Chapter 5

Emma’s POV

Everything was prepared already. I had bathed myself with perfume and shaved every nook and crannies there were to clear. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it, but still. After making sure the coast was clear, I put myself in a short white gown, accompanying it with light blue earrings. If he wasn’t to mind, we could grab some dinner.

Panic settled in me, washing and rushing past my mind like the glow of a river. What if he refused to come? What if he decided I wasn’t worth his time and decided to pass? I mean, he was Gideon. What if the breeze blew away the address from the table and he couldn’t find it? Something told me, though, he would have still been able to track me down.

And so, I waited. An hour passed, two hours passed. There wasn’t a specific time, and I thought that maybe I had dressed too early. I had been ready since 6:00 p.m. And so, I went on and on, waiting for the time when he would finally arrive.

Like an expected event, Gideon didn’t show up at all. I got up from the living room couch when it was past midnight, using a little bit of annoyance to eat the already cold dinner I had prepared. I slid off my pretty gown, throwing it on the floor and putting myself in my sulky PJs. A big T-shirt and shorts.

I had just landed on the bed when my ringtone suddenly interrupted me. I did a little search before finding the phone where it had been hiding, underneath the bed. I briefly used my right hand to hold my hair up from obstructing my view while I bent down to pick it up.

“Hey, babe,” I grunted into the phone, slightly disappointed it wasn’t whom I was expecting. The caller ID showed Lily’s name. Didn’t she have something to do?

“What happened?” Lily asked, her tone dropping to that of an affectionate lady she could prove to be sometimes.

“He didn’t come. Didn’t show up.” I don’t know why I was already emotional, but I guess it hurt my pride and prejudice and ego to realize he had found someone better. And just maybe he hadn’t been pleased with what he saw.

But then, he was eating my pussy like a starving man!

“Hey, love. If he didn’t show up, then that’s his loss. He just missed a big opportunity to bury himself with heat full of sweet things and heaven.” The fact that she was actually serious made me laugh out loud.

“Oh, Lily, you are such a gem,” I whispered.

“So, baby girl, don’t feel bad, okay? It’s his loss. And I’m sure there are better and hotter guys out there.” She confirmed, her voice set in determination.

“You think?” I snorted, and she laughed. “Okay, maybe not too many people, but we would have found. Eventually.”

“Probably. I’m going to bed right now. I think I’d just sleep it off. I am going job hunting tomorrow also and see what it looks like.” I informed her.

“Alright, baby girl, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Take care of yourself and don’t think too much. If you do that, I’ll visit you in your dream and set you right.”

“Yes, mommy, goodnight.” I ended the call. I guess I’ll have to sleep now. Why he hadn’t shown up, though, still had me curious.

Emma, you should sleep now. You have to look for good paying work, and think about helping your family. Yes, I’ll do that.

I was about to doze off when a doorbell rang. Was that my doorbell or my neighbors’? But I was hearing it in my house, so that had to mean it was mine? But who would visit me at this hour of the day? Maybe it was Lily. She had the ability to worry too much for her liking.

I waddled out of my room, past the hallway and to the front door. Opening the door, I was met with a shiny black suit. My heart skipped a beat. Slowly, I traced my eyes from the suit-covered chest to the beautiful face of Gideon.

I stood there, mouth open, trying to process why and how he had come to see me.

“Hi,” I almost choked out. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“What do you mean what am I doing here? Didn’t we have an agreement?” He almost growled. I stood there, perplexed and baffled as to why he was angry with me.

“But... but I thought you were no longer coming, and don’t you dare raise your voice at me.” I finished, pinning him with one of my strong gazes.

“Are you letting me in now or now? I’m happy to have this conversation with you when we are in the safety of your apartment, and I could spank you if you there much do what I,” he signaled to himself, “wouldn’t like.”

“Excuse me, but you can just stand in front of my apartment and threaten to spank me when you,” I signaled to him, “are the one that showed up late.”

His right eyebrow twitched a little, and he raised his right hand to push me inside. His fingers briefly brushed my boobs as he let himself in, shutting the door after him.

He grabbed me by the neck and hurled me to the wall. His hands still remained on my neck, squeezing and applying a little pleasure when he leaned down to whisper in my ear, the heat of his mouth fanning my ear. “Now, what was my little lady saying?” He whispered.

My brain was on overdrive already; my thoughts were jumbled up together and messed up already. I begged my brain, pleading with it for me to remember what I had been saying. It was hard, really hard, as he was still bent over me with his hands still on my neck.

“I thought so.” He mumbled. “Now, let’s get to business.”

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