Chapter 4. The Contract

Khushi's POV"What?" His response caused my jaw to slump. 

"Ahan. Don't mistakenly assume it's a marriage proposal." Darsh paused before picking up the wine once again.

"It's a deal. A contract that will protect both of our lives from this catastrophe." He slurped the wine after finishing his statement.

"How?" I demanded after a few moments of consideration.

"Well, I'm a well-known and prosperous businessman. Along with respect, friends, and fortune, I've acquired a slew of adversaries who ardently want me to perish. They plotted this plan to destroy me."

The corner of my eyes stung again. "But why me?"

"They chose a random girl from the staff to carry out the plan because getting a girl from outside would have been far riskier. You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's why you're bearing the burden of the consequences." Darsh clarified, which infuriated me. 

They just randomly ruined my life? 

"H-how selfish...How could they--" I uttered with my trembling voice. 

"I agree. And I am sorry to let you know, but the footage has gone too." Darsh informed, and then I recollected we had the footage of me getting kidnapped. 


"Yes. Someone had already destroyed all of the recordings for today before I could obtain them as proof." He clarified with a disappointed grimace.

"You're kidding. Right? It's not true, right?" I queried, attempting to restrain my tears. It was the last piece of evidence I needed to prove my character!

"Unfortunately, It's true."

My shoulders sagged with despair. I wasn't sure whether life had suddenly decided to play a cruel joke on me. But then I experienced a sudden explosion of emotions.

"How could it have been deleted before you even got your hands on it? Huh? Or did you want to watch me suffer after purposefully erasing all the evidence that proves my innocence?" My words originated from a place of hatred and rage. I couldn't help but blame Darsh for everything, as his enemies had done it to me.

"Do you believe it isn't having any impact on me?" Darsh slammed the wine glass back onto the table and scowled at me.

"No! You're wealthy, after all! People are blind to your flaws!" I responded as the teardrops skidded down my cheeks.

"Khushi, to which world do you belong? Fairytale? Since the news surfaced, all of my stock prices have collapsed! My reputation is about to be shattered! My empire, which I have built by sacrificing everything, is about to crumble! And you claim I'm wealthy, so it doesn't bother me?"

"And you say it doesn't bother me because I'm rich?" Infuriated, Darsh took a deep breath and averted his sight.

"Miss Acharya, do you know your manager accused you of being a partner in crime with those kidnappers and claimed it was an act in front of the camera after you left." Uncle Hemant spoke up. 

"What?" My eyes broadened in astonishment.

"Yes. He even thought of calling the cops on you. Only if Master Darsh hadn't spoken to him and hadn't stopped him from calling the police, you have been arrested by now, dealing with a fake accusation without having any proof." He included, causing me to grow puzzled. 

That manager was so inhumane he tried to accuse me of everything when he couldn't do his duties properly?

"I-I'm sorry," I uttered a remorseful mutter as I realized my mistake. I was selfishly blaming him, but we were solely the victims of someone's ruthless desire.

"There's no need to repent. Just listen carefully to what I'm saying."

I nodded my head.

"When I told my lawyer, Mr. Yadav, about the situation, he recommended that we get married temporarily."


"Yes. You see, if we spread the word that we'd been secretly dating for a long time, our reputations can get restored. A girlfriend and a boyfriend can be in a room alone, correct? And to avoid any further suspicions, we can get married for a few years and then divorce each other." Darsh demonstrated solemnly. His plan appeared to be sound, but there was one flaw.

"It's not a half-bad idea," I said hesitantly.

"Half bad?" Darsh folded his arms across his chest and gave me a displeased look.

"I was under the impression that we were in desperate need of ideas right now!"

"I understand your explanation, but as someone who comes from a middle-class background, I think it's only half-good. Meeting your unmarried spouse in a hotel room is almost a crime! They're still going to kill me!" I explained.

"What the—?" 

"Language, Master," Uncle Hemant interrupted Darsh as he was about to curse. He clamped his lips together, refusing to utter the words that followed.

"This woman is being completely dumb here! And I'm not even allowed to curse? What is this nonsense?" Darsh grunted. His face flushed with wrath, and his gaze riveted on the window. We could glimpse the night cityscape from there. A beautiful starry night that turned out to be the ugliest for both of us.

I let out a sigh as I considered the issue.

He is right. For now, I should grab anything that would help me to get out of this misery.

I was about to say yes to the marriage contract when Darsh turned his head toward me and uttered, "I'll pay you for being my wife."

"What?" I gasped.

"Yes, did you think I wouldn't?" Darsh sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Then let me explain to you about the primary regulations that Mr. Yadav and I have established." He stated it as he reached for his phone on the table. Most probably, Darsh opened a document and began to read something from it.

"Condition number 1: The marriage contract is for two years, after which we will file for mutual divorce.

No. 2: I'll pay you to play my wife.

No. 3: You must attend every conference and party I'd ask you without any questions asked.

No. 4: No one may take advantage of the situation by touching the other. However, it's acceptable with approval.

No 5: And the most significant one: We can't fall in love with each other."

He raised his sight to me, anticipating my response. "There are a couple of additional terms and conditions. As soon as I finish the papers, you can inspect them." 

"The terms look all in my favor." After hearing his statements, I mumbled. Darsh chose not to respond and returned his attention to the window.

"Master Darsh desired a beneficial deal for you because this incident caused you a lot of damage." Instead, Uncle Hemant uttered. "He just won't say it since he despises being labeled nice."

My ears rang with disbelief. The snobbish CEO, whom I had classified as a jerk, turned out to be a kind person secretly. 

I felt there was no way out of my predicament, yet the stranger I detested the most came to my rescue like an angel.

"It's nothing like that! Don't pay attention to him!" Darsh complained, visibly displeased by Uncle Hemant.

Tears streamed down my cheeks once again as I knelt on the floor.

"Mr. Darsh Sinha, thank you so much. I'll do whatever you say. You have saved my family and me. I'll be eternally grateful to you! Thank you very much!" I lowered my head, almost touching the floor, and expressed my gratitude over and over.

"Please, get up. I'm not doing anyone any favors. It's clear business." Darsh commanded.

My glossy eyes met his icy, emotionless pupils as I raised my head.

"Get to your feet. Right now." He ordered again. And I obeyed.

As I reclaimed my seat on the couch, Darsh said, "If you want to add any other condition, note it down and let me know later."

"How?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Of course, I'll give you my number. If we are going to act like a couple, we should know each other's phone numbers. Isn't it?" His eyeballs rolled once again. 

"Fine," I said.

"But there is a minor issue," I muttered under my breath, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Now what?" Darsh hissed, one of his brows furrowed.

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