Chapter 4

Miles' POV

"It is 5 AM. It is 5 AM..." the alarm clock kept repeating but I shut it off.

God, I hated that alarm clock. I hated my job, I hated everything. This had become a routine for me but no matter how I tried, I just could never get used to it. It was exhausting, to say the least.

I love acting but not the type of scripts they write these days with no meaning. They were mostly stories of a boy and a girl falling in love and having a happily ever after. Even the few action roles I get have to end with a happy ending.

This was why my agent insisted I wake up this early to hit the gym as I had to look the part of the 'dream boyfriend' of the female audience. Most of the audience loved actors with 'masculine' features.

Perhaps, I wanted something more. Or, maybe I needed something new. That was why I insisted a new female lead be cast for the new project else I would not take up the role.

Just then, my phone beeped signaling I had a message.

"Do not forget the audition starts at 8 AM."

It was my agent reminding me about the audition for the new female lead for my new role. I had offered to help them with it.

I was tired of the usual roles and perhaps wanted something more realistic and hoped a new face would help me cope with that. My ringtone jolted me back to reality.

"I did get your message, I will be there by 8," I started.

"Just don't look sad when you eventually show up," she noted.

"How can you not see what I see?" I asked.

"My job is to see what the audience sees and tell you just that which I believe I am doing very well," she replied.

"Come on..." I was saying before she cut me off.

"Miles, we have been here too many times and today is not the day for that. The last movie broke records. I can't understand why this makes you sad. Is this about Lindsay?" she queried.

"Do not try to make this about Lindsay. We both knew it was never going to last anyway. I just want to give my fans something different, something new, something more realistic. I want to show them it is not always a happy ending in reality," I added.

"Well, if you care so much about the fans, you wouldn't be thinking this. Those fans look up to you for hope. Imagine you give them tragedy as hope and not a happy ending. You will lose your career and job in no time I promise you. You give them hope so do not fail them," she explained.

"Look, I just want..." she interrupted me again.

"I will no longer have this conversation with you. We will take this up at a more convenient time. See you at the center by 8. Take care," she finished and hung up.

"Please, play me Lana del Rey's 'Young and Beautiful', I need it to calm down," I told the driver who was driving me to the audition.


Audition Center, 11 AM.

"Can this get any better?" I whined.

"I have been here since 8 AM and not one person has given me what I want. As if that was not enough, someone tried to kill me the moment I arrived. I should have taken that as a sign. How many more persons left?" I asked the organizer.

"We have quite the number today seeing as the announcement was made public and free. It didn't help," he added.

Why were they all trying to make this look like my fault? They would never understand nobody ever understands me. I mean, I don't even understand myself sometimes.

"Please, send the next person in so we can move on. Besides, not everyone has to audition today. You will tell them it will continue tomorrow but of course, I won't be here. I'll leave the rest to you guys.

I began to complain about the next lady who walked in and looked like she wouldn't make it if she took the next step forward until I saw her face. She was the one whom I had met earlier and had refused to apologize.

"This is God's gift to me. This would be the perfect opportunity to punish her and I would savor it. The mere thought of it made me so excited and I couldn't say why.

"Do you have anything to show us before we throw you out?" I asked.

The moment she was in my face, she gasped. Exactly the reaction I expected. What surprised me the most was how quickly she composed herself and began to speak. How dare she make me feel non-existent?

"Give her the role," I said, surprising even myself.


"Give her the role. I can tell she would make a great actress. She is so good at it. Besides, it means you guys don't have to show up here tomorrow. Isn't that good news for you?" I added.

"It is. It just came rather too quickly if I might say," he added.

"Prep her then and I will see you all on set. You pick the extras and what-not," I finished and stood up to leave.

She walked over to me and was about to say something before I shoved her off.

"I know, you're welcome," I said and left.

Yelling at her in public wouldn't speak well of my character so I will put her in a position where the director and crew do the shouting at her. All I had to do was watch and relish the moments. Making my enemies suffer brought me joy. She called me entitled and I would show her what being entitled meant.

"Are you alright? You look...angry?" my agent noted.

"Is it the audition? I am so sorry I had to make you do it," she added when I didn't say a word to her.

"I promise this is worth it," she insisted.

I could hear her scoff behind my back. I wondered what it was that went through her mind but I sure am going to enjoy this and so help her God.

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