Chapter 3. Slutty Suzy and Bulging Muscles

Elena’s POV

The quarter is like an ancient castle built with the finest yet oldest bricks and pebbles from thousands of years ago before human existence.

Its windows were as shy eyes, large to welcome any ray of sun. The rock walls belonged right where it was as if perchance it had grown up right from that hallowed ground. It was as if it had been called into existence to protect those who came to dwell within, to quell the elements and allow heat to build from hearths into the inhaled woodland air. It was built perfectly for vampires. The walls had little or no cracks despite how many battles and wars have been fought in it. It holds memories that reek of ancient history, secrets, love, betrayal, death, happiness and sin. It is a lair perfect enough for the supernaturals.

At every sharp corner of the quarter, we have vampire guards stationed everywhere to protect the household, but my favorite bodyguard is Daniel since he monitors my chamber and he has always been diligent and loyal since the beginning of time.

“Hey, Dan, your muscles seem to be bulging so hard.” Suzy drew little circles on his bare arms, her little way of seducing him.

“Thanks, Suzy, it is just muscles. Don’t you have something else to do?” Dan stared at everywhere but Suzy. He has always had this huge crush on her.

Suzy rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Of course I know it is just muscles but my major concern is if you are okay down there.” She eyed his pants.

Dan coughed out in embarrassment and muttered. “I think you should leave Susan.”

Susan raised her brows and grinned. “I love the way my name rolls of your tongue. Perhaps we could put it to better use.” She bit her lip seductively.

“As nice as that sounds, I refuse to be a case of sexual manipulation.” Dan snapped, his white face was becoming pink either as a result of anger or embarrassment.

Suzy let out an awkward laugh and shrugged. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone for years.”

“I’m not complaining, am I?” Dan groaned.

“No one deserves to be alone, especially not a hot dude like yourself,” Suzy whispered in his ears, licked it, and walked away.

“Now what was that all about?” I exhaled heavily, staring at an indifferent Suzy.

“I just wanted him to loosen up a bit. He is always too prim and proper and has been like that since forever.” She shrugged and led the way to my chamber.

“Where is Hilda by the way?” I waved to the bowing guards.

“In the council meeting. The Norths came over.”

The council of vampires consists of the eldest and well-experienced vampires. The vampires are divided into two political parties. The Marshalls handles the southern part and the Norths handle the northern part but we are still the sovereign and overall ruler.

The council of vampires come to amend the constitution, create laws, and do all sort of governmental job to make the quarter a better place for all supernaturals.

“OMG! Who is that hot dude?” Suzy whistled and nudged her head towards the direction of my room door. He leaned his back on my door and has probably been waiting for a very long time.

“Cassius Aleister North. As the name implies, he is the heir to the Northern vampires, nothing spectacular.” I rolled my eyes.

“Isn’t he cute?” Suzy gushed and finger-combed her hair, in a bid to look attractive at the dying minute because we were almost near him.


“Cass, of course.” She glared at me.

“I’m worried about you,” I whispered in her ears and walked towards Cass.

“What are you doing here? Got lost again?” I gave out a forceful smile.

He stared at me from down to up and gave a cheeky grin. “Gosh! You look incredibly hot. I bet you will look even better without your clothes on.”

“What the hell!” I gave him a disgusted look.

Susan cackled loudly. “See, I like him already.”

“Hmm! Someone who finally sees me for who I am. I like you too Suzy.” He wiggled his brow at a blushing Susan.

“I should leave you love birds to catch up.” Suzy blew Cass a kiss and walked away.

“We are not love birds for Pete’s sake.” I stamped my feet and frowned.

“Too bad I don’t believe you.” Suzy hollered and slammed the door of my chamber.

“Whatever!” I rolled my eyes at Suzy and faced Cass. “Why are you here?”

He let out an exasperated sigh and licked his plump, red lips. “Well, the meeting got boring so I came to look for the hottest girl.”

“Good, you should leave now.” I opened the door to my room and stepped in.

“Why? You got a problem with me?” He strolled to my side and peered at my face.

“Ever heard of social distancing? I think the humans are quite familiar with that, douche.” I punched his chest and settled on a chair.

He tapped his fingers to his chin and stared at me with those grey eyes that remained sparks of the black smith’s fire. His brown tousled hair reminded me of deep caramel, and his white olive skin gave the illusion of warm creamy milk. If there is one word to describe Cass, he is the definition of beauty. He is tall, poised, elegant, rich, an heir to a respectable family, and a total douche bag because of his ego and pride and the last thing I will do is to fuel his ego.

“Why are you staring? You know it is rude to do so, right?” I scolded.

He let out a low peal of laughter. “I’m just wondering why you are immune to my charms. That’s strange.”

“Well, I clearly got vaccinated you know.” I grabbed a chill blood bag and began sipping lightly.

We were busy having small talks and bantering when Hilda barged in with a frightening terror.

“Why is he here?” She glared at me, her fists were balled so tightly that I feared she could crack her bones.

“He got bored and found his way here.” I shrugged at Hilda, why are you so mad.

“I was pissed before coming in but seeing his face fuels the anger.” She pinched her index finger and her thumbs together.

“Oh my, you really can’t handle my handsome face?”

“More like your face pisses me off.” Hilda slammed her fists on the wall.

Cass gasped, feigning shock. “You have got such a temper.”

Hilda licked her frozen lip and gave a forced smile. “Oh no Cass, I only have a quick reaction to bullshit.”

I was getting adapted to Hilda and Cass’ bantering when I heard something else. It sounded like howling, chanting, roaring, and all sort of supernatural noise, surrounding the quarter.

“What is that sound?” I gasped with terror.

“Just what I was about informing you before Mr. Ass got in the way.” Hilda hissed and brought out her daggers.

“It is Cass.” He muttered.

“The castle is surrounded by witches, vampires, and werewolves. An execution is about to be made.” Hilda hissed quietly and we all looked at one another with shock once it got registered in our brain what shitty thing was about to happen.

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