Chapter 3

Hailey’s POV

5 years earlier

One could start with the beautiful weather or the sweet scent of flowers. One could also start with the peace that serenaded the air. Today was going to be a good day, I was sure of it or so I thought.

"Hailey, you are going to be late for your audition," Anna yelled from downstairs.

"Not like I am going to get the part though," I muttered.

You cannot blame me for losing hope. I have had this same routine for 3 years now; wake up and rush out for an audition that I end up never getting. My love came crashing right before my eyes and I could do nothing about it.

"Hailey!" Anna roared again.

"I am right behind you, you do not have to shout," I whispered.

"Well, it took you long enough. Here, I made breakfast," she pointed to the table.

"You are an angel. I was starving," I admitted.

"I know," she agreed.

I wonder how she does it. She has had life so figured out and then there was me whose life was well... scattered.

"You look worried," she noted.

"I am just wondering if there is any good coming out of this. I should just stay at home. That way, I do not have to hear the director tell me that I am not meant to be an actress," I finished with a sigh.

"We have talked about this severally, Hal. That you would not let their words get to you. Now tell me, are you going to trust them or me?" she asked, turning to face me.

"Anna, we do not have to do this now," I growled.

"No, I insist," she affirmed.

"I am going to trust you," I agreed.

"Good. And I say that you're my favorite actress in the world and you just don't know it yet," she emphasized.

"You know, you're the only one who ever calls me that. No one ever calls me that," I complained.

"The more reason why you should trust me on this. Now, hurry along before you miss out on this opportunity. You never know what awaits you each day but today feels so good."

"It does, I'll take your word for it," I said and hugged her.

"Just take a deep breath, it's a good day," I said to myself as I stepped out.

I had just gotten to the venue of the audition when I bumped into him, some entitled, rude jerk. My phone's screen got a crack from the hit. I was trying to ascertain the level of damage when I saw him taking steps closer. I thought he came to apologize but alas, I was wrong.

"How dare you?" he asked leaving me stunned.

"Excuse you?" I queried.

"An apology at the very least would do but you don't look too willing," he added.

"You bumped into me and expect me to apologize? You lack manners clearly and can't see it," I chided him.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked.

"I don't give a cent about who you are," I said with a scoff.

"You need to be taught a lesson," he added.

"As do you," I chided.

Just then, I saw heavily built men walking towards us and wondered who they might be. They quickly came to him and checked if he was hurt. Was he some god to them? Was this why he felt so important?

I turned to leave and heard the men ask him, "What should we do to her?"

"Let her be. She will learn her lesson elsewhere. I am sure of it. She pretends to not know me," he finished with a smirk.

 I quickly headed over to the building where my audition was expected to take place. I needed to trust Anna as she said and not let some entitled person get to me.

"Christ, when do I get to leave here today?" I said to no one in particular. I marveled at the number of people here.

"Why are there so many people?" I asked the lady beside me.

"You haven't heard?" she replied.

"No, why?" I insisted.

"Well, rumors have it that Miles Jordan is going to be the male lead for this movie and has asked the director for the movie that he will only take on the role if a new cast is being played as the female lead for the movie. He even offered to help them in picking the cast," she explained.

"Oh, he sounds like a very nice person," I noted.

"He is," she agreed.

"Why? Have you met him?" I asked.

"No. He is just so popular and everyone wants an opportunity to be the female lead. It would be a great career opportunity to get to star alongside him, don't you think?" she inquired.

"Of course," I said with a nod.

"Mrs. Hailey, come in now," the organizer called out.

"It's Miss Hailey," I corrected.

"You can go by what I call you or go back home," he warned.

"Do not let them get to your head," I said, trying to calm myself down.

"Now, are you coming in or going home?" he queried.

Of course, I had no choice. Like Anna said, this could be my chance to make it big and I would not let some organizer let me miss out on that chance because of a few hurtful words he said.

I walked in cautiously like I feared the very ground I walked in. I need to do this quickly and get over it.

"If you are too scared to even come in, you should have just stayed at home and not bother coming here to waste our time," a voice had said. I could have sworn that the voice was very familiar. But then, I am sure there is no way I could know anyone sitting there.

"I'm ready," I said taking in a deep breath.

Only then did I look up. It was said that you had to build confidence by looking up to them and maintaining eye contact, perhaps to show them I wanted to be here, I needed to be here.

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