Chapter 5


I didn’t know how long it had passed when suddenly we all heard an announcement in the room which startled us all in unison.

“So, Ladies and Gentlemen… It’s time to clean your dirty asses…” A dark yet robotic voice came from somewhere in the room and subconsciously I looked up at the camera knowing that that kidnapper is watching us all the time.

“So, now get into pairs…” He laughed maniacally and it sent chills down my back in fear.

I am terrified to face this man again.

As soon as his voice vanished, everyone started to make pairs. The two old men made their pair, and the two young men made theirs, Miranda made a pair with Lily, while I, George, and another young man left behind.

George stuck his body with mine, terrified. It’s hard for the little boy, he's hardly nine.

“Looks like I’m left alone.” The young man said in an obvious manner as his eyes averted from George to me.

“He’s scared,” I told him, holding George tighter in my arms letting him know that he is safe in my embrace.


Just as we all are done pairing, after a few minutes the door flew opened showing the same mask man, he looked around with a stern gaze and then beckoned the old men pair to step forward, they did and he then handcuffed each hand of them together so they won’t be able to run or try to harm him.

The man looked skillful, he did his work with only one hand while with the other he was pointing his gun at us.

His eyes never went down to the old man's pair’s hands, instead, his gaze was fixed on all of us in caution.

After he was done inspecting, he recklessly pulled the chain and the pair left the caged room staggering because of his hard pull on the chains.


The door closed and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back in their own position, exhausted, frightened, and hopeless.


After at least five minutes, the door opened and the pair returned unharmed but refreshed. They washed their faces and looked awake now.

The two young men then followed the kidnapper.


As soon as the door got closed, the young man who didn’t come up with any pair turned to the old man's pair and then asked anxiously, “Where did he take you? What did you see?”

The two old men blinked their eyes in confusion, while one remained silent in fear, the other one spoke after a while, “He… took us to the bathroom… and then unchained us, kept one knelt on the ground with a gun on his head while the other uses the bathroom.”

“What’s the route? Is it a maze? Did he take you from the stairs? Are there any more men with him?” The young man asked, he looked eager for the information.

“It’s a straight narrow path from here to the washroom… And I don’t see anyone else besides him.” The man revealed and I subconsciously looked up at the camera. What this man is doing will put him in great trouble.

“Hmm…” He nodded his head thoughtfully, his finger tapping his chin as he was lost in thinking, and just when he decided to open his mouth and put himself in major trouble, the door clicked indicating another pair had returned.


Miranda and Lilly left and again the young man started to get information about our surroundings not knowing that the kidnapper is watching his every move.

“Shut your mouth or you’ll get us all in trouble.” I hissed at him and he gave me a pointing look.

“What? We are five men and he is alone, we can take him down.” He started encouraging everyone while I shook my head in distress.

“He…” Before I am able to tell the idiot about the secret camera on the roof, the door opens from outside revealing Miranda’s and Lily’s frightened faces. What happened to both of them? Did that man…? Different weird and bad thoughts occurred in my mind as their steps approached me.

“Are you ok?” I asked Lilly, as I held her shoulders and scanned her body.

“She is a little shaken from the gun…” Miranda revealed in a low voice, her eyes pointed at the gun in the kidnapper’s hand reminding me of the old man’s words, he kept the gun at the man’s head, so this is it all about her fear, not any assault that I had faced before.

I moved my legs in discomfort remembering the awful experience with the psycho man and suddenly he was in front of me, “You… And you…” He pointed at the young man and then at George.

I was supposed to make a protest when he knowingly pointed his gun straight at my chest making me back up in fear.


The young man and George vanished from our sight, Lilly looked at the door with worry, heavy tears pooling down from her eyes from worry.

“Don’t worry, he won’t harm George.” I held Lilly, comforting her with my words when in reality I have no idea if that man is capable of hurting a small child or not.

But, he is a psycho and he could do anything. Again, the hair on my body stood in panic but there is no way I could know if George is safe outside with him.

This time it was taking longer to return, and my heart started to sink with each passing minute.


My heart nearly jumped to my throat when the door clicked and revealed George.

“George…” I exclaimed and then rushed to him, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” George looked at my worried face blankly and then shook his head indicating to me that everything was fine.

Thank God.

I had just released a breath of relief when the kidnapper took the harsh grip on my hair and then dragged me out of the caged room mercilessly.

“No…” I heard Geroge’s fretful cry before the door was slammed shut by the kidnapper and then the rustling of the keys was heard as he locked it.

Dragging me to the narrow path, he opened the left side door this time and pushed me inside.


“This…” I gaped in horror when I saw the young man tied with the chains, his hands were held up chained at the roof and his eyes were covered with a blindfold.

Hearing my voice, he let out an anxious cry, “Help me… Help me…”

I gulped, looking around. I realized he had brought me to the washroom. It's quite big, there is a long wide rectangle-shaped tub in the left corner, and there is a shower room in the center with mirror doors to see through.

This place looked well furnished, not like an abandoned place at all.

On the side, I saw the open cabinet which had many things that people would need in the bath and shower.

If this man is so well, why would he kidnap us for the money? Somehow my nerves started to panic as I started to realize that this kidnapping might not be his plan to demand the money but for his own strange desires or ability.

I was lost in making the worst scenarios of this case when his robotic maniac laugh made me jump in fright.


“Help… He needs your help…” He said in complete mock and then walked towards him. He held his face and squeezed his cheek painfully which made him squeal from pain.


The kidnapper loaded his gun regardless of his painful cries to help, “You Mother F**ker tried to convince people to fight against me…” The man gritted his teeth but his voice didn’t match his temper at all.

“No, please, I have a wife… I have a family.” The man cried out in grief but the kidnapper remained untouched by his words, he held the gun up keeping it at his Adam Apple and the young man instantly stopped swallowing his saliva from the terror of dying.


I saw his finger moving to pull the trigger when I cried out impassively. “Please… Stop…”

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