Chapter 2. His Sex Slave


Stretching my limbs was a struggle as my peppery eyes flashed open to take in the dimly lit features of the room. It would have been better if I was locked in a gory dungeon than a room which made me feel more relaxed with my present situation.

I tried to summon my magic again so that I'd be able to free myself from the ropes that held my hands and feet bound, but it didn't work, instead, I felt a splitting headache at the back of my head reminding me of my father's death.

He was gone, just like that. And in my current situation, I was in no position to take his place as Alpha. I wondered how my people were faring and if they were in the same situation as I was.

The door pushed open, but I remained unflinching, staying at a single spot. With the presence of another person the light flicked on and I was able to see the faces of my captors.

Two huge men whose taut chests and arms ticked uncontrollably with no emotions in their eyes. They were the types that could kill in less than a second with no regrets, but fortunately, I wasn't scared of them.

I returned the gaze with a smirk on my lips, which they didn't react to. "You will follow us to the Alpha's room. He needs you to be present there." The man who had turned the light on informed me with a deep resonance.

I rolled my eyes then pushed out my hands and feet in case they weren't seeing it. "Sure, I'd like to go with you, but not with my hands tied like I'm a thief or something," I replied sharply while they exchanged glances between themselves. "Give me a break from these ropes, eh." I urged them, still pushing my hand forward as my eyes darted to the both of them.

One of them walked forward to me and then crouched to the ground. "Listen, Miss, you won't run your mouth like a parrot here. Don't forget that your life can be taken from you in a split second." He said, his steel gaze boring into my face.

With that being said, he pulled me up roughly and dragged me out of the room. My feet hurt, but I ignored it because I'd trained myself to endure any kind of pain. While we walked along the hallway that led to the Alpha Rolan's room, I realized that it was morning already.

My bladder felt cramped and the sudden urge to pee overwhelmed me but I didn't bother telling them. They stopped at a door then the man who threatened me knocked. "We have brought her to you, Alpha." He announced.

"Come in." came the curt response of the Alpha. Those mere words were filled with so much authority that could make the unyielding bend to his whims.

They pushed the door open and led me in like a sheep being taken to the slaughterhouse, the only difference was that this was worse than a slaughterhouse. I could smell the humiliation and embarrassment that awaited me.

"You may leave." He ordered, and they bowed and left without saying a word.

His legs were stretched on the sofa with a book in his hands. I raised my head and scrutinized his face properly since I wasn't able to do it last night. Looking at his facial features, I could tell that he was handsome but anger and bitterness had engulfed him which made him carry scowl all the time.

My eyes darted to his lips, which were pursed in a crooked manner as he swiped through his pages. I hadn't been untied and my hands were beginning to ache but if he thought that he could break me then he was in for a big surprise.

"I thought you needed me for something, Alpha, why am I made to stay tied up on the floor like a common criminal?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as he tore his attention from the book and flashed a deadly glare at me.

He dropped the open book on the sofa and got up to his feet, his full height intimidating as power exuded from his aura. But I hated him deeply, and if it was possible, I'd end him the same way he ended my father.

He bent low so that our eyes could be at the same level, then he grasped my hair roughly which caused me to wince slightly. "Now listen to me, Hermione. You are no longer an Alpha princess that can do as you please, you are my slave and not just any kind of slave but my sex slave."

My heart skipped a beat as he said such. I might be witty and strong, but when it came to men, I knew nothing because they repulsed me. Even after turning eighteen, I still didn't find my mate and I wasn't sure I'd ever get a mate.

"I... I can't be your sex slave." I stuttered in objection, and his grip became tighter. "It's not my fault that my late father put you in the dungeon."

His eyes burned brighter in a red shade and when he smirked, I saw his fangs flashed at me hungrily.

"Dungeon?" He chuckled darkly. "Do you know what I faced in the dungeon? Where your father treated me like I was the worst offender on earth just because I came to fight for what belongs to me."

I scoffed, "What is it that your pack and mine keep fighting about?"

He ignored me and then took his eyes away from me like my words had deeply affected him.

"Why don't you tell me, rather than keeping me here? I didn't do anything." I yelled, and he snapped his glare back at me.

"Don't you know that the sin of the father would be paid by the children? Unfortunately, you are his only ugly daughter and I'm not sure that you are enough for the terror that I'll unleash on you."

"You can go ahead, Alpha Rolan," I called his name with contempt, but if he noticed he didn't show it. "I don't break easily."

"You have no restraint for your running mouth, I'll have to teach you a lesson." He said with a manic grin.

I sighed and tried to shake my hair from his grip, but he didn't bulge. "Let go of my hair."

He was taken aback by my authoritative tone then he hit my cheeks, the sound reverberating in my ears. He glared at me, expression dripping with pure hatred.

"I guess I'm being too lenient with you, Hermione." The words came out cold and dreadful, but I kept my gaze locked on him. "For every time you disobey me, one of your pack members would pay the price with their lives."

I jolted at his words and realized what he had done. My pack would pay for my misdemeanor and that meant that I had to do everything he asked of me if I wanted to survive in this hell hole.

"You can't do that," I objected, my throat clogged with emotions.

"Of course I can. Now you're going to strip, then dance for me, I haven't enjoyed myself in a while since I've been trying to regain my authority as Alpha and ensure that my people are safe."

I didn't want to beg, but stripping and dancing looked impossible for me to do. He wasn't even my mate, so how could I do what he asked?

"Please..." I let out but his face remained void of any emotion.

"It's either your worthless body, or I feed on the flesh of any member of your pack." He said then he sent for a guard.

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