Chapter 3. Flashback I

*3 Weeks ago*


Legs straight out on a convertible sofa-bed. Netflix on my tablet with black pepper potato chips.

Perfect setting to kill my time and to avoid my Mom's high-pitched ever complaining voice.

I laugh my ass off on the stupid, funny punch lines of comedies. Life seemed great like this as if I had no care in the world.

"You started again."

The same voice. Argh.

"At least for once act like an adult." Her voice became clearer and louder as she came closer to me.

I shifted my eyes from my tab's screen on her, pushing my snacks away and groaning. "Mom, please not right now. I'm not in the mood."

If there would be competition about who is the most derisive among all. My mother would have won first place, I swear.

"When you're in the mood to listen to me? Tell me the time and date, Freya." She appeared in front of me in her fancy outfits, crossing her arms on her chest. She was for sure coming from one of her social gatherings.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, controlling my outburst. I stuffed my mouth with chips.

The voices I was hearing through my airpods were now sounding like background noises. She disrupted the flow of the rom-com I was watching.

"Just stop eating that junk. You'll get fat and unattractive." She snapped. I flinched.

Angrily, I put aside my snack this time, paused the movie and rose to my feet, "You've problem with everything I do."

"Because your lifestyle is crap. Tell me when you're joining the office? How much more time do you need to think about work?"

I was sick of this. I didn't know how to make her understand that I don't like the serious, formal, cold environment of our office. I felt trapped there. I knew once I would join the company, there would be no escape. There would be no colors left in my life, but files, papers, suited-booted people and indeed, a lot of stresses.

Being the first heir of Howard Constructions was a burden, as huge and heavy as a bulldozer and honestly I wasn't yet ready to take this burden.

"Is there any end to your non-serious attitude? It's been six months since you got your college degree and look at you no plans about what you are going to do ahead. You should be setting an example for your younger sister. She'll follow your footsteps."

I had heard those words a million times. They weren't new. "Mom, it's just six months not six years. I'm tired of you pointing out my flaws. I'm this. I'm that. You should end this too."

Her eyes narrowed, forming V between her brows, "Watch your mouth. You're talking to your mother."

I tightened my jaws, "Fine. I give up." I raised my palms in defeat, "I'm getting out of here."

I collected my things. I would resume my netflixing in my room.

"I'm blocking your credit cards. You're totally spoiled." She said in the ultimatum.

I contorted my face in disbelief, "Not again, Mom."

"You leave me no choice. Join the office, make your own money. I can't believe I and your father are feeding a full-fledged adult."

She had done that several times. It was a punishment I received for rebellion. She knew I was spendthrift and won't live long with empty-pockets. I loved spending, okay? It's not like my careless spending lessened their patrimony. We had been multi-millionaires for generations.

"That's my money too." I whined. She got me. My precious pride!

No cards mean no eating out, no clubbing and even I had to be a beggar too. I begged for money from my friends during these phases. This was cruel. This was a crime. I will call the police.

Only that police won't do any harm to my parents. My parents had big connections. I sighed defeatingly.

"Then come and get it from the office through learning and working." She repeated the same demand, then left.

"Mom, come on." I called her, "Mom, listen please..." She ignored me.

I let out frustrated screams. Office. Office. All she talked about was the office. I won't be joining the office. I would never join the office. I didn't want to be boring and dry like my family.


The waiter brought steamy hot food, our lunch on the table -- Our meant me and my boyfriend Benjamin. This lunch was on him. I was grateful because my pockets were empty. However, with Benjamin I didn't have to worry about money. He always insisted on paying for our dates.

"Do you like this place?" Ben put a clean, empty plate in front of me.

"It's great." I balanced the crispy, spicy piece of meat between my knife and fork and shifted it on my plate.

Who cared about the place! My complete focus was on mouth-watering, juicy Swiss steak. Ever since my cards were blocked I had to adjust with plain, home-cooked food by our chefs. Mom gave strict orders to keep health benefits on top while selecting recipes.

Frustrating! No cards, no good food.

"This place looks a bit cheap if I think about the kind of talk I want to do with you."

I looked at him, putting my fork down, "Ben, I told ya' many times not to feel insecure about this stuff. I love everything about you. In fact you don't have to impress me with money and fanciful places."

Ben had this annoying insecurity that he didn't match with my non-existing high standards since I was filthy rich and he was just an artist who was trying to get some recognition (his words, not mine). And he expressed his insecurities in different ways at regular intervals.

"Don't say this. Money I'm spending on you can't be called wasted." He protested.

I only smiled at him. He thought I had everything in life. I didn't explain to him my situation, but if he looked it through my eyes, his life was better than mine. He didn't have to live with a strict family setting and customs.

He had freedom -- something very precious that I didn't have; freedom to choose your own career, freedom to live the way you want and freedom to date anyone without a fear of getting your family's approval. I had never enjoyed such freedoms.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking?" Ben waved his hand in front of me.

I shook my head, plastered a smile on my face and started digging my fork into my food. "Nothing. You go on. You said you wanted to ask me something. I'm waiting to know."

He chuckled and my heart melted. Damn, his quirky dimples. Ben had boyish looks; almond brown hair, dark eyes, pointed nose, sand skin tone and cheery smile. His soft ambiance allured me. However, he didn't remain soft all the time. He gets angry especially when it's about his career and passion. Moreover, he didn't like it when I hid something from him. Sometimes I get irritated, but let it pass.

"Wait a sec." He moved his hand behind his pocket and pulled something out. He hid it under the table for some seconds then placed it right in front of me, "Here it goes. Tada."

A sparkling diamond in that black box froze me. My eyes widened in full circles, "Ben?"

A smile slowly spread on his face, causing dimples to appear, "I want to marry you, Freya. I've been thinking about this. You have everything I would want in my wife and if you think that I possess everything you want in your husband then accept my proposal."

I was out of words. I put the fork down.

I was not expecting this. "I' this..." I swallowed the food down my throat forcibly.

"What? Are you about to refuse me?" He got worried.

"No." I prompted, "I'm just overwhelmed." I fought the urge to say 'aww' out loud. No one had asked me for marriage before.

I didn't know Ben was planning to propose to me. Not that I mind his proposal. Ben was perfect for me and we had good chemistry. But starting a new relationship with Ben was like sitting on a new ride and leaving the old one.

Ben puts his hand on top of mine, "Say it. Say whatever is in your mind."

"It's nothing." I moved my other hand on his and squeezed it, "My answer is yes. I think we'll make a good couple." I said without much thought.

He laughed, "Then it settles." He pulled out the ring from the box and put it in my finger.

My stomach fluttered. I stared at the ring, twinkling in my finger. It was simple, just had a single diamond in the middle. I smiled. I wouldn't mind sitting on a new ride if Ben was the one who was going to drive it. What was there to worry about? It had been a year and half since we were dating and Ben had all those qualities I would want in my spouse. He was my ideal type.

"Thank you." He held both of my hands.

I was excited. Maybe I should break this news on my college Whatsapp group and let my friends know that I just got engaged.


This sounded weird. My relationship status changed all of a sudden.

I should tell this news to my friend Rafe first that I got my engagement ring.

Yes I should start with him. I decided I would call him right after my lunch date.

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