"Awakening Series" by L.T. Marshall: A Thrilling Saga of Power, Transformation, and Redemption

By FictionMe

What happens when the outcasts rise to power and redefine the hierarchy of their world? L.T. Marshall’s "Awakening Series" takes you on an unforgettable journey of transformation and destiny.

L. T. Marshall’s captivating book "Awakening Series” brings the readers to a story of werewolves, domination, and a fight for justice of the oppressed. The first book, "Awakening: “Rejected Mate” opens with Alora Dennison, a novel’s werewolf protagonist, preparing for her Awakening Ceremony, the rite of passage of her kind. Alora’s coming of age in the werewolf world is depicted beautifully with the help of a rich plot, forming friendships one could not foresee, and the search for identity. Marshall has created a plot that focuses on the development of the main hero and the elements of the supernatural, making the readers wonder about the future of each character.

Awakening Series illustration

Plot Summary of "Awakening Series”

Alora Dennison, an orphan of the Whyte pack, is a young woman growing up in the world of werewolves. Before her Awakening Ceremony, a process by which werewolves change forms for the first time under the light of a full moon, she is lonely and unwanted, as her pack was defeated by vampires in a war that occurred sometime in the past. The ceremony is a significant event; it usually results in the identification of one’s partner, but Alora does not expect to find her match. 

However, something rather unexpected happens at the ceremony: Alora imprints on Colton Santo, the heir to the strongest pack in the state. His and her relationship is very explicit, yet they cannot be together because their social classes and the hatred between their packs do not allow it. The main characters, Alora and Colton, are in a rather complicated relationship, considering they are from two different races and are in love with each other, which is strictly forbidden; moreover, the battle against vampires is not over yet. 

The story takes a dramatic turn when vampires attack Alora's orphanage, leaving her as the sole survivor. She is taken in by the Santo pack, where she must confront the harsh realities of pack politics and the prejudice against her lineage. The budding romance between Alora and Colton intensifies, but their path is fraught with obstacles and challenges. 

Alora learns about her past and the truth about her family and her death which leads her to discover her inner strength. She finds out that she has a part to play in the war between the werewolves and the vampires and the destiny of the packs. Alora now has the power she has always craved and is developing a bond with Colton; she must accept her new position and stand up for her people. 

The novel reaches a thrilling conclusion, leaving readers eager to follow Alora's journey. As she prepares to join Colton and her new friends in confronting the vampires, the future of the werewolf packs hangs in the balance. The plot presents a stirring conflict between the oppressed and the oppressors, intertwined with themes of love, betrayal, and the indomitable force of fate.

Book cover of “Awakening Series“ by L.T.Marshall

Awakening Series

  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Author: L.T.Marshall
Alora Dennison is an orphaned child from a shamed bloodline, surviving in her family's old pack. On the dawn of her transition, pushing her into adulthood, in an unexpected turn of fate, she imprints on the mate she will be bonded to for eternity. Only he isn't the man of her dreams. He is the only one in the entire state she would never have wanted to bond to. Colton Santo is the arrogant, dominant son of the Alpha from a rival pack, which is set to unite the packs and reign in one kingdom. In years gone by, his disdain for her and any from her bloodline has been prominent. Her treatment by his pack has pushed her to live in near isolation, fearful for her existence. And now, on the dawn of her awakening, before all those assembled, they see her imprint on their future leader. Fate has decreed it, but everyone around her is about to try and stop it. Fate isn't about to make it easy on her either, as a long-forgotten war erupts in their lands, bringing an age-old enemy with a thirst for blood back into the forefront of Lycanthrope life. Will she survive long enough to ever find out why she has borne a black mark on her lineage her entire life? And why Colton's father is so eager to see her dead? Will Colton step up and honor the bond, or will he be the one to deliver the final blow?

Character Development 

Alora Dennison:

Alora Dennison is the main character of "Awakening Series”. At the start of the story, she is a sort of powerless outcast who is an orphan and resides in an orphanage and her pack. It commences with her preparations for her Awakening Ceremony, a coming-of-age ritual that helps her to become a real werewolf. Alora’s character is one that is well rounded and interesting, and she is both inspiring as well as complex. Over the course of her Awakening, she faces physical and psychological barriers and transforms from a cowering girl into a confident young woman. They are all qualities that make her a character the audience will be eager to see succeed in the end. The audience is engaged with Alora’s internal conflict, her struggle to be accepted, and her fight to discover who she really is. 

Colton Santo:

Colton Santo is the son of the alpha of the Santo pack and is depicted as a typical alpha male – hot, confident and rather arrogant at the beginning of the story. However, the interior of the character is much deeper than the outer appearance of the large man. When he and Alora imprint on each other, he gets a change in his life which he did not expect. Colton’s arc in the books is defined by his struggle to reconcile the part that has been thrust upon him with his wants and the emerging romantic interest in Alora. Analyzing his character, internal conflicts, and his transformation from a submissive son to one who opposes the reciting of the rules, I can say that there is some depth to the main character. Seeing Colton manage his duties, the dynamic of his relationship with Alora, and his personal journey is interesting and exciting. 


Vanka, a fellow orphan and Alora’s roommate at the orphanage also complicates the matter. Although Alora and her have the same background, they don’t get along at first and their relationship is rather frosty. The main conflict of Vanka’s character development is built on the notions of competition, suspicion, and teamwork. Its own coming-of-age and acceptance mirrors Alora’s, thus providing the book with a touching secondary plot line. Vanka’s creative nature, as well as her special talent to feel the whereabouts of other werewolves, also makes her an interesting character whose development is also interesting. 


Carmen, who is Colton’s ex-girlfriend and comes into the story as his girlfriend, adds a lot of drama and emotions into the mix. Her character shows the jealous and the pain of being left behind that comes with Colton and Alora’s imprinting. Carmen’s reactions, as well as the ensuing conflict, are a good indication of the dynamics of relationships within the werewolf subculture. It is an interesting process of her transformation from hatred and resentment to understanding and acceptance (or, on the contrary, to further conflicts) which is very typical for lovers who are faced with extraordinary situations. 

Juan Santo: 

Juan Santo, Colton’s father and the present pack leader of the Santo pack, is a perfect example of a traditionalist within werewolf society. Hence, his firm commitment to pack order and his disdain for Alora’s relationship with Colton cause conflict in the story. Juan’s character is also a credible opposition to Alora and Colton, pushing the couple to protect their relationship and their happiness. He is a symbol of the conflicts between generations and beliefs that define many of the series’ confrontations.  

All these characters are essential to the plot of "Awakening Series". The manner in which the characters transform, their relationships, and their individual battles make the plot very interesting and make readers have a soft spot for the characters. Seeing how they grow, face their fears, and reshape their futures makes the books a beautiful depiction of the concepts of identity, power, and love.

Book 1: Awakening: Rejected Mate

The first book of "Awakening Series" follows the journey of Alora, a young girl destined to fulfill a prophecy. Set in a world of werewolves, witches, and vampires, Alora's life is anything but typical. Born the daughter of three such races, she finds herself at the center of conflicts and prophecies.

Awakening: Rejected Mate illustration

Learning more about the story, Alora finds out that she is a very important character for the future of all supernatural creatures. She is accompanied by Sierra Santo a man who is somewhat enigmatic, he becomes a source of guidance and also her guardian. Together, they traverse the dangerous terrain of the world that surrounds them and meet friends and foes. It enriches the relations between the protagonists while depicting the concepts of trust, devotion, and the aspect of fate. 

Alora is faced with her own internal conflict and the pressure of her new role throughout the novel. She must explore her gifts and talents as the central character while dealing with internal and external conflicts. The tension rises as she has to understand her part in a prophecy that is either going to bring the supernatural species together or lead to their destruction. The first book concludes in a rather promising manner, leaving the audience anxious to know the further developments in Alora’s life as well as the outcome of the various dilemmas.

Book 2: Awakening: Following Fate

In the sequel of "Awakening Series: Following Fate" by L. T. Marshall, the main characters, Alora and Colton, are faced with resuming their fight against vampires that threaten their pack. The stakes and conflict rise when they meet another threat, a witch, which creates a new level of threat for the characters. Alora has premonitions that the vampires are not really retreating but are gathering up for another round and possible revenge. This feeling of the end makes the pack very attentive and cohesive in their actions, as they have to defend their territory and family members. 

Awakening: Following Fate illustration

Slowly, the protagonist of the story, Colton, faces difficulties in accepting his witcher powers, which are quite the opposite of his warrior spirit. He struggles with himself his desire to protect and the responsibility that comes with his powers. Alora, on the other hand, becomes more and more assured of her abilities and employs them to help their side and help Colton through his hardships. They grow closer as they have to depend on each other in dealing with dangers that surround them, be it vampires, pack’s own members or the witch. 

It gets more interesting with the appearance of a witch whose intentions and capabilities are not well understood. Her relation to the vampires as well as her ability to influence the events of the supernatural world makes her role in the story quite unique. The pack has to establish her motives and figure out how to eliminate the danger she presents to the pack. Thus, the concepts of loyalty, love, and the fate are presented as Alora and Colton try to defend their pack and win the freedom from the threats of their foes.

Writing Style of "Awakening Series”

The style of writing that L. T. Marshall used in The Awakening Series is quite appealing to the reader. Marshall writes in a very descriptive manner that helps the reader paint a picture of this world of the fantastical and the characters in it. The plot is well structured and moves from one scene to the next with the right mix of action, tension, and characterization that holds the reader’s interest throughout. 

Marshall’s use of language is quite remarkable and can be seen as one of the essential features of the play. The conversation is intense and natural, which enriches the personalities of the characters and their relationships. Descriptive works are quite detailed and help create a picture in the mind of the reader and make them feel as part of the story. This is perhaps one of the strengths of the author since the various emotions as well as the themes that are explored in the work are depicted through the words used. 

All in all, the quality of the work done by L. T. Marshall in "Awakening Series” enriches the plot and transforms it from merely being a story of the supernatural to a work that delves into the concept of one’s self, fate, as well as the significance of interpersonal relationships. Subplot and characterization are strong elements of the story and coupled with the linguistic creativity used in writing the series, the readers will be engrossed by this books.


L. T. Marshall’s book "Awakening Series” has been gifted with an interesting plot that combines supernatural feelings, strong emotions, and realistic character progression. In the first book, "Awakening: In “Rejected Mate,” the audience is taken through the process of Alora’s character development and strength within a strict werewolf community. The second book, “Following Fate” intensifies the conflict and introduces new threats while further developing the characters’ abilities and romantic connection. 

Marshall’s writing is engaging and quite vivid, with vivid descriptions of the environment. The characters’ speech sounds natural and proper. All the themes presented in the book are integrated into the plot, which makes the book interesting and thought-provoking. The detailed creation of the universe and the complex characters make the readers care about the events that are taking place in the novel. 

In conclusion, The Awakening Series is a great read for the followers of supernatural romance and fantasy. I couldn’t put it down and it’s fast pace mixed with the suspense and the emotional plot is why everyone should read it. Whatever you found interesting in the series whether it is the relationships, the fight scenes, or the werewolves, witches, and vampires, you will be captivated throughout the entire series.

Author of the review: Emily Thorne

Biography: Emily Thorne is a seasoned literary critic and editor with over a decade of experience in the publishing industry. She holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of Cambridge and has contributed to numerous renowned literary magazines and websites. Emily specializes in fantasy and supernatural fiction, bringing her keen analytical skills and deep passion for storytelling to her reviews. Her insights are highly regarded for their depth, clarity, and engaging style, making her a trusted voice among readers and authors alike.

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