Chapter 4

When we reached the cafeteria, the place was packed. After getting our food we managed to grab a table that some other students had just left. We sat down and Payton introduced me to the girls. Erika was a slim, pretty girl with blue eyes, auburn hair and cute freckles sprinkled all over her nose. Gemma was also slim, with brown eyes. She had short hair, dyed bright white with a slight pink hue.

“So, Payton says that you were captain of your cheerleading squad. Are you going to try out for the team here?” Gemma asked as she bit into her pizza.

“Um, I haven't decided yet. To be honest, as much as I loved it, I'm trying to get away from that whole scene. I think I'm just going to concentrate on my studies, and have some fun,” I replied while stabbing my fork into my fries.

“Aww, that's a shame. We're going to try out, you should come with us,” Erika suggested.

I glanced over to Payton, but she kept her eyes down while she poked at her salad. A few seconds later, she peeked up at me and shrugged. After everything that happened in high school, she agreed a break from the cheerleading and jock crowd would be a great idea. I loved the popularity and attention that being a part of them brought, but when I had gotten kicked out of that crowd, it had turned me into a target. Not only by them but also, by all of the kids jealous or envious of them. I became the school's outcast and I really didn't need that at college too. I peered over to the table that was filled with cheerleaders and jocks, noticing their flirtatious laughter ringing through the dining hall.

I sighed and shook my head.

“Sorry girls, I'm going to pass. I've lived that life and I don't think it suited me. But thanks for thinking of me.”

Erika and Gemma looked at each other for a second before their eyes landed back on me.

Plopping her elbows on the table, Erika grinned.

“Well, come to tryouts anyway. You can at least cheer us on.”

My eyes fell on Payton, and I tried to use them to tell her to help me out of this, but she only shrugged and smirked my way. When I looked back at the girls, they had their hands pressed together in a praying gesture, and their puppy-dog eyes begged me to say yes. With a sigh and a roll of my eyes, I picked up my burger.

“Ugh, fine. But only to cheer you on. I'm finished with that world.”

I took a hefty bite, hoping that would stop the conversation for a time. They both cheered and high fived each other like they’d won the biggest trophy on the planet. It made a warm smile spread across my face. One of the cheerleaders from the table across the room looked over at us. She was a beautiful blonde girl with a fit build and an angelic face. After staring at me for what felt like forever, she gave me a wide, beaming grin. I politely returned the smile, then looked at my new friends again. Their eyes snapped away from the cheerleader and fell to stare at their food.

How strange…

Shrugging it off, I took another massive bite of my burger. I didn’t know them well enough to judge if they were acting strange, and they seemed nice, so I could ignore it for now. Taking another bite, I almost wished I could stuff the whole thing in my mouth at once. I was starving, so much so I didn’t even care if I looked like a pig.

The sound of a chair scraping the floor alerted me that someone had sat at our table, but I was busy eating so paid no attention to the person, thinking it was just someone needing a seat. I could smell the guy’s cologne though, and it smelled amazing. Dragging the chair to the side of me and straddling it, the guy draped his arms on the back of the chair, before plopping his chin in his hands and gawking at me.

Still holding my burger, I glanced up, my eyes landing on Erika and Gemma first. Their mouths hung wide open as their nervous gazes drifted from the guy and back to me. I moved my gaze to Payton, who was scowling at the guy. Her face told me exactly who it was. I dropped my burger onto my plate, wiped my hands on a paper napkin, then threw it onto my plate, making my irritation known.


“Do you have any idea how cute you are when you're pissed off?”

His seductive smirk did nothing but piss me off. I huffed and rolled my eyes at him.

“What do you want, Chase? Or were you just placed on this earth to annoy the crap out of me?”

He chuckled.

“So sassy, I love it. I was just wondering if you had an answer to my question?”

Removing his shades, he slipped one arm past his plump bottom lip and chewed it. I gulped as I watched his tongue tease the arm of his shades. The side of his mouth curled into another smirk, right before he set his sunglasses on the table.

“Well? How about it, wanna be my date to the party?” His voice was low, smooth, and like velvet caressing my skin.

I heard Erika, Gemma, and a few others from the cafeteria gasp, and whispers erupted around me. While mesmerized by his tongue and lips, I hadn't realized that the entire room had turned silent. My eyes grew wide as I searched the room, only to find everyone staring hard at me.

“What the fuck?” I whispered to Payton.

“I haven't got a clue. It's fucking creeping me out, though. Just answer him so we can leave,” she said, her voice so low I could hardly make out what she was saying.

I turned back to Chase and made the mistake of making eye contact. Instantly, I was lost in his emerald-green eyes. My body temperature increased, and my heart raced. The longer I stared into his eyes, the fainter and more flustered I felt. And then I looked even deeper. Shaking myself, I couldn’t erase the image I’d seen shining from his eyes. It was of Chase and I kissing. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched the top of my nose.

“No.” I shook my head for extra emphasis.

No way could I go out with this guy. The whole room let out a gasp, and I immediately opened my eyes, dropping my hand to look at every one. Some were whispering again, and some were holding back snickers. I looked at Erika and she had her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide in shock, and Gemma just shook her head at me in disapproval. I scrunched my brow, then turned back to Chase. He had put his shades back on and was clenching his jaw. His knuckles were turning bright white as he tightened his grip on the metal back of the chair.

“Look, I'm sorry, Chase. It's nothing personal but you're just not my type, “ I said in a monotone voice.

It was the only voice I could fake to make sure I didn’t give away the fact that I was lying. My body definitely wanted him because I was soaking wet as soon as I smelled the guy's cologne, and when I heard his deep, velvety voice, I almost creamed in my panties. I mean, I was probably only seconds away from slip-sliding right off the damn bench.

But with everything that had happened with Kyle, the last thing I wanted right now was to jump straight into bed with Murston's resident playboy. I needed time to settle in, and not be called a slut within the first week of being here. I opened my mouth to say something else, but Chase cut me off by placing his index finger on my lips. Standing up, he leaned in, his breath on my ear when he whispered,

“Is that so? Then why can I smell your excited pussy from here? And why is your heart pounding so hard that it's making your boobs bounce?”

Chase inhaled the space between my neck and my shoulder, and my body quickly betrayed me, letting out a quiet moan as his soft, plump lips grazed my skin. I could feel his lips curl into a smile, and it made every hair on my body stand up in excitement. After a few seconds of leaning too close to him, I straightened in my seat.

“I'm sorry Chase, but even if I did want to go out with you tonight, I can't. I have a huge migraine and...” My voice was shaky, and I knew he didn’t buy it.

“It's okay, I get it. No need to pull the ‘I'm too tired, I have a headache,’ married couple bullshit. But you can't deny that you want me. I can smell the arousal all over you. But I can wait for you to admit it to yourself,” he whispered into my ear.

I stood up and began to walk away, not quite knowing what the hell just happened. Everyone in the cafeteria glanced at me as I passed, then went right back to whispering. I sighed and moved faster, trying to hide my face.


“Feel better soon, beautiful!” Chase yelled as he ran out of the cafeteria.

He’d slapped my ass. Again!

The whispers got louder, and people started pointing at me. I looked around and at least three cheerleaders were practically snarling at me. If looks could kill, I'd be well and truly dead, probably even buried.

Great, that's all I need, stepping on some cheerleaders’ toes over some guy on my first fucking day!

I closed my eyes while running my hand down my face. I turned around and opened my eyes, wanting to find Payton and just disappear. She stood at the table, shaking her head while she held out my phone, which of course I’d left on the table. I sighed and strolled towards her, grabbing the cell from her hand. Turning around to leave, I spotted the metal chair that Chase had been sitting on. Feeling bewildered, I tilted my head as I ran my fingers along the top where Chase had been gripping it. There were indents as if he’d squeezed the metal so hard, he’d crushed it. What the fuck!? That's impossible, no one is that strong. Maybe that's the design or something? Yeah, that's got to be it, he couldn't have done that, it makes no sense!

“You coming?” Payton called while standing near the doors.

“Yeah, wait up!” I shouted, jogging to catch up to her.

I followed her through the corridor, and we headed back to our room. When Payton opened the door to our room, she immediately grabbed a magazine and laid on her bed. Not me. I’d relax after a cold shower, so I grabbed some clothes, but a loud knock on the door made me freeze. Shooting a glare at Payton to open it, she rolled her eyes and sighed as she dragged herself off the bed and answered the door.

“Hi. Oh, who are they for?” Payton asked the person at the door.

“I don't know, they just gave me the room number and told me to deliver them,” a guy replied and then left.

“Aww, they're pretty,” I said as I turned around and saw a gigantic bunch of flowers.

Maybe they’re from her parents, wishing her luck or something? I thought when she buried her nose in the roses and stepped closer to me.

“Mmm, they smell delicious. But, um, they're not for me.”

“Huh? Then who are they for?” I asked as I walked over to the shelves to pick up a towel.

“They're for you. Look,” she said as she held the card in front of my face.


Please forgive me. I'll do anything to win you back. I love you.

Kyle x

I just rolled my eyes while grabbing my wash bag, before storming towards the door. I struggled with the door handle a bit, so Payton opened it for me. I stepped out into the hall and made my way towards the showers.

“What do you want me to do with the flowers?” She shouted out the door.

“Throw them in the trash!” I yelled back, not bothering to look at her.

As I passed Chase's room, his door opened and I got a huge whiff of his cologne, which made my bud pulse instantly. Ugh, stop it, Aubrey! He's just a normal guy, he's not that special! I told myself as I kept moving.

“Off for a shower, beautiful? Do you want me to wash your back for you?” He called out.

I shook my head but kept my mouth shut, not slowing down. When I heard his footsteps behind me, my shoulders slumped as I sighed.

“Look, only joking. Do you need me to carry anything for you?” He asked when he caught up to me.

“No thank you, I'm fine,” I replied, almost jogging to get away from him.

I spotted the showers and attempted to push the door open with my shoulder, but Chase thrust it open for me and said,

“Here let me.”

“Thank you.”

Stepping into the shower room, I threw a quick glance over my shoulder at him. I walked over to a bench by the showers and placed my things on it. Exhaling heavily, I was happy that Chase was gone, and knowing that he couldn't get to me in here made me feel a bit better. I got undressed and hopped into the shower, wetting my hair and shampooing it. The water felt like tiny fingers massaging my skin, and after such a stressful day, it was just what I needed.

“So, who are the flowers from?” Chase inquired curiously, from right outside my shower stall.

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