Chapter 4

Slowly, he took predatory steps toward me making my heartbeat accelerate with each of his steps which was bringing him closer to me.

I watched him firmly, trying to not show my fear but somehow my trembling body made it unable for me to hide it.

Within a few steps, he stood in front of me, his eyes glued on my dress, he kneeled and I took a step back cautiously only to get my back banged into the wall.

F**k, no !!

I stare down at him, he pulled my dress up not touching my body at all, and then slowly pulled down my stockings, and then my panties, I shivered when the cool air got across my c**t.

“Ahh…” I gasped when his palm was placed on my entrance.

I looked down at him in fear, wanting to slap his hand away but somehow his aura wasn’t letting me do anything, I was trapped by his dark eyes, or bewitched by his aura, I have no words to explain anything.

He stood up, and then showed his phone which had a timer, “Smile…” He whispered in a low dark voice.

I gulped down nervously and then with difficulty tried to curl my lips up in a smile. After he saw my smile, he then pressed the timer button to get it to start.

“Ahh…” I screamed from pain when he pushed his two dry fingers inside of me at the very beginning making me squirm.

“Smile…” He seethed in my ears and with a sting in my eyes I tried to smile again, It’s painful the way he was pushing his dry fingers inside of me, painful yet humiliating.

“Ahh…” Another cry escaped from my lips when he twisted his fingers inside of me, giving me a terrible ache…

This man is crazy and lunatic, I leaned my head on the wall trying to keep the smile on my face, I needed the water for Lilly, for George. I glanced at the TV screen and saw the little boy weeping silently beside his mother.

His picture gave me strength, taking a few deep breaths. I tried to not focus on what that lunatic is doing to me, I closed my eyes putting my focus on the good memories I had with my husband, Theo.

While he kept thrusting his dirty fingers in and out of me.

In … Out … In … Out …

Don’t focus … Don’t…

I kept chanting, and finally, there came a ping informing me that the time is over, “Well done.” He breathed heavily, pulling out his thick fingers from my pu**y, and then he sucked them right in front of me.

Y**k … Disgusting…

I looked away with hot tears of humiliation streaming down my face.

He pulled up my panties and stockings back to the place and then lowered my dress properly without touching any of my flesh.

He stepped away and then handed me a water bottle, with difficulty I walked back the narrow path and then inside the caged room.


George’s dull face lit up when he saw me inside. I gave him a small smile and then with painful steps I reached Lilly. I sat and frowned in pain, cursing the lunatic man who had kidnapped us all for no reason.

I pulled Lilly up, keeping her in my lap and then I sprinkled some water on her face, and helped her to drink a little too. The rest of the water I gave to George and he drank all of it. He was very thirsty.

Finally, Lilly opened her eyes weakly, making George squeal in surprise, “Mommy… Mommy… You’re up… You’re okay?”

Lilly was still weak, she just nodded her head in response and then touched her son’s cheek lovingly, caressing them with her fingers slowly.

“He is fine, don’t worry. You rest Lilly…” I comforted her, I could see the worries in her eyes, who would have thought that this day would end up here for the mother and son instead of in their home eating McDonald's?

I felt pity for them, George had already lost his father and now, his mother is in such a weak state. But, I am sure she will make it out, and so does everybody, hopefully, soon someone will come to rescue us.




I don’t know how much time had passed, but it was a few more hours, I could hear people’s stomachs growling from hunger and so did mine.

I looked down at George, he was sleeping on my lap, and his mother curled in the corner. She must be hungry too, but the food… Who’s going to ask for it?

What happened last time was too disgusting for me, and I don’t intend to get that jerk's hands on me again.

I waited for any one person to make a move but no one moved from their place.

“I am hungry…” Finally, the woman spoke, she stood up with difficulty and then started banging on the door. Soon the others followed suit, I remained at my place covering George’s ears because the noises would surely disturb his sleep.

Curiously I stared at the ceiling to find the camera and finally, I did, it was hidden under the light. No one would be able to know about this, should I tell them?

I thought and just then the jingling of keys was heard and the door opened.


The man in the black mask held the gun and pointed at the bunch of people, “Get Back… Mother F**kers…”

Everyone immediately squirmed to the corner, “On your damn knees…” He yelled in a rough voice and everyone obeyed his command terrified of his aura.

He then started throwing biscuit packets to everyone, one by one, and one small water bottle.

After distributing them, he turned to me, and with an evil smirk, he placed the biscuits beside my knees and the water bottles too. I tried to not flinch from his closeness, he intentionally brushed his thumb on my knees, and I frowned in disgust.

He didn’t do anything more and then just left.


“Wake up, George… Wake up…” I woke George up gently and then fed him the biscuits, I even fed him my half packet too. And later, I woke up Lily too to feed her something.

After having a few bites, finally she was able to sit up on her own.

“Where are we?” She asked, blankly.

“I don’t know…” I replied, distressed.

“What happened?” Lily looked at me and then at the bunch of people behind me.

“Miranda… Isn’t that your name?” Lilly pointed at the woman who is a sweeper at the Firm, I didn’t know her name.

“Oh… Yes… Yes… It is my name…” She nodded her head in acknowledgment and hurriedly came over to us, joining us two.

“I know you both, You’re Lily Watson, and you are Eloise Muir… You got married recently, right?” She looked at me expectantly and I nodded my head in response.


“I was just finishing my evening shift, when I heard the gunshot, I made my way to the gate, and saw the guard on the ground, shot, bleeding, before I was able to raise the alarm something hit my head and everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I found myself here in this strange room…” She told us about her experience, she looked completely terrified.

“My mother is sick, I am worried for her. I am the only one taking care of her, her caretaker would leave after I return home but as I haven’t returned today, I wonder what was happening with my mother. I am very much worried for her… When will we go from here?? I can’t stay here for more…”

She spoke with a depressed face, we all are depressed here, we don’t know why the man has kidnapped us and what he wanted from us. What benefit would we, normal employees of the News Firm, could give him?

What was his actual motive in keeping us hostage here?

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