Chapter 3

Jacob’s POV

“Oh, yes! Ohh!”

I groaned, closing my eyes as I thrust into Monica’s wet cove. She was one of the she-wolf call-girls in my pack and had become my distraction that night.

Despite the act, my thoughts were consumed by my mate, as if she was the only thing I could focus on. I couldn’t forget her face, her scent, or her smile. The mere thoughts of her had me aroused all day. My mate...

I imagined her beneath me, responding to my touch, her scent surrounding us, her smile turning into a look of ecstasy. Those images had distracted me all day.

Leaning in, I grabbed Monica’s blonde hair, thrusting harder and deeper. My mate was driving me crazy. I had experienced these overpowering desires for weeks, knowing I would find her soon.

Upon laying eyes on her, my inner wolf had nearly taken over, its excitement palpable. I had spent much of the day wrestling for control, and the burning desire stemming from my wolf just wouldn’t subside.

“Ohh! I’m cumming!” Monica said in a long moan.

My thoughts snapped and brought me back to reality. I could feel I was close as well, but this was not satisfying at all! Something was missing, and physical pleasure was not enough!

Planning to just get this done, I grabbed Monica onto her waist and slammed myself harder, my own orgasm meeting with hers.

She let out a long erotic moan as she cum. A low growl escaped my throat, it’s not enough.

Unsatisfied, I lay on my bed, letting my nakedness at sight. Closing my eyes, all I could see was her. My mate’s face kept popping up in my head as if that was all my mind has.

“Thank you for picking me for tonight…” Monica said, grazing my chest with her fingers. I looked at her and rolled my eyes, rubbing my hand on my face.

It wouldn’t matter who I pick, it was still not enough.

And it fucking frustrates me!

Sighing heavily, I stood up and took my clothes, put them on and headed to the door.

“Leave once you’re dressed.” I said, not turning my head back to her as I slammed the door and went to my office.

Brent, my Beta, was in the room as I arrived.

“I thought you won’t scratch your itching urges, Jake.” Brent said without taking his eyes off the paper he was working on. What is he even doing here at this hour?

“Why are you here?” I slumped on a couch, resting my head on the soft chair.

He didn’t respond. Instead, he slid the papers he needed into an envelope and walked over to the couch opposite me.

“Don’t change the subject.” he said in a grim voice. My beta wasn’t the playful type; he was more like a stone statue in human form, always serious.

I groaned and closed my eyes. “There was no subject to change. Why are you here?”

I suspected those papers he took were just a ruse. While this guy might come across as an emotionless prick, he could be incredibly nosy, especially regarding my affairs.

“You went to see your mate, Jacob. That was against the rules.”

I knew it.

He had come here just to nag me about that. I resented how betas became the balance of a pack, acting like a mother constantly harping on duties and responsibilities.

“If you were asking if she’s here and if I saw her, yes I did.”

It wasn’t the rules he cared about. I knew Brent; we had grown up and trained together. I understood that he wanted to set everything in its proper place, and finding my Luna and producing heirs were high on his list of priorities.

That’s just how he thought, anyway.

“Then why did you call for a she-wolf? You’ll meet your mate at the Ball tomorrow, and now that you’ve seen her, the urges won’t be that bad.”

You got it wrong, buddy. It even escalated in a different level.

I scoffed, decided to ignore him and his nosiness.

And Brent being himself, he ignored the hint that I didn’t want to discuss the matter.

“I saw how you fought the sexual hyperactive urges these past weeks. You denied the company of women, not letting the thirst be at ease. So why just now?” he continued to pry.

“Mind your business.” I scowled, my eyes are still closed and I wonder how I can close my ears so I wouldn’t have this conversation with him. “Leave. I have work to do.”

“Unless…” Brent paused and I opened my eyes, stared at the ceiling, waited for his conclusive ideas. “You don’t want her.” it was not a question but a statement.

Groaning, I looked at him. My expression darkened. I didn’t say a word, letting my eyes convey the message that I needed some space.

“You know you can’t reject her, Jake. No one can deny the mate bond, you won’t win against your fate. Whatever it is you seen in her shadow, it’s impossible to outrun it. If this is about what your brother said—”

Perhaps I had been too lenient with my Beta. He never knew when to stop prying.

“Shut up.” I said in a commanding voice, almost in a growl. “Leave.”

Brent paled as he felt the force of my alpha command run down his spine. I didn’t want to discuss my mate’s situation or my brother right now, and I was losing patience with his tactlessness.

Brent cleared his throat and bowed his head slightly. “Yes, Alpha.” then he left in silence.

Sighing, I closed my eyes again. The image of my mate’s face flashed before me, quickly followed by the smirking face of my brother. I didn’t want to think about them both at the same time; my mind was already overwhelmed by just one of them.

I understood that I couldn’t resist the pull of the mate bond. No matter how much I tried, I knew I’d eventually succumb to it. But for now, I needed to understand the extent of my mate’s vulnerability.

How far can you handle me, mate?


Lucianna’s POV

Oh, refreshing!

I had just finished my morning shower when soft knocks came from the door. When I opened it, a cart of food awaited me, making my stomach rumble. I hadn’t eaten enough last night! I’m a heavy eater, and the meal they served last night seemed fit for a diet. If they knew that I couldn’t easily gain weight, they might have given me more. No matter how much I eat, I never seem to put on any pounds.

Eagerly eyeing my meal, I wheeled the food cart into my room and positioned myself, ready to dig in.


Argh! Who’s calling just as I’m about to take my first bite?!

“Hello?” I mumbled through my phone and grabbed a mouthful of food, stomping my mouth with it.

“Hi, Luce! How is Shadow pack treating you?” a cheery sweet voice said on the other line.


II don’t have a mother; I’m an orphan. But the caller is the wife of Gamma Sol. Remember how I mentioned that Gamma Sol looked out for me after my parents’ death? His wife also treated me kindly. She even asked me to call her “mom”.

She’s a compassionate person, always showing enduring love for orphans like me. Even though I’m grown now, I frequently visit her. Their family offers a unique comfort, different, but still a solace for someone in my situation.

“It’s awesome here! I will meet my mate tonight!” I said in a high-pitched voice and she giggled with me.

“Don’t forget to tell me the glory details!”

I swallowed the food I was chewing before answering her. “I will, Mom! I can’t wait for night to come and ahhh, I can’t believe I’m already meeting him!”

She giggled on the other line. “Okay, sweety. I won’t disturb your preparations now. Don’t forget to not be brusque to your mate, hmm? You always scare the boys in this pack, don’t scare your mate away.” She laughed and I pouted.

“I won’t! I will only show him that I will be the perfect wife for him!”

“Atta girl. Okay, I’ll hang up now.”


I might not know how to act prim and proper or be more ladylike, but I’ll do my best!

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