Chapter 5


(Crescent Moon's Pack)

Asher's Point Of View

Hmmm. I moaned. Gently I moved my head buried in the pillow. I moaned deeper, loving the sensual sensation that paced up and down the skin on my back. I turned around. My eyes roamed down the naked body of the she-wolf next to me. She moved her dainty body to mine. Her bare skin rubbed against mine. She pinned her hips to my waist, slowly moving against me.

I moaned at the intense sensual building down there. Her lips pressed on mine. I enjoy the sultry kisses for a while before retreating away. I didn't have the strength to take on more than I could handle. We had a couple of drinks last night. One thing led to another and here she was completely naked in my bed. It was bright outside and apparently, I had overslept.

I stretched from the bed. My eyes fell on the she-wolf on the bed. "Thanks for last night Zoey"

Before she could reply, I pulled away from the sheets. My naked ass headed into the bathroom for a shower. I slid under the running shower. It races from my hair and soaks my body in one refreshing rush. I rubbed on my arms, chiseled bare chest and my torso attempting to rid myself of last night's sweat.

By the time I was out, Zoey was gone. I was glad she didn't need me to spell it out for her. Whatever happened between us was just plain sex and nothing more. No strings attached. I plucked out black jeans and a blue V-neck shirt to begin the day. I had a heap of things to tend to today.

I strode out of the room, located on the top floor of the mansion. I ambled down to the kitchen, totally famished and in need of anything that could quell the insane hunger in my stomach.

"Good morning Aunt Lizzy" I kissed her cheeks as she bustled past me heading to the Alpha's office in haste.

"Morning sweetie!" She replies absentmindedly. So unlike her. Something was up.

I tailed behind her in a chase. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

She gripped my muscular arm, tugging me into the Alpha's office with her. Everyone was gathered for a meeting. I made a quick greeting to everyone. I walked with her to where Uncle Xavier was seated. Aunt Lizzy, the Pack's delta-female, took a seat and I stood behind her. Uncle Mitch, the Pack's beta, was seated at the Alpha's table. Opposite him was the Pack's head Coven witch, Aunt Rhona. Next to her, leaning against the royal blue wall was the French quarter head witch, Uncle Benjamin.

Aunt Gabi, the Pack's beta female, and Uncle Mitch's mate was seated on the long couch along with Aunt Neela, a witch. And her chosen mate, Uncle Declan, the head Vampire of the Eastern Vampire Coven. Aunt Allegra was leaning on the armchair closest to the door. She was Uncle Benjamin's chosen mate and a vampire warrior. She was a badass. Theo was pinned on the armchair next to Aunt Rhona's. As the day passed, he looked more like the future Alpha of the Crescent Moon's Pack.

Theo was the Alpha Hybrid's second child. Half-vampire and half-wolf. He also inherited some of the Luna queen witch's blood. But he is more inclined to his wolf and vampire part. Though I was two years older than him, he had broad shoulders and the masculinity of a strong warrior. But still, he was like a baby brother to me. And I could see why the Alpha Hybrid and Luna queen always held him in high regard.

I pondered involuntarily, my thoughts dwelling on my father. Before I let sadness and resentment swim through, I was quick and smart to abandon it and the melancholy vibe it always brought.

"There's been another death" Uncle Mitch's hoarse voice broke through. He wasn't one to beat around the bush.

There was a sharp intake of air and quiet gasps.

"Who was it this time?" There was an uncomfortable, and eerie emotion that dangled in Uncle Xavier's words.

"An Elder witch. Elder Elona" Aunt Rhona spoke up, quietly.

They all had frightful gazes but were not shocked. For some years now, there have been mysterious deaths occurring in the magical world. Whatever or whoever was behind this, unfortunately, has been taking down powerful high-ranking officials from different magical kinds. A month ago, it struck the Faes kingdom. Two weeks ago it claimed the life of the black panther queen. And now an Elder witch.

I shook my head listening more.

"Her body had the same mark as the others." Uncle Mitch informed us.

"No one is safe any longer" Aunt Lizzy mumbled, but we all could hear her.

"The Luna is still at Wiscon. It seems like she found something from Cyrene. And a meeting has been called by the Council" Uncle Mitch added again.

"Is the Alpha Hybrid aware of the meeting?" Uncle Benjamin's cool voice sounded. There was a short mute silence.

"I sent word to Carter and Blake to inform him. He has his hands full at the moment" Uncle Mitch rasped.

Everyone nodded, as if thinking of his last words. Uncle Cameron was the Alpha Lord of our kind. Also known as the Alpha Hybrid. Half Alpha, and half Vampire. He was respected as the Alpha of all Alphas. He was turned magically into a vampire by the French quarter witches at the age of six when the Pack was in some danger. But it was all behind us now.

I sighed, just thinking of it brought back feelings I didn't want to feel. It reminded me of my unruly fate. The meeting was concluded. Aunt Rhona and Uncle Benjamin would be attending the Council meeting in Nevada.

I strode out with Theo. My hands shoved into my jeans pocket. He seemed deep in his thoughts. His rich, silky jet black hair hovered slightly above his thick black brows. His golden eyes stared blankly into space. He was a sculpted image of Uncle Cameron and was growing more into him. He had Aunt Davina's perfect and immaculate face. Upon the thought of the Luna Queen, her beautiful face conjured in my head. I smiled.

The first few years I moved to the Crescent Moon's Pack, she made it bearable for me. She made the sadness of being tossed aside by my father, and Alpha to the Black Blood Pack bearable. She was a pure-blooded witch, who had experienced lots of pain and sadness. I was told she died many years ago during a war. But her mate, Uncle Cameron turned her into a vampire and now she's part vampire but still has her witch powers

"Things are getting more fucked up bro" Theo's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

His worrisome gaze met mine. Theo had never been one to talk so much. I watched him grow since he was three. It was sad to see the familiar sadness that had tormented me for years in his gaze. He usually masks it underneath his expressionless demeanor. Theo had recently turned sixteen. But he matured in every aspect. I could see the heavy burdens he carried, and there was nothing I could do to help alleviate them.

Growing up I watched this same sadness in his eyes envelope Uncle Cameron and Aunt Davina. They had lost their eldest child many years ago. Or rather, she was stolen from them before she was born. It was some serious dark witchcraft. That sadness had dwelt with the entire Pack for seventeen years now.

Frankly, no one knew if the lost princess was still alive or not. But they never stopped searching for her. Uncle Cameron spends every second of his existence scattering the earth in search of the people who took her and Theo had to step up at a young age as the next in line Alpha.

"Asher----" I turned to Theo.

"It'll be alright Theo." I tried sounding optimistic. Finding it hard to believe my own words. I doubted things would ever be alright.

How could we fight something that we didn't know? What's worse was that it was attacking high-ranking officials. No one was safe. And I could understand Theo's worry. It was certainly called for. Aunt Davina often visited but has been away in Wiscon with the witch Cyrene, a witch, blessed with the gift of foresight. Theo was just still a child who was worried about his parents while pretending he was strong.

Uncle Mitch and Aunt Gabi's sons, Daryl and Carl joined us as we crossed the meadow and moved to the large training ground. Carl had a twin, Louis; they were Uncle Carter and Aunt Lizzy's precious sons.

We reached the training ground. The smell of sweat lingered around. Warriors from different supernatural kinds sparring with each other. The Crescent Pack had an Elite team composed of several warriors from different kinds and races. That was the best part about the Crescent Moon Pack, it welcomed all supernatural beings irrespective of their kind or race. We had werefoxes, black panthers, weretigers, vampires, wolves, witches, and many more.

I sighted Jesse and Malia training. They were only training, but Malia as usual fought with strong zeal and vigor. No wonder why she was the best female warrior, second best to Theo and I. And the adopted daughter of Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Allegra. She was a were-coyote and a member of the Elite team. In a second, she had Jesse, one of the finest warriors pinned to the ground.

I smirked at her.

"Geez. Someone, please tell them this is a training ground and not a fucking motel!" I turned my attention to Shirley. Daryl's younger sister. "Get a room you two!" She yelled over her shoulders to Louis who was sucking the face of a random she-wolf.

She joined us with Amy and Kayla. She was a replica of Aunt Gabi.

"I can't believe he's your brother. How can you both look the same but with two opposite personalities" Kayla plopped on Carl's lap. They weren't mates but a couple. Kayla was Uncle Declan and Aunt Neela's daughter. She was taken in by them after she lost her parents in the war.

Malia and Uncle Xavier's son, Eric approached us.

"So do you have any plans for tomorrow's birthday girl? Amy, the chirpy and quirky one asked in glee. Her eyes took in Malia's every movement. She was Uncle Cole and Aunt Rosalie's daughter.

All eyes fell on Malia. Everyone knew exactly how the savage queen planned to spend her day, just like every other birthday.

She would be eighteen tomorrow. She was feminine in every way. She had the perfect curves, a wide ass, and a full chest. But she hated things like parties, and every other girlie thing the girls liked to engage in. She rather preferred to be locked up in the field training and getting butts kicked.

"Nothing special. Just the normal routine" She dropped, stealing a bottle of water from Eric's brother, Enzo. He was a vampire, adopted by Uncle Xavier and his mate, Aunt Sloane.

"Hey, Mal. I was drinking that!" Enzo rasped, attempting to grab the bottle back.

"You can have it" She tossed the bottle back at him, after drinking from it.

Enzo scoffed. "That was mine to begin with..."

"You're welcome"

"Enough with the bickering you two!" Amy shrieked. Those two were like cats and dogs. Tom and Jerry. Always at war with each other.

"Hmm. Hmm…."Kayla shook her head sideways in a disapproving manner. She was up from Carl's lap. "My dear savage queen. We will get you all dolled up and will be taking you out for a change."

Malia groaned. Standing to her feet. But Louis was quick to block her path, sending her back to her seat.

"A new club is opening tomorrow night in town," Louis smirked with a sheen.

"For a change, you are useful" Shirley chimed. Louis rolled his eyes at her remark. "Then it's settled. Party tomorrow night!"

Everyone giggled. But Malia groaned.

I sent her an encouraging smile, my smile fading away as quickly as it came. I felt a churn deep within me like a beast waking from a deep slumber. Azalea. My demon counterpart. My fist clenched into a ball at his sudden words.


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