Chapter 2


"Ouch, that was deep" the students murmured...

**Wow! Fortune is the real deal!! 

**I know right 

**Marry me Fortune!

**My crush!!! 

**He's so mean though he said the truth 

**Disgrace to ladyhood!!

The students kept murmuring. Alyssa felt like ripping Fortune into two different halves right now, her body shook with anger.

"I know, you always wanted to fuck me but I won't let you, you won't even see the color of my pant, I promise," she said shamelessly and he laughed with disgust.

"The color of your pant right now is blue so what's there to see, when you're wearing just a piece of skimpy net that leaves nothing to one's imagination" Fortune added and the whole class laughed except Lila and Sydney who were trying their best to hide the laughter.

"I mean, learn from Alexia, she's a typical and good example of Ladyhood" Fortune concluded and the teacher came in.

"Go to hell!" Alyssa yelled and walked out of the Lecture room.

"Be my guest, skimpy slut" Fortune said and the class laughed again.

"Settle down please," Madam Lisa said and they brought out their Laptops.

"That was cool" Alexia whispered giving him a thumbs-up and a wink.

He lost his breath immediately and he blinked twice looking confounded.

"We're going to discuss the concept of modeling today and you'll do a project by the end of this week and I'll have to group you guys," Madam Lisa said and they all nodded in agreement.

"Why must we always do the projects? It's old-fashioned and stressful" Fortune murmured and Madam Lisa flashed him a glare.

He smiled sheepishly and held his lips tightly, Alexia couldn't hold in her laughter. Fortune glanced at her and he found himself smiling without a reason.


The class ended after two hours and Madam Lisa went out of the Lecture room. All the students saved their jottings and notes before returning the Laptops to their lockers.

"Yo man! Fortune I wish I was the one that disgraced Alyssa the other time I'd have fucked her and make a video of it today"

"How dare she say she won't allow someone to see the color of her pant when everyone already saw it," Franco said with a smirk.

"She's just all mouth, you can fuck her thirty minutes from now without going through any stress," Freddie said from his seat and some set of guys made their way into the classroom.

Tristan and his gang, the school thug and greatest bully. It's very obvious that he likes Alyssa but who cares.

"Hey! Repeat what you just said," Tristan said facing Freddie.

"You sure love looking for who will fracture all your bones to pieces, not bad anyway" Franco and Fortune laughed.

"Don't butt in other people's businesses" Leonardo growled.

"Okay, not a problem," they said again and concentrated on the drama that was about to take place.

Fortune and Franco had their phones set in place already eager to post something on a new day like this.

"I told you to repeat what you said" Tristan half yelled.

"Oh, you wanted to be sure of how shameless your girlfriend is" Freddie scoffed and made to leave the class to avoid trouble.

He kinda hates picking fights and he does his best to a avoid them but he doesn't care when he has to say something that's on his mind, he cares less about what anybody thinks.

"I said anyone can seduce and fuck Alyssa in the next thirty minutes without much stress" he added and Tristan raised his hand to punch him but before the punch will land, Freddie already gave him a taste of his punch.

Freddie might be the easiest among them, but he's got the strength.

Two punches were enough to send anyone through hell.

It's like that for all five of them so they had no problem defending themselves.

Everyone in the class gasped, well except the F5 who were busy laughing. Fernando just had a blank look on his face.

Alexia shook her head with a smile as she watched how hard Franco and Fortune were laughing as they made a video of the scene.

Her eyes suddenly trailed towards Fernando, and like always he had that blank pitiful look on his face.

Her heart went out to him and she instantly felt the urge to hug him and ask him what was wrong but she couldn't.

She couldn't get close to anyone emotionally, she'll end up regretting it forever, that's why she had no friends and even a boyfriend.

She just kinda feels safe talking to Fortune cause he had this trustworthy aura around him, but she still couldn't get closer than she already was.

His eyes met hers and she quickly looked away. He smirked and also continued what he was doing.

She faced the scene immediately and Freddie left the class with Finley who recovered quickly from his laughter.

Franco and Fortune were not even close to recovering from the crazy laughter.

"Fuck! Franco takes a look at the comments" Fortune said and continued laughing again.

"Hey! That's enough" Alexia said gently and they looked back to see her holding her head, her puppy eyes pleading at them. 

"Yeah, you guys should stop, it's annoying" Fernando finally spoke.

Alexia smiled as the voice rang in her head, it was too beautiful to be true. She looked back and their eyes met and held for a moment before Fernando stood up from his seat and headed toward her.

She quickly looked away but she closed her eyes tightly when she felt his two hands beside her.

She opened her eyes and faced him slowly. He was hovering over her but then he bent to her ear and whispered something. 

Everyone else wondered what he whispered into her ear but no one heard.

He stood up straight and left the classroom.

Fortune's expression dropped as he also walked out of the class.

It felt like his heart got stabbed when Fernando bent to whisper something into her ears, he couldn't let her see his reaction so he left the classroom with Franco.

Alexia had this look to kill on her face as she watched him leave the class.

"DON'T THINK I DEFENDED YOU BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, I ONLY SAID THAT BECAUSE IT'S ALSO ANNOYING TO ME, SO STOP BLUSHING LIKE AN IDIOT" she recalled his words and she wished he was still inside and so she'd have given him a taste of her precious slap...

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