Chapter 2

I shook my head and stared at my half eaten dinner. The best steak joint in town and I can't eat the food because I have to spend all my time sneaking glances at the mystery man. I stabbed into my steak with a disgusted sigh. I'm not even paying attention to the date that was so anticipated. I looked up at Jeff and he continued on about the benefits of a 15 year mortgage. He looked happy, I must be nodding at all the right times.

What I really needed wasn't a man that knew about mortgages. What I needed was a man to slip between my legs and do something. At this point anything would have been acceptable. Even the pitiful fumbling of my high school boyfriends, the last time I dated, was looking like something I'd want to repeat.

'No, no, no,' I chastised myself. Dating is for marriage and that is what I am here for.

I glanced up and was sorely disappointed. Of course Jeff was still there, but Mr. Tall and Dark was gone. Well, at least now I could pay attention to Jeff, except for the irritating wetness down in my underwear. I squirmed in my seat trying to find a position where I didn't feel like I was sitting in a puddle.

"Um, excuse me Jeff I just need to use the women's facilities," I muttered smiling. Jeff returned my smile and stood up gesturing back the way we had come in. He rattled off a series of directions that went in one ear and out the other.

I moved through the restaurant inwardly cursing myself for wasting a perfect dating opportunity with Jeff. Instead, I flirt with some guy I'll never see again. I tried to relax as I walked, but Mr. Tall and Dark had me feeling out of sorts.

I quickly got turned around in the maze of rooms and realized I was lost. In a corner a gaggle of waitresses were clustered together talking excitedly and I stopped to ask for directions. They almost fell over themselves to show me where the bathrooms were. 'Well, this place was supposed to be known for it's service,' I thought to myself.

The bathroom really was an art deco affair complete with individual rooms for complete privacy and a large central mirror for primping. I stood in front of the ornate gold mirror cursing myself and fluffing my curls. Not that it was changing the look at all, I noted.

Suddenly, I was not alone. As he pushed me back into one of the private bathrooms Mr. Tall and Dark closed the door behind him. I was wrong, not tall, huge. His hands roughly gripped my upper arms and forced me against the wall. I squeaked when my back touched the tile and looked up at him. His face was unreadable as his fingers lightly grazed my cheekbone. "This is the ladies room," was all I could think to say to him. He smiled a little as his thumb lingered over my lower lip.

Close up the man smelled amazing, like leather and spice. He was so close I could feel the heat rising off his chest. That was bad, so bad. Suddenly it hit me, I was about to be raped in the women's restroom.

I put both hands on his chest and shoved, hard. He didn't even budge. I opened my mouth to scream and it was covered with his just as quickly. He tasted like wine, heady red wine. His tongue was in my mouth rubbing along my own. I had very little experience with kissing, but even I knew when it was being done right. Tentatively I brushed my tongue against his and was rewarded with a low groan. I savored the feel of his big warm hands cupping my face and cradling my head. I wasn't fighting him anymore, I realized.

He was tempting me with his seductive mouth as he used his body to hold me against the wall. The man was determined and brazenly ran his hands down my body over my waist to rest on the swell of my ass. He started to rub gently, taking handfuls then releasing. My skirt was slowly starting to bunch around my waist. I had curled my fingers over warm hard muscles of his chest. Pectoralis muscles, I reminded myself, as my eyes flew open.

'I am a doctor. I am in a nice restaurant looking for a man to marry. I'm not desperate enough to do it with some stranger in a bathroom,' I thought to myself.

Turning my head quickly away I pushed at him again. He laughed and nuzzled my neck nipping at the skin there. His 5 o clock shadow was rough and I shivered.

Finally, he had succeeded in totally moving my skirt out of the way so it was bundled at my waist. I felt his hands slipping under my underwear and pushing it away. The damp silk slipped down my legs to pool gracelessly at my feet. Mr. Tall and Dark used the opportunity to grab my ass in earnest. He groaned low in his throat as he caressed handfuls of my derriere. I continued to push futilely on his chest.

"Stop this right now," came out more breathless than originally intended.

He didn't seem to notice and moved one hand around to place over my now very exposed mound. His lips were traveling down my neck leaving a wet path as he kissed and sucked at the sensitive skin.

What I meant to say next was, I'm going to scream, what came out when he slipped his fingers between my moist lower lips was entirely different. His rough fingers were explorative to say the least. They traveled the length of my slit to play gently over that tender ready bundle of nerves. It was heavenly. He touched me with a finesse I'd never experienced.

I slipped my feet out of my worthless underwear and spread my legs to give him better access. Mindlessly, I started rubbing my hands up and down his muscular chest. Returning his mouth to my lips I aggressively kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth and tasting him. His fingers continued to flick and rub, stroking down my labia to come to rest right at the entrance to my womanhood, returning to start the circuit again. Pulling away from my kiss swollen lips he stared down into my eyes watching my arousal with obvious pride.

I was quickly coming undone. My hips were moving between his large hands and totally under their control. Lost in the sensations I ground my pelvis into his fingers wanting so much more. I wove my hands through the hair at the nape of his neck, loving the feel of the smooth strong muscles beneath.

Breaking our staring contest he bent forward and took a nipple in his mouth, shirt and all. I lost it. Moaning, convulsing with his fingers just slipping into my body it was a mind blowing orgasm.

My legs felt weak, my breathing came in rapid little pants. My pale skin was hot and I knew it had an unmistakable flush. He leaned against me resting his forehead on my head. I couldn't decide if I was humiliated until he slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked. That did it.

I pulled my skirt down and tried to wiggle past him to the door. He stopped me with one strong arm. Pinning me with his hip to the wall I realized just what huge meant. I could feel the outline of him burning into my stomach. My eyes went wide when I realized what he must think I 'owed' him. I sucked in a horrified gasp and searched his face.

He was smiling down at me, no malice on his face at all. "You are perfect," he murmured before placing a chaste kiss over my forehead.

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