Chapter 3

The video ended.

Huh. Toshiro sure had his way of getting information. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was hiding in the girl’s bathroom when this happened. 

Tears spilled down Hina’s cheeks as she realized that all eyes were fixated on her. She could hear them calling her names like ‘whore’ and ‘slut’. Then saying things like ‘serves her right’ and ‘such a shame’. She was trembling, frozen on the spot.

“You’re all assholes!” Jan di screamed, rushing to help her friend who looked like she would collapse at any time. “What right do you have to do such a thing Toshiro? You’re such a jerk!”

“Ah ah, careful Jan di” I warned. I didn’t like defending Toshiro but I had to so I would seem normal to them. I always have their backs. “Take Hina and leave if you don’t want your own secrets exposed”.

Jan di shivered in fear, knowing it’s something I can definitely do. Not wanting to face my wrath, she hurried away with Hina. I felt Hina should feel grateful. The humiliation she was going to face is not even half of what Aera suffered.

I made Toshiro air drop me the video then I anonymously sent it to Hina and Ren’s parents. I smiled. More trouble for them.

After Miss Park, I’ll focus on that stupid Jan di. Everyone who hurt Aera must pay.

I felt someone staring at me. I turned to see the new guy standing by a corner, dark eyes glaring coldly at me which sent a sudden chill down my spine.

Shit. What the hell did I do to this guy?


I woke up and stretched my limbs like a lazy cat, yawning silently. My vision was blurry so I rubbed my eyes to get my sight clearer, finger combing my messy hair as the sleeping female beside me came into view.

Mi ka or should we say, Miss Park was still fast asleep. The covers were bunched around her waist, exposing her small boobs which were decorated with dark red splotches. Ah I went overboard with the hickeys.

She was exactly my type. Small and cute. I liked the tall and sexy ones too but small ones were much better. They always looked innocent and shy. It’s w:hat reels me in. This one though, is evil inside. She made Aera suffer. Now, it was her turn.

I grabbed my phone from her night stand and saved the voice record. She’d be shocked to hear her sweet moans all over the school by Monday. It wasn’t Monday yet but I was already excited. I could visualize her face. How shocked and heartbroken she’d be. How she’d cry in front of the whole class. Ah humiliation. To let your students know what you sound like in bed. Ha! I couldn’t wait.

I had over a thousand messages on different social media apps and 6 text messages. The texts were little so I decided to check them first.

Suzuki Yua :

Hey Asshole. I'm still mad at you. We're still going shopping though.

Shima Haruto :

Yo Aito, party at 8 tomorrow. Sara’s again. Wanna go? We could gather some dirt on her next.

Masaki Toshiro:

Hey man! Wanna hang today?

Fujirawa Sakura:

Aito-kun, Yua said shopping by 12pm

Chibana Sara:

Hey sexy;) Party tomorrow night. Bring booze.


Hey baby. How are you? I know we said we'll be back by Sunday which is tomorrow but some problems came up in our branch in Africa. We'll be gone for two weeks. I've sent more money to your account. If you need anything, call me. Love you❤

 I sighed. I already had a feeling my parents wouldn’t make it. As usual.

I know they love me with all their hearts. There’s nothing in the world they wouldn’t give me except... their undivided attention. I hated staying at home because it was cold and lonely.

The maid, Mrs Osamu visits thrice a day to cook me food and clean up the mansion. She’s old and hates kids so she ignores me whenever I try to start a conversation. That’s why I’d rather spend my nights with different girls or my friends.

Which reminded me that it was time to leave. I quickly put on my clothes, stuffed my phone and keys into my pocket and left the house. I got into my car, a sleek black Chevrolet and drove home.

My house was on A street. One of the streets in the city where rich people live. Including my group of friends but their houses were a bit far from mine. Mine was the biggest and most beautiful house of all. Courtesy of mum. She loves flaunting her wealth.

I got home and went upstairs to my room immediately. As usual, it was cold and deserted. I could remember how lively it used to be. Full of laughter and warmth. Her presence was everywhere. Memories of us opened like a blooming flower in my brain. The times we made out on my bed, the times she would sit on my desk, going through my homework to see if I did it right. The mornings I’d wake up to see her wearing my clothes and god how sexy she always looks in them. The nights we’d watch movies and cuddle to sleep. The days she tried to curl my hair and I ended up tickling her. The way her sweet laughter filled my ears and gave me joy. The times she’d hug me and tell me everything was okay when I was down.

Now life was colourless. Bland. I would cry but my tear ducts had dried up long ago. I’m now empty. All I longed for was to be with her again. Which I will after I’ve avenged her. Everyone who caused her death would suffer.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I then threw on a pair of sweatpants and a black shirt. Deciding that I didn’t want to eat that old woman’s cooking, I grabbed my keys and drove to a restaurant called Munchies. My friends and I had been there a few times and their food was good.

The restaurant smelled sweet and my stomach let out a loud grumble. I was happy no one noticed. The place wasn’t full anyway. I could count how many were present on one finger.

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