Chapter 41
There is another knock on the door and it opens just enough for Francis to peek his head in.
“Just wanted to pop by and say hey. I'm headed over to the training center now to check everything out.”
“We will be right behind you,” Wade says as Francis closes the door. He turns his attention back to Ada.
“Anything else?” he asks her. She shakes her head no and stands.
“Thank you again, Alpha Wade. I promise to be a diligent pack member and work hard.'' She walks out the door with a huge grin on her face, and before the door closes we can hear her shriek in happiness as a male voice greets her.
Wade stands from his chair and he walks over looking at me.
“Let’s go have a chat with Alpha Liam about you and me leaving”
“Oh good. I have some questions for him“ I say annoyed.
“Oh I am sure you do,” he smirks
When we walk in the entire building is full. Men and women are sparring in both human and wolf form and I smile with
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