Chapter 5. Leo’s Fear

Leo felt the fear slowly infiltrating his heart. That was the fitting expression crossing Leo's mind right now. Surprisingly, Alana could evoke a much greater fear, something Leo never expected.

Leo gazed at Alana's sleeping figure beside him. Leo wasn't sure what he felt towards Alana. Leo knew that since Alana first appeared in his life, he perceived her as a threat. However, inexplicably, over time, that sense of threat eroded, and Leo began to worry that Alana might truly invade his heart.

As in the park some time ago, Leo felt confused about his feelings. For a moment, he experienced a carefree life as he looked at Alana's peacefully sleeping face and gently touched her cheek. That simple event allowed Leo to momentarily forget the anger and pain in his heart.

Leo's reverie was interrupted when Alana changed her sleeping position to face Leo. Like in the park, Alana slept with a serene expression. Leo felt the urge to stroke Alana's cheek again but stopped when his gaze fell downward.

Leo was annoyed seeing a part of Alana's chest slightly exposed. Leo thought, "Doesn't she have any nightwear other than this thin fabric?" Although Leo couldn't walk, his paralysis only extended below his knees, and Leo could still feel the stirrings typical of a normal man.

Leo didn't want to keep focusing on inappropriate thoughts, so he pulled the blanket to cover Alana's body. This action disturbed Alana's sleep.

Alana opened her eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I just want to help. I saw you shivering," Leo replied, making Alana smile.

"Slowly, you're starting to pay attention to me," teased Alana.

"Forget it, I just don't want you to bother if you catch a cold and get sick," Leo answered, turning his face away.

Alana straightened her body, leaning her face on both elbows in front of Leo, and that position caused the blanket to slide down, revealing again the exposed part of her chest. Leo quickly averted his gaze.

"Is that the only reason?" Alana asked, but Leo remained silent, still turning his face away.

"It's okay, whatever the reason, I consider it your attention," Alana continued in the same position.

However, the next moment, Leo pushed Alana's head with his finger, urging her to lie down again.

"You better go back to sleep. You disturbed me enough during the day; I don't want to be bothered by you at night," Leo said irritably while trying to lie down.

Seeing this, Alana immediately got up and helped Leo arrange the pillows supporting his back for sleep.

"I can't sleep if I'm already awake," Alana whined, making Leo sigh.

"That's your problem," Leo replied.

"But you're the one who woke me up."

"No, I just covered you with a blanket."

"Yes, because of that, I woke up, so you have to take responsibility for putting me back to sleep," Alana whined again with her puppy eyes.

"It's up to you whether you want to sleep or not," Leo said, then began to close his eyes.

"Fine, I'll bother you if you don't want to put me to sleep," Alana threatened, but Leo ignored her and acted indifferent. However, it only made Alana smile.

Slowly, Alana brought her face closer to Leo's, and the next moment, Alana truly made Leo's eyes widen as her tongue swept across his lips. Leo immediately pushed Alana away and stared at her sharply.

"What do you want?" Leo said angrily.

"I just want to go back to sleep," Alana replied, winking.


"I want to sleep in your arms. Not difficult, right?"

"No way."

"Come on, we've been sleeping apart all this time; I feel so cold," Alana exaggerated.

"But if you refuse, that's okay. I'll gladly do what I wanted to do earlier," Alana replied, making Leo rub his face roughly.

"Come here," but the next moment, Alana grinned widely as Leo opened his arms and told her to come closer. Without wasting time, Alana tumbled into Leo's embrace, resting her head on Leo's arm, and hugging Leo's waist tightly.

"Comfortable and warm," murmured Alana while continuing to nestle deeper into Leo's embrace.

"Stop moving, or I'll push you away."

"Yes, yes, fine, but can you stroke my hair?" Alana said while tilting her face up, immediately getting a sharp look from Leo.

"Tsk, I'm just—" Alana's banter was cut off when Leo moved his hand on the top of her head gently.

"It seems I'm going to have sweet dreams," Alana murmured, tilting her face up even more.

From this close distance, Leo could clearly see Alana's face, and for some reason, his heart beat faster. Leo was sure Alana could hear it this time.

"Hurry up and sleep," Leo said while shifting his gaze, choosing to look at the ceiling of the room. However, instead of stopping the teasing, Alana made Leo more flustered.

Alana kissed Leo's firm jaw.

"Good night, my husband," Alana whispered, then tightened her embrace on Leo.


"Looks like you're in a good mood?" Rose asked when she saw Alana staring at her phone, still smiling.

"Yes, of course. Today my online shopping app is offering massive vouchers," Alana replied absentmindedly while continuing to fiddle with her phone.

Rose sat not far from Alana, placing two glasses of juice for herself and Alana. "How's Leo doing?" Rose asked.

"He's still comfortable in his wheelchair and still being cruel to me," Alana replied casually, making Rose slightly annoyed.

"That's because you're stubborn. Auntie already told you to get closer to him."

"I've even stuck to him all the time, but he always pushes me away."

"That's because you're not serious about getting closer to him," Rose said while taking her juice glass and sipping it, while Alana shifted her gaze from her phone to Rose.

"Does he behave like that to everyone?" Alana asked curiously because it's very rare to see a smile on Leo's face, even though Alana is convinced that if Leo smiles, he would look much more handsome.

"No," Rose answered.

"Really? So to whom can he smile?" Alana asked enthusiastically.

"To Selena," Rose answered while staring straight ahead.

"Selena, who is she?"

"Leo's little friend," Rose replied, making Alana nod her head.

"Where is she now? Isn't it when Leo is like this, his little friend appears?" Alana asked curiously, making Rose look back at her.

"Your guess might be right. Auntie thinks she'll come to see Leo soon, and at that time, you have to be careful around her!" Rose warned, and it made Alana furrow her brows.

"Is she dangerous to me?"

"Yes, considering your position."

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