Chapter 2

Yvonne's POV

"Drop the formalities, we were once schoolmates". He said, chuckling.

"Ohhh!" I exclaimed in surprise. So he now knows we were once schoolmates? Yes, we were classmates but he never acknowledged me as one. He always ignored me and made me face embarrassment. I remembered the day I confessed my feelings to me. They made a joke out of me but that didn't change my feelings for me. Instead, it made me love him more. More than before.

"How have you been doing?" He asked.

"I've been good".

"Congratulations on your latest wins. I was thrilled to know that my long time classmate earned this honored title".

"Thanks. Oh….Was that what the call is about? To congratulate me?" I cut in sharply.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken."

"Thank you so much". I sighed disappointedly.

"Can we meet, Yvonne?." He asked and I jerked up from the chair I sat on, widening my eyes. I can't believe this.

"We should meet?" I asked again to be sure that I heard this from him.

"Yes, I want us to discuss something very important. You don't have to worry about the distance. I will cover the expenses". He said more like in a pleading tone.

"Hmm.. no problem. I can't turn down my Alpha's request, Can I?" I chuckled lightly.

"Thanks". He said, sighing silently. I felt him releasing the breath he never knew he was holding.

"I will send you my private helicopter to come pick you up. And please, I want your personal number".

"No problem. I will send it to you". He hung up the call immediately.

"What did he say?" Nelly rushed towards my side thrilled, to enquire. Her face was saddled with a curiosity I've never seen before.

"He wants us to meet up". I shook my shoulders in disbelief, Nelly frowned thinking I was rejecting the offer.

"Oh My God, Yvonne. I'm really happy for you". She squealed, hugging me tightly. I laughed out in excitement, she wouldn't let me rest.

It's true, it's real. My heart sank in excitement and I screamed out excitedly after her.

Jeff, my long-time, cute, Alpha, prince charming wants to see me. He seeks my presence. This is definitely gonna be an undeniable unforgettable moment.

On the day my journey was scheduled, I woke up too early, beaming with smiles. I couldn't sleep the night before. I was thrilled and excited and wasn't able to sleep a minute. I remembered how I broke the news to my mom and dad. They were so proud of me and advised me to be of my best behavior but I was not going to pretend for the Alpha Prince. I would never think that Alpha Jeff would take up admiration for me. That would be a dream come true.

I put on simple makeup, a fine linen sexy gown matching with black heels. I walked out of the house like the Queen which I was. I was giggling and beaming with smiles.

"Miss Yvonne". My driver asked as I near the car.

"Yes". He smiled sweetly at me. I got guided into a tinted black Limousine and we drove away. The back seat was occupied only by me. I felt like a princess taking a ride, No, a Queen. The car was fascinating and had a perfect AC. I gaze out of the window all through the ride.

"Sorry, can I get water?" I asked when I was feeling thirsty.

"Yes ma'am. You can get it in the refrigerator".

"The refrigerator?" I repeated.

"It's not stressful at all, my Queen. Just press the green button beside you." Wow… I pressed it and the door opened bringing out a chilling, cool air. I love this. This is amazing. That's why I'm a big fan of tech. I widened my eyes to the drinks that were neatly arranged. This is great! I smirked. I picked out a cup and poured myself a drink while enjoying the ride to Jeff's castle. There was this feeling of relaxation and excitement in me. The ride went smoothly and it lasted for two hours.

We entered through a gate and I watched in awe how big and magnificent the buildings in the palace were. I stepped out of the car in my expensive outfit which my manager, Nelly, chose for me. The driver guided me towards a building. The building was bigger than the rest and it stood out more than the rest.

"You can sit here". He gestured towards a couch in the living room. "The Alpha Prince will join you soon". I nodded and walked over to the couch. The living room was out of the world. Everything seems white and golden, perfect taste.

Soon, I heard footsteps from the staircase and I knew instinctively that he was the one. I looked up at the staircase. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of gray pants which hugged his body perfectly well, His shirt was not too buttoned up to his neck which exposed his masculine captivating chest. He was more than good-looking, far more than the last time we met. I've always loved him and I wish he could reciprocate it. If it's just for once, I will be glad. Jeff!

Before me now sat the most handsome man I'd ever seen. I'd really do anything for him.

"Good morning, Your Highness." I greeted with a smile.

"Wow," he commented with a sigh of surprise. "I think I should be the one calling you by that name. Anyway, good morning Yvonne. How was your ride here?" His voice was lovely and had become more deep.

"I loved it. It was thrilling". I grinned.

Silence filled the air while he stared at me with great lust, taking my mind back to those times I had a crush on him. Immediately, he stood up and gestured to me to do the same.

"Get up. Let me take you out, it's too informal to meet for the first time here. We can discuss more there".

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