Chapter 4

Azalea hurried down the hallway when she spotted Ray standing among a group of people, seemingly giving them instructions. She halted her steps and fixed her expression before calling out to him.

"Ray, could I have a moment with you?" she said softly, pulling her lips into a smile and trying her best not to appear disoriented in front of the others.

Ray's ears perked up at the sound of her voice, and he turned to look at her with wide eyes. He remembered leaving her in the room to rest, and now here she was again, on her feet and staring at him with a shaken gaze.

"Wh-why?" he stammered, completely baffled by the woman before him. The way she was acting was no different from a toddler who needed constant supervision, or they would wander around barefoot, with everything around them a potential hazard.

He approached her with concern, his arms ready to catch her if she fell, as she seemed pale and unsteady on her feet. "Why did you come out? And why are you barefoot? What if someone sees you like this?" he said, worry evident in his voice.

Azalea lifted her trembling hands and displayed them in front of Ray. "I just had a nightmare. Where is Clair? Is she okay?" she said, her voice shaking, and her eyes turning moist.

Ray turned to look at the staff, who had their heads bowed. "All of you leave," he commanded, and the staff dispersed quickly.

He then placed his hand on the back of her head, patting her gently, while his other hand held her shoulder to steady her. "She's all right. I told you she was out with her friends, enjoying herself. It was just a nightmare-"

"No!" Azalea cut him off, her voice shaking. "I can feel it. Something is wrong. I can feel it in here." She placed her hand over her heart. "My heart is sinking. Call her, please," she begged.

Ray knew he would never win, so he relented and took her back to her room, promising to call Clair for her. But as they sat on the couch, waiting for Clair to pick up, Ray's repeated attempts went unanswered.

Azalea grew more and more anxious by the minute, her mind racing with worry. But before she could voice her concern again, Ray's phone rang once more.

"Hello?" he answered. After a long pause, his eyes traced back to Azalea, his expression one of shock and disbelief.

"Accident?" he repeated, his voice trembling with emotion.

As soon as Azalea heard the word, she shook her head in denial. "No!" Without a second thought, she snatched the phone out of Ray's hand and put it to her ear. "Where is she? Is she all right?" Her voice was breathless, and her heart felt like it was in her throat.


The room was filled with the monotonous sound of the machines that surrounded Clair's bed, beeping in rhythm with her shallow breaths. She lay there, unconscious, her face contorted in a frown, her brow furrowed with worry. It was clear that she was still haunted by the thoughts that had been running through her mind before the accident.

The door creaked open, and Azalea entered, looking as if she hadn't slept in days. Her eyes were sunken, and her cheeks were hollow, lacking the radiance they usually held. She walked over to Clair's bed, sat down beside her, and gazed at her with a mixture of emotions that were difficult to decipher.

She surveyed the cast on Clair's fractured arm and the bandages covering her forehead before speaking. "Tsk...How many times have I told you to be careful? You never listen," she muttered, her voice low and filled with concern. She placed her hand on Clair's forehead, stroking the bandages gently.

Azalea's expression softened as she continued, "You're so lucky the container fell on the backseat. What if you had been seriously injured? How would I explain this to your father? He'd be disappointed in me." She stroked Clair's head tenderly. "I don't want your father to be cross with me, so please take care of yourself until you're under my responsibility, okay?"

As Azalea looked down at the unconscious Clair, her disappointment was palpable. Despite Clair's lack of response, Azalea continued to speak, her frustration seeping through her words. "I know you don't like me and hate it when I talk to you. But is it too much to ask for you to let me know you're okay? You made me wait for you the whole evening. I hoped you would come today, but you didn't." A tear fell from Azalea's eye, and her nose began to feel ticklish as she fought back more tears.

"I care about you, Clair. You shouldn't be so selfish as to make people worry like this. Don't you see how much you matter to me?" She knew she was having a one-sided conversation, as she always did when she talked to Clair. "But I'll stop now. Rest well, okay? And call me if you need anything. I'll be waiting outside."

Azalea wiped away her tears before opening the door, where she saw Ray leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently. She forced a smile, trying to hide the sadness she felt inside. "Clair said I was nagging her too much and that she needed some quiet time, so I came out. She's alright, you know how kids are nowadays. They need their alone time." She rubbed her arm nervously, still feeling shaken by her emotional outburst.

"Boss," Ray spoke out with a stiff voice, his tone laced with irritation.

Azalea looked up at him with a questioning look, expecting another complaint about her decision.

"Are you sure you're handing over the company to someone like her? Can't you see she'll run it down in a day?" Ray's words were like venom, dripping with disdain.

Azalea's expression hardened, but she remained calm. "It's not up to me to decide. Besides, she's got potential."

Ray snorted, clearly not convinced. "She's just a kid! How can you expect her to run a company when she can barely walk properly?"

Azalea's response was quiet but sharp, and her gaze bore into Ray's. "I was a child too. I learned. And she will too."

The sudden shift in her tone and demeanor caught Ray off guard. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about Azalea's demeanor was different, and it sent a chill down his spine.

"Asher's secretary will call tomorrow. Arrange a private meeting with him. It's time I fulfill my last promise to Reza," Azalea stated, her voice icy and firm. Even the softness of her eyes was no more evident and her gaze held nothing but aloofness.

Ray gulped, feeling a sense of unease. "Okay, I'll do that."

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