Chapter 2

The thing that really bothered me. The thing that should not have mattered that did was that I hadn’t shaved my legs or my armpits in ages. There was no one to impress at the motel, so I was a hairy mess.

My bush, oh man, my bush was huge reaching all the way to my navel. The dark curly hair covering my lower stomach was a trait I had inherited from mom. I hated it and I never would have showed it to anyone. Not like any of that mattered, but my brain decided that’s what I would worry about.

Occasionally, my little tray would pause in front of a group of faces. The ones that I stopped in front of all looked human. I seemed to glide right past the strange looking creatures in the hall. I couldn’t wonder why that was.

The groups of men I hovered in front of appraised me. I could see them pointing at me and talking to one another. Depending where they pointed the light and the air currents changed. I was bent over, laid flat, made to sit, and made to kneel. I couldn’t fight the air currents, they were too strong. The light seemed to illuminate the part of me they were most interested in.

In one position I saw other dully lighted trays lining a raised stage on the far side of the room. Other creatures adorned those trays. All were held in a position similar to mine. A human looking woman was passing between them on the stage, placing collars around their narrowest part. It struck me we were being sold, this is what an intergalactic slave house would look like.

It was intolerable that humans were enslaving other humans. They should know this was wrong. Suddenly, I was livid.

This was insufferable. The last group of men had the air currents move me all over the place. The nerve they had to treat me like this. The auctioneers would probably kill me for my bravado, but I didn’t care. I was furious.

I tried to scream at the men in front of me. Initially no sound came out, some weird air current was preventing it. I glared at them and resisted the air currents. I wasn’t going to just be the puppet they wanted.

One of the males in front of me had long dirty blonde hair down his back, he smiled smugly at me and motioned. The air current preventing me from speaking was gone and I made the most horrible noises. I called them every bad name I’d ever heard and cursed them in every way I could think of. I struggled against my bonds and glared at them.

The men talked amongst themselves for several moments while I floated in front of them. I had run out of cuss words, so I just scowled in their direction. I looked around angrily and wondered which group of ass holes I would stop in front of next. Hopefully these jerks were done with me.

A massive dark haired man in the group made a motion and shouted something out. The air current over my mouth returned and my platform spun across the room to the wall. The light under my feet dimmed until it was just a dull glow. Humanoid hands placed a cool metal collar around my throat.

Oh God, what had I done?

I watched with terror as the auction continued. Despite all the activity, my eyes were glued to the last group of men I had stopped in front of. It appeared the dark haired man had bought me.

I tried to recall exactly what he looked like. It was hard to see him from this distance. He had been large and muscular, I thought. His chest seemed to have a metal breast plate squarely in the middle. I seemed to remember seeing the hilt of a sword at his waist. All in all, he looked dangerous.

I looked away from him for a moment and checked out the other slaves. Some look sort of human, but most didn’t. In fact, I didn’t see anyone else up here on the stage that appeared to be from Earth.

Scanning the auction again I didn’t see the dark haired man anymore. I had a moment of panic that he had left. If he hadn’t bought me, who had? The not knowing was worse than knowing.

A movement from by my feet caught my eye and I looked down. The dark haired man was there, along with the four other men and they were staring up at me. Their eyes seemed to be appraising me. I was acutely aware of how my legs were spread and what they had complete access to.

In my fright, my body did the most embarrassing thing. I pissed myself. The golden liquid splashed down my legs to the white platform.

The men looked at it curiously and seemed to be discussing it. The one with the long blonde hair reached onto the edge of the platform. I felt the air currents fighting him, trying to push him away. He wasn’t even a little deterred and dipped a finger into the yellow puddle. He examined it, as did his friends, and then he tasted it.

Bad enough to piss myself in public, now some alien is tasting it.

The female looking creature that had collared me came to stand beside the men. They looked warily at her. A long tentacle came out of her throat and delved into the ear of the long haired man. She was impassive, but the man bowed his head to her. She motioned and my little platform was clean of the puddle. The urine still clung to my legs and I wished the air currents would dry it.

The men stood at my pedestal talking and occasionally looking up at me. The questions plagued my mind. Had Dark hair bought me? What would they want me to do? Were they going to eat me or beat me? I felt nauseated and wanted to throw up. Then that would be stuck to me too, so I held it in and tried to breath normally.

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