Chapter 3

At the same time, in the reception room of the Eton Bar, the atmosphere was heavy.

The boss of the bar, the managers, security, and all related staff were standing in a row with great trepidation. All of them had expressions showing that disaster was about to fall upon them.

Because the Lu Corporation’s little prince, Calyx Lu’s precious son, had gone missing in their bar.

On the sofa, Calyx's face was chilly as always; not a single shred of extra feeling was showing on that ice statue. However, the pressure of a superior was pressing on each person present, causing their legs to soften and their sweat to fall like the rain. No one dared to utter a single word.

A young man was kneeling by his feet, face full of tears and snot, “Brother, I’m sorry! It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have brought Little Treasure to a bar! If anything happens to Little Treasure, then I won’t live any longer!”

As he finished speaking, a kick was thrown at his chest.

The sound of bone breaking made their scalps tingle, everyone present shook a little.

Lynx Lu clutched at his chest and coughed fiercely for a while, before immediately crawling back up and kneeling with a straight back again.

Their parents were still overseas on holiday, and have not heard that Little Treasure was lost. If they were to find out, then it would not be settled with a simple kick from his older brother, he could even be flayed alive.

Lynx's heart was currently like dead ashes; completely ashamed. Suddenly, a knock sounded on the door of the reception room.

The boss, who was the closest to the door, opened it. Seeing that there was no one at the door, he was still wondering about it when he bent his head, and was stunned: “Little…. Little young master!!!”

“Little Treasure……? Heavens! Little Treasure! Second Uncle’s precious baby! Where did you run off to?” Lynx crawled up from the ground to embrace the little guy tightly, he was so emotional that he burst into tears.

Everyone in the room held an expression of having survived death.

Calyx walked a few steps to the door, then grabbed Lynx’s collar to throw him away. He squatted down in front of his son, “What happened?”

After finally getting out of the clutches of his second uncle, Little Treasure grabbed onto Calyx’s hand, anxiously trying to tug him outside.

Just as Calyx got closer to his son, he smelled the strong scent of alcohol from his body. There was also a hint of a subtle fragrance, not the pungent smell of a perfume, but more like a flower that had bloomed on a glacier. The cool fragrance was inexplicably familiar to him, to the point that his heart skipped a beat for a moment.

Seeing that Calyx was not moving, Little Treasure pointed in a certain direction, anxiously making hoarse ‘huh huh’ sounds from his throat.

He picked up his son, and headed straight in the direction that his son was pointing in.

The people behind him, including Lynx, saw that something was up and exchanged gazes before following.

Five minutes later, the group of people stopped in front of a storeroom on the top floor.

Little Treasure twisted his body and dropped down from his father’s body, and beat at the storeroom’s door with all his strength, looking extremely anxious.

“Little Treasure, what’s happening? What’s inside?” Lynx was confused.

Calyx ordered expressionlessly: “Open the door.”

“Yes yes yes!” The boss of the bar nodded his head, then turned to scold the female manager at his side, “Manager Ye, what are you waiting for? Quickly open the door! Where’s the key?”

“Ah…… O-Open the door?” The female manager was stunned.

Oh no! That woman, Arisen, was still locked in there! She promised Chance to keep her at least until the audition was over!

However, with these two gods from the Lu family and the boss waiting, how could she possibly refuse? She could only tremble and pull out the key to open the door.

Once the door was opened, a woman lying unconscious on the floor came into view.

“What’s going on? Why is there a woman in there?” The boss raged.

“I…… I don’t know! There wasn’t anyone in there when I last checked!” The female manager suppressed the guilt in her heart and explained.

“Quickly! Just save that person first!”

Just as someone attempted to get close to Arisen, Little Treasure immediately threw himself onto Arisen’s body. His little face held a ferocious expression, not letting anyone near.

“President Lu, this…” The owner of the bar had a face full of bewilderment, and was failing to understand the current situation.

Calyx’s gaze swept across the female manager, whose face was completely showing her guilt. He then swept an eye across the ladder on the ground and the skylight that was only about the size of a small child, and was able to guess most of what had happened.

He raised his hand to let everyone retreat, then he walked over and personally picked the woman up.

That faintly cool fragrance was even more distinct in his embrace.

Seeing that Calyx had already gone over to carry the woman, Little Treasure did not stop him, but his face showed his unwillingness. He showed an expression that spoke of his inner thoughts: ‘If I wasn’t too small, I would definitely have carried her myself’.


The First People’s Hospital in Country A.

By the time Arisen woke up, it was already the next morning.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the man sitting in the chair at the window opposite her.

His slender legs crossed carelessly, he was wearing a fitted tailored suit outlining his broad shoulders and slim waist, with the white shirt buttons meticulously fastened up to his collar. Although he was clearly under the morning sunlight, his body seemed to be cloaked in a layer of ancient everlasting ice, his indifferent expression was like that of a king in a medieval castle.

The man seemed to have detected her gaze, and abruptly lifted that pair of ocean-deep eyes. His cold gaze seemed to pierce right through her.

That line of sight was too aggressive, like a sharpened scalpel, peeling her open inch by inch, giving her the creeps.

After trying to ignore him for a while, Arisen could no longer care about how uncomfortable this stranger’s gaze made her feel. She asked with an anxious expression: “Excuse me, mister, how did I get here? Did you see a little boy? About four or five years old, doesn’t really like to talk? He’s really white and soft, and looks a little dazed and cute!”


The man slightly raised his brow from Arisen’s description, he shifted his gaze to her right, and spoke with a voice as cold as his person, “You mean Little Treasure?”

Arisen quickly followed the ice statue man’s line of sight, only to see a white, soft little bun sleeping soundly on the little cot next to hers with an IV attached to the back of his hand, “Yes, it’s him! He’s called Little Treasure?”

Arisen finally let out a sigh of relief, and turned over to touch the little bun’s forehead, at least his fever had already broken.

She had started to regret a little after letting the child out previously. The child was so young after all, and he was even running a fever. What if something had happened to him after he had gone out alone into a place as messy as a bar?

Arisen looked towards the ice statue man, who had a formidable atmosphere around him, “You’re this child’s…?”

After speaking those words, Arisen found that she had just wasted her breath.

This man and the little bun were so alike, it was as if they had been carved out of the same mold. They were definitely biologically father and son.

Sure enough, Ice Statue replied: “Father.”

“Hey, little beauty, you’re awake! I’m Little Treasure’s second uncle!”

A large face suddenly popped over from the side, and Arisen subconsciously retreated a little. After looking clearly at the man’s face, she went into a daze, “Lu… Lu...Lynx Lu?”

The Lu Corporation’s second son, the owner of Golden Age Entertainment, had appeared in more newspapers and magazines than most artistes due to his eye-catching appearance and amorous personality.

She absolutely could not make a mistake in recognising this face.

Ice Statue was Little Treasure’s father, Lynx was Little Treasure’s second uncle…

Then wasn’t Ice Statue Lynx's older brother Calyx Lu?

Calyx Lu, the god of wealth as termed by the people; he was like the uncrowned emperor of the capital!

She could never have imagined that the little boy she had saved, would turn out to be Calyx Lu’s legendary bastard son, the golden sparkling little prince.

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