Chapter 3. Evicted from Home

"How did you do that?" Mother's voice hung in the air and was unfinished. "How could you do this to me? How dare you, Blair!"

The mother stood up from the chair. She placed one hand on her waist and the other on her throbbing forehead.

"Mom," Blair whispered frantically.

She watched her mother pacing around the dinner table without Blair being able to stop her. "This was just an accident. We didn't do it on purpose. It was just a mistake."

Blair's excuse immediately made her mother stop. She turned to Blair with a pair of eyes wide open, filled with anger.

"This wasn't an accident! It was a mistake, yes, my fault for trusting too much and setting you free. But it's also your fault because you never listen to my words! Why did I raise and give birth to you so hard? Why am I defending your life to have to work so hard? And now you betray me? You have betrayed me!" her mother shouted hysterically.

"Mom," Blair pleaded. She couldn't believe her mother would be so angry. Blair was sure her mother loved and cherished her very much. Her mother would have been able to accept it, even if only a little.

"Get out the hell of my house!" Mother shouted without turning to Blair.

"Mom, why are you doing this to me? I know you're angry, but it doesn't have to be like this."

"I told you to get out the hell of my house, Little Bastard!" cried the mother. "I don't want to see you here! I don't want to waste any more of my time and energy trying to support you if you betray my efforts."

"Mom..." Blair couldn't help but beg and whine at her mother.

"I thought I was stupid enough to be lured by a young man to get pregnant and marry him. I thought I could live happily with the two of us, even though my parents were against it. In the end, my parents were always right. That man—your father—suddenly confesses that he has found his destined mate and leaves us alone. You bastard, man! I bet all my time and life on you, and now you're betraying me too, Blair? You never listen to me. Get out of my house right now, bastard!"

Blair jumped at the sound of her mother's screams and anger. All her life, Blair never knew if her father left them to make her mother go crazy like this. Blair shivered and had no other choice but to leave the house.

"I'm going," Blair said.

She walked towards her room. "Perhaps going away for a few days will ease my mother's emotions. It's better than us fighting like this," thought Blair.

"Where are you going?" cried the mother.

Blair paused and thought that maybe her mother regretted kicking her out and changed her mind. With a slightly relieved face, Blair turned to her mother. "I just want to go to my room."

"The exit is over here!" said the mother firmly. Her hand pointed to the front door.

Blair's legs went limp. The mother walked to the door and opened it wide. The chilly autumn wind blew from outside and hit Blair and her mother in the face.

"Mom really asked me to leave?"

"You didn't hear my words, bastard? Go now, or I will kick you with my own feet!" cried the mother. "And don't ever try to touch a single thing in this house. Everything I got with the result of my hard work. Think for yourself about your life because you never listen to me. You are no longer a part of my life. Go!" cried the mother.

Blair walked towards the door and stopped right in the middle. She turned to her mother with a pitiful face and wished she had compassion for her.

"When I was pregnant with your father, my parents also kicked me out. Now, why can't I do the same for you? Go and find the man who got you pregnant. Make him responsible and raise your own child with him. Because I'm tired enough to be responsible for my own life. Now I don't want to add to your troubles."

Blair didn't leave the doorway. The mother looked annoyed and pushed Blair's back until she fell onto the terrace.


The door slammed shut. Blair fell on the porch in tears, and she brought nothing. She only wore long pants and a light sweater to protect her from night's cold. She was kicked out of the house and left with nothing and nowhere to go.

The night was so cold, and Blair had nowhere to go. She doesn't even have her cell phone at the moment. The girl walked in her sneakers to one of the pay phones on the side of the road.

Blair dug in her trouser pocket to see if any money was left there. She didn't get anything. In a payphone box, someone had just left. Blair saw some coins that had fallen. She picked it up quickly.

The girl's stomach hurt. She hadn't even had dinner when her mother kicked her out. Blair couldn't remember her friends' contact numbers. There was only one close friend Blair could contact. At least she wanted a ride for the night before thinking about her next move.

With the coins Blair finds, she tries to contact Katty.

Katty picked up the phone after a long time, maybe worried that Blair was calling her on a pay phone.

"Yes, hello?" said Katy.

Blair was silent for a long time. She didn't know where to start.

"Hello? Who's this? I'll turn off the phone if you're just playing around!" Katy said lazily.

Blair had no more coins to call anyone else. She answered quickly. "It's me!" said Blair.

As soon as she recognized Blair's voice, Katty fell silent. There was a long blank pause in their line.

"Katty, are you still there?"

"Well, I heard you. Blair, you sound like a mess. Do you have a problem?" asked Katy.

Blair didn't tell her the truth that she was in trouble and kicked out of the house.

"Are you busy, Katy? I'm bored at home. Can I stay at your place tonight and tomorrow? It's been a long time since we've talked and stayed together," Blair chirped.

There was Katty's sighing voice on the other end of the phone. "Is your mother mad? You were kicked out of the house?"

Blair was surprised. "How do you know?"

"Well, who doesn't know? Our whole school Discord conversation was about your pregnancy. One of the sources said that you went around with all the boys at our school. Who knows which student fathered your baby?" said Katy sarcastically.

Blair's face reddened. "How did the news get around the school?" thought Blair.

Blair's mind worked quickly and went straight to Andrew. Because only Blair and Andrew knew about the state of her pregnancy. Blair quietly gripped the phone cord so tightly that her fingers turned white.

"How can you believe such cheap gossip, Katty? You are my best friend, right? You know it's only with Andrew that I've had sex all this time. This is Andrew's son, but he doesn't admit it."

"You slut!" Katy cursed.

Blair was taken aback by the harsh words from her best friend. "What do you mean, Katy?"

"Are you not aware? Andrew hasn't wanted you in a long time. Didn't he already say he wanted to break up with you? We have been dating since two months ago. On a surprise night at the hotel, I had sex with him when you were somewhere after I fed you sleeping pills in your soda can. You better not bother Andrew anymore. He's mine right now!"

Blair's heartache was getting worse. She slammed the payphone into the receiver and sat back in the booth. Blair's body was shaking violently. Tears were literally running down her face.

"That night... I walked into a hotel room and had sex with who?" Blair's mind was getting more and more confused. "What should I do now? I got pregnant, got kicked out by my mom, and now I'm known as a whore in the whole school, maybe even this town. What should I do?"

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