Chapter 2

I had not called him. Besides, if I did, what the hell was I going to say? Hello, this is the girl you basically forced to call you at the restaurant? Hell no. Who knew? Maybe this was one of those rich white people things.

I was only glad that he had not complained to my boss. Because he (my boss) hadn’t mentioned anything about the incident.

It had been a week, and he had not come back to the restaurant. So, I was convinced that he was not going to come back. Now it was time for me to concentrate on my life.

Not that my life was anything special, to begin with. I had no friends, no social life, and I had a boyfriend I wasn’t so sure was my boyfriend.

I didn’t hate my life. But I would honestly prefer for it to be better. The long hours, the tiredness, and everything were just really exhausting. I needed a better life.

I walked into my apartment and saw my boyfriend sitting on the small couch I had placed in my small living room. It was weird. He was rarely here. And when he was, it was on my off days.

I smiled and dropped my bag and coat. I hadn’t seen him in days, and I missed him. As I made to go into his arms, though, he stopped me.

“What’s this?” he was holding up the card that man, Roman Reeves, had given me.

I feigned ignorance. Chris could get really temperamental. And I hated it when he got angry. Because it just made communication stilted and awkward.

“What’s what?” I asked, sitting on the couch next to him and making to hug him. He sat stiffly in my arms. I frowned.

“Chris, what’s wrong?” I asked. It wasn’t over a stupid card that he was getting this mad, right?

“I believe I asked you a question,” he replied, making me roll my eyes.

“It’s a card, Chris. Happy?” I asked and regretted it as soon as I saw the expression on his face. He pushed me away and stood up.

“So it’s like that now, huh?” he asked, and I sat up, hurt.

“Like how, Chris? I don’t understand.” I was honestly so clueless at why he was getting mad. It was a stupid fucking card, for crying out loud!

“Do you remember what I told you when you started work at this place? Do you?”

I frowned as I tried to think back. Chris had tried to discourage me from taking the job. He wanted me to come work in his firm as a secretary or so. I would have loved to if he wasn’t my boyfriend. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand people throwing around the word nepotism.

“No, Chris… I don’t remember. Please enlighten me.” I made sure to soften my tone because I actually wanted to know what was wrong.

One of the only things that had ever made Chris this angry was when I refused to move in with him. It would have made my life way easier. But first of all, I hated mooching off people. It didn’t matter that Chris was my boyfriend, I wasn’t too keen on that.

Secondly, we hadn’t been dating long. And in my opinion, moving in with him would just be precipitating things. And lord knows how much precipitation had cost me.

Sometimes I was scared of him. And what could he do when he got this mad?

“Stop playing dumb, Kayla,” he said, looking exasperated. I frowned a little then I recalled his words. It was almost like a light bulb had come over my head as it did in the cartoons.

There was one reason why Chris didn’t want me working at La Table du Chef. He was convinced some rich patron was going to come and sweep me off my feet.

“Chris, I promise you it’s nothing like that. That man gave me his card, and I had no choice but to accept it. I haven’t called him and I won’t. I can get rid of it if you wa–”

“No, don’t. I’ll do that,” Chris said. I cocked my head and nodded. I didn’t know what he had planned, but I didn’t want us to fight, so I was going to go with it.

“Can I get a hug now?” I asked, standing and walking to him.

Chris’s smile was devious. “Oh, you’ll be getting a lot more than that.”


I was happy Chris, and I had fixed things. But there were many more things I had to think of. Like work. I hated having to go to work early. But I had agreed when my boss had asked me to cover someone’s shift. It was too late to back out.

I woke up with difficulty. No, not because of Chris. He hadn’t spent the night. But I had slept late the previous night, and I was walking around in zombie mode.

I reached work early still. I was always early. I loved being early. There was something about it that just pleased me. It wasn’t because it gave me an added advantage over everyone else, no. I just liked being early.

I went straight to the bathroom and changed. As I was coming out, I was accosted by my boss. He frowned as soon as he saw me. I was confused. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I didn’t think I deserved that frown.

“You!” he exclaimed. I shook.

“Yes, sir?”

“There’s an exclusive business meeting here tonight. And they asked for two specific waitresses. You’re one of them. I want you to be bright-eyed and polite by evening. Understood?”

I nodded. When he walked away, I sighed. Sometimes it was like this man thought I had no life. He expected me to do everything that he asked of me.

I was biding my time. Someday, I was going to be able to leave. But for now, I just had to follow his every order.


It was time for the business meeting. My back was killing me. But I couldn’t do anything about it. I knew I had no choice.

Besides, they had specifically asked for me. Honestly, I had no idea who it could be. I hadn’t spoken with a lot of patrons. And I didn’t know who could have requested me.

I straightened my uniform and walked to the table. There sat five people, two men and three women. I smiled politely and looked around the table.

I was about to talk, but my eyes fell on him. It was him! Roman Reeves.

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