husband when I left just because he's falling out of love with you. But who would even love a desperate, violent, sickening stalker like you!?”

Donghyuck loosened his grip on the man leaving him laid and coughing as he gasped for air. The young man slowly stood up, wiping as much blood from his body as possible.

“If you know you are right and your love is strong enough, then prove it. And win your love back with your power of love. Not hate. I never forced anyone to fall for me, but just made them realize what they actually want. And Moon Taeil wants me and only me. So, get over it, Kim Jungwoo.” With that, he left.

Jungwoo just laid there, groaning in pain for a few more moments and processing the things that just happened. The fact that Donghyuck was still all himself after all this mess just angered him even more. He should have just driven his car on him and knocked him completely.

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