Chapter 4

Calyx sized up the woman on the bed probingly, as if he was trying to tell if the expression of surprise on her face was real.

After a long while, it seemed as if he finally believed that she had not known of Little Treasure’s identity. He then spoke up coolly, “Your request.”

“Uh, what request?” Arisen did not understand the words that had appeared out of nowhere.

“My brother wants to thank you for saving Little Treasure, he’s asking you to state your request!” Lynx had the expression ‘you struck gold this time’ written all over his face.

Hearing this, the gears in Arisen’s head spun quickly as she cautiously said, “You really don’t need to thank me. It’s true that I saved Little Treasure, but he also saved me. If it weren’t for Little Treasure going out to call for help, then I would still be shut in there right now, so we can be considered even.”

Although she was really lucky to have saved the little prince, how could she dare to claim a reward for it? The more money someone had, the more prone they were to paranoid delusions of being schemed against. Furthermore, this was the super rich, top-class elite Lu family they were talking about, it was already amazing that they were not suspecting her of directing the whole incident. Didn’t you see how warily Calyx Lu had been looking at her just now?

To avoid extra suffering later on, it was best to even out the relations between them.

Arisen had thought that there was no issue with her answer, but Calyx’s expression remained displeased, causing a burst of fright in her heart.

Did she say something wrong? Why was his expression so scary?

“Brother, don’t put on such a scary expression! We know you’re trying to repay a debt of gratitude, but those who know nothing about the situation will think you’re trying to take revenge!” Lynx could not bear seeing a beauty suffering fright, so he spoke up to break the ice. He then turned to Arisen and said, “My brother doesn’t like to owe others, you should just request something! No need to be polite!”

There were even people that would force others into bringing up a request?

The corner of her mouth twitched, “It’s not that I’m being polite, you really don’t need to repay me. What I said was the truth, if you don’t believe me, you can go check…”

“No need.” Calyx spoke simply and to the point. His face was starting to show hints of impatience.

Lynx spoke up, “There was surveillance footage of the bar’s storeroom. I’ve already seen it, Little Treasure ran in on his own. As for you, the manager of the bar has already admitted that she was the one who locked you in, so you don’t need to worry, we don’t suspect your intentions. Since you did save Little Treasure, just ask for something!”

Great, we’re right back where we started!

In the end, Arisen had no other choice. Under Calyx’s increasingly forceful gaze, she summoned up her courage to say, “Then… how about you give me money?”

The rich like to resolve debts in this simple and straightforward manner right?

Calyx should also be the type to like solving problems with money!

If she didn’t ask for money, then wouldn’t they think that she was eyeing something else? If not money, then people?

Just as Arisen was assured that this was the most appropiate request she could put forward, Calyx’s expression became even uglier.

Arisen was on the verge of tears. Why did he have to be so taciturn? If you have something to say, just say it out! Would speaking a few more words kill you?

Lynx Lu, the translating machine, rubbed his nose, “My brother thinks that just giving you money would be too insulting.”

Arisen was howling in her heart: It’s okay!! Just insult me!!!!

The Lu family’s status was too special and she just could not think of an appropriate request at the moment. Just as they were about to come to a deadlock, Calyx spoke up—

“Marry me.”

Arisen went completely lifeless for a second, before coughing fiercely, almost choking to death on her own spit, “Cough cough cough……what did you say?”

After finally managing to stop her coughing, she hurriedly turned towards Lynx with intensity.

Second Young Master, please translate!!!

However, this time it was not only Arisen, but also Lynx who was completely dazed. “Brother, what do you mean? I can’t even translate for you this time!”

At this moment, good fortune arrived and a lightbulb went off in Arisen's head. She said falteringly, “Don’t tell me you’ve decided to repay me with your body because I saved your son?”

Calyx inclined his head slightly. After slight thought, he nodded, “You could put it that way.”

Arisen strongly felt like she was in a dream as she looked at the iceberg-like man who had said such shocking words with an expressionless face. She held her forehead weakly, “Doctor… where’s the doctor? I think I may have damaged my brain in the fall, I’m having hallucinations….”

Next to her, Lynx had an innocent expression, “I didn’t even fall but I think my brain got damaged too?”

At this moment in time, no matter how strong Arisen's heart had become after getting abused a million times over, she could not accept the truth before her.

She had saved a little bun, and now the little bun’s father wanted to repay her with his body?

If this were someone else, then it would be fine. If they were somewhat handsome, then she could still treat it as a romantic affair.

However, this was Calyx Lu they were talking about, Calyx Lu ahh!!!

Based on appearance, she did have some looks to speak of, but what kind of person was Calyx? Surely he had already seen countless peerless beauties.

If he had only taken a liking to her, she would not have been so shocked. If Calyx had wanted to play with her after seeing her face, she could still understand, but what he had said was ‘Marry me’, this was practically turning into horror.

Most importantly…

“Aren’t you gay?” Arisen blurted.

“Bwahahaha….” Lynx laughed until he fell.

Calyx's face became black, the whole ward became shrouded in dark clouds instantly.

After a long while, Lynx finally managed to hold back his laughter, “If my brother was gay, then where did Little Treasure come from?”

“Well, surrogacy, artificial insemination?”

“If my brother was gay, then why would he want to repay you with his body!”

“To cover up his real sexual orientation?”

“Hahahahaha bro I can’t help you anymore…”

“I also heard… that the two of you are…” Arisen’s gaze subtly shifted between the two brothers.

“Cough cough cough….” Lynx was frightened to the point of choking, “Shit, that kind of taste is too heavy for me! Although I’m so handsome that I can go for both the men and the ladies!”

At this time, the center of the storm slowly stood up from his chair, his slender legs were moving closer to Arisen with every step, “Lynx, bring Little Treasure out.”

“Ah? Brother, what do you want to do?”

Calyx slowly fixed the cuff of his sleeve, “Proving my sexual orientation to Miss Ni.”

Seeing the other’s dark expression and the gaze that wanted to completely devour her, Arisen was so scared that she fell out of bed. She retreated behind Little Treasure, this close to just jumping underneath the bed.

“Mr Lu, I didn’t start any of this, it was all nonsense I heard from outside! You should chase all this back to the source! Also, you really, really don’t need to thank me, if you absolutely, definitely want me to give you a request, then I request that you please do not ask me for another request…. Ah, sorry, I have a very important audition coming up later, I have to go now! We’ll meet again if we’re fated okay~!”

Arisen spit out her words quickly and prepared to sneak away.

However, after just a few steps, Calyx’s cold voice came from behind her, “Did I permit you to leave?”

Arisen was so frightened that her legs began to shiver.

My life comes to an end now!

After a few seconds, under her death-awaiting gaze, Calyx passed her a piece of paper and a pen, “Could I trouble Miss Ni to leave Little Treasure a note, so that he won’t worry about you when he wakes up.”

Just…. Just like that?

She survived a close shave!

“Yes yes yes no problem! I can even write ten thousand words!” Arisen heaved a huge sigh of relief, and picked up the pen to start writing briskly.

Once done writing, deathly afraid of a sudden turn of events, she quickly sprinted off.

Watching the girl leave, the man had a deep expression, as if he were watching prey that had already been collared.

After Arisen had left, Lynximmediately sidled up to his brother and bounced, “Brother, am I dreaming? You really fancy Miss Ni? It’s already been 32 years, even perseverance was about to fail soon, and you haven’t taken a liking to any girls. Even I, your dear brother, was starting to suspect if you were bent…”

The moment the word ‘bent’ came out, his brother threw out the words: “Shut up.”

“Yes.” Lynx choked.

He really wanted to ask! Having to stifle this stomach full of curiosity was going to kill him!

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