Chapter 4

Gabriella followed Maria down the hallway, she didn't need to look twice to know that every last detail in the estate costs a fortune, from the artwork on the wall to the tiles and the marbled floor that shined under the soft lights. 

The elegance of the place was undeniable, yet it did nothing to ease the tightness in her chest. Every step she took felt heavy, weighed down by the reality of her situation.

How could her Dad sell her off like she was some piece of meat? How could he? She knew his dealings when it came to alcohol and gambling, but she had never been tangled up in any of it. 

Maria led her to a room at the end of a long corridor. She opened the door, revealing a space that was more luxurious than any room Gabriella had ever been in. The bed was large, with soft, inviting sheets. 

There was a window that offered a view of the estate's vast gardens, and for a moment, Gabriella allowed herself to be distracted by the beauty of it all.

"This will be your room," Maria said, her voice gentle. "You'll find clothes in the closet. If you need anything else, just let me know."

Gabriella nodded, still processing everything. "Thank you," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. She knew she couldn't trust anyone but if she needed to get out of here, she needed someone who knew the ins and outs of the estate and Maria looked like the right person.

"You are welcome Madam," Maria replied.

"Em.. my name is Gabriella," Gabriella corrected her feeling uncomfortable by being called Madam.

"Very well. Gabriella," she gave Gabriella a sympathetic smile before leaving her alone, closing the door behind her. The moment the door clicked shut, the facade of strength Gabriella had been holding up crumbled.

She slide down against the door wrapping her arms around my knees. She tried to hold back her tears but I found herself crying instead.

As she sat there, the cold floor beneath her and the sounds of the grand estate fading into the background, her thoughts spiral. How did her life take such an unexpected turn? 

Her dad, the person who was supposed to protect her, had thrown me into a situation she never imagined. The reality of being treated as a commodity in his business dealings was too much to bear.

Wiping away her tears, she stood up, her resolve hardening. She needed to understand this place and know her surroundings if she was to find any way out of this situation. She couldn't act weak now, no matter how depressing the situation was.

First, she decided to explore the room more thoroughly. The closet was filled with clothes that looked like they had never been worn, all of them in styles she couldn't even imagine affording. 

She pushed past the luxury, looking for anything that might be useful. Hidden in the back, she found a small, plain backpack. It was not much, but it was something she could use to carry essentials if she found an opportunity to escape.

Next, she moved to the window, studying the gardens below. It were beautiful, but more importantly, the garden was vast. There must be a way out through them, a path or hidden gate perhaps. The idea of escaping into the gardens began to form a plan in her mind.

If she could just step outside into the gardens, a smile stole its way on her lips as a plan came to her mind. Without Maria's help, she would be able to actualize the plan, all she needed was to prepare herself for it. 

She rushed back into the closet to look for something to wear, something that would be easier for her to escape than the hideous gown on her body. 

She found a pair of blue jeans and black long sleeves, perfect for running. The fabric felt tough and durable, yet comfortable enough to move in silently. She quickly changed, discarding the gown that felt like a symbol of her imprisonment.

As she laced up a pair of sturdy boots that she found at the bottom of the closet, she couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. Dressed like this.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. The thought of escaping, of defying Enzo Saviano's words was both exhilarating and terrifying. 

She knew she tried to stand up to him, but there was something about his gaze, an intensity in his eyes that would have broken her if she allowed him.

She glanced around the room once more, ensuring she hadn't missed anything that could aid her escape but she found nothing. Not like they would think to put something to aid her escape in plain sight.

She sat on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. She reminded herself of the plan, get to the garden and escape. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm the storm of emotions within her. 

The plan seemed simple, but she knew it won't be easy. The estate was likely heavily guarded, and she would have to be cautious at every step.

She stood up and opened the door quietly, making sure the coast was clear before stepping out into the hallway. 

The mansion felt like a labyrinth, but she remembered the way Maria took her earlier. 

She kept to the shadows, avoiding being seen but her heart kept beating so loudly. Afraid someone would hear it, she placed her hand on her chest.

She finally reached the back door that she had spotted when coming with Maria. With the word EXIT boldly written on it, she knew it would only lead outside or maybe not but it was too late to turn back now.

Gently, she turned the knob, her breath held tight in anticipation. The door gave way with a quiet click, and she stepped into the cool afternoon air.

The garden stretched out before her, bathing in the scorching sun. It was even more magnificent than it looked from her window, a sprawling maze of flowers, hedges, and statues that seem to come alive in the sunny glow. 

For a moment, she was transfixed by the beauty of it, but the urgency of her situation pulled her back to reality.

She closed the door softly behind her and started making her way through the garden but she came to a halt when she notice some men in black suits speaking in the distance. 

Her heart began racing even faster at the sight of the men in black suits. They must be part of Enzo Saviano's security team, she thought to herself. 

Her first instinct was to run back to the safety of her room, but she knew that was not an option if she ever wanted to regain her freedom.

Quickly, she ducked behind a large statue of an angel, holding her breath as she tried to listen to their conversation, hoping to gather any information that could help her. But their voices were muffled, and she couldn't make out their words from the distance. 

She realized she needed to be smart about this. She couldn't just rush through the garden; it was too risky. She needed to move stealthily, using the statues and bushes as cover to avoid being spotted.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and racing heart, she waited patiently for the men to move further away before she started moving again. 

She kept low, moving from one hiding spot to another, her eyes constantly scanning the area for more security guards.

As she made her way through the garden, she remained on high alert. 

One slips up and all this would be in vain.

The sun was relentless, and the heat was starting to get to her, but she pushed through, driven by the thought of escaping this place. After what felt like an eternity, she finally spotted a hidden gate.

It was covered by overgrown vines, making it nearly invisible to anyone who didn't know it was there.

Her heart leaped with hope as she approached the gate. Carefully, she pushed the vines aside and tried the latch. To her relief, it's unlocked. 

Why was it unlocked? Or was the lock bad and they didn't notice? She suddenly heard voices speaking behind and she didn't give it another second.

She opened the gate, and made a run for it.

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