Chapter 3. One-Night Stand

Someone quickly caught her body so she didn't fall. She breathed in the strange man's chest, and she smelled the expensive perfume as if the smell were alluring.

“Are you okay, Miss?” the stranger asked her.

"Yeah, ahhh…I'm okay!" she replied that she was obviously drunk.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, and there was a worry in his voice.

"Hmmm…yeah!" He pushed the man at the same time, so that he would have stood up properly and returned to sitting, but suddenly he collapsed.

"I'm sure you can't do it anymore, let me help you, Miss." he has a good heart.

"Okay. Thank you..." And he smiled slightly.

While Tom was helping her walk, she asked where their room was, and what was its number. The young man was surprised because he didn't answer. When he turned around, he was already asleep. So he was forced to pick up the girl and Tom took her to his room. To rest first.

"Holy God! That girl is so heavy!" It's a complaint.

Tom dropped the girl down on the sofa, hoping to wipe her with cold water. To get drunk. But suddenly he threw up in front of him, and his entire front was covered in dirt.

"Holy— Sh*t!" And his eyes widened. "Aaah… Yuck! This girl is disgusting! She should be beautiful!" Tom grumbled, and he picked up the girl and took her to the shower room, to bathe her because it was full of vinegar.

While he was bathing Jester, he couldn't help but be attracted to the shape of the girl's body. But he still tried to suppress the heat he felt.

Until he finished bathing the girl, he picked her up again and laid her on his bed.

But in an unexpected event, Tom was out of balance, when the girl moved so that her body fell in front of Jester.

Their bodies pressed together and he couldn't help but stare at the girl's face. He was impressed by her simple beauty, Tom's hands moved spontaneously to caress her smooth face.

The young man could not understand himself, as if his heart was whispering to kiss the woman's lips. But his mind stopped again. Tom was about to stand up, when the girl suddenly moved and turned to the young man, causing his lips to fall on the girl's lips.

Due to the application of their lips, it caused a strange electricity in his body. He kissed the woman again on the lips and she responded by clinging to his neck. So Tom was completely swept away by the temptation, especially with the warmth of their bodies.

Tom doesn't think about what happens next, as long as he is ready to take responsibility for everything. He continued to kiss the woman's entire chest, which was playing in his mind.

“Maybe this is a prostitute girl,” he thought.  

He also said to himself. “Tomorrow when we wake up, I will pay, no matter how much it takes,” he said. 

Until what they did was to the extreme, Jester moaned, at the first pain she felt, and she hugged tightly to the man. The young man was shocked, he felt that he was ahead of the girl. The former impulsive man, now is careful in his movements. Until they successfully shared the warm night. Just half an hour ago, Tom's desire for the stranger's girl was repeated once more. Tom was tired, so he fell asleep.***

The next day, Jester woke up early, and it grabbed her head. Suddenly, her eyes widened because of what she saw next to her. The unknown man was on her waist, and she immediately looked at herself.

“O-----oh my God!” she exclaimed and grabbed her chest due to the force of the impact.

“What happened last night?” she asked herself, and tried to remember everything.

She only remembers that the man helped her, then she can't remember anything. She was careful when leaving the man's hand, and she slowly stood up. Even though she felt pain all over her body, she still tried to get up and looked for her clothes, but she couldn't find them, so she carefully took clothes from inside the cabinet and that's what she wore. Before she left the room, she stared at the gentle face of the stranger. She carefully walked towards the door and when she got out, she was already running towards their room.

“Partner— Hurry and pack your things!” she ordered in a panic, and quickly grabbed her suitcase.

“Huh! But why? What happened?” This is a surprising question.

“I'll explain to you later, just hurry!” she said. 

“Partner, whose clothes are you wearing? Why are they so big?” she asked seriously. 

“I'll explain later. Hurry,” she replied. 

“Okay. Okay. Fine," it responded with both hands raised.

After packing, she quickly changed into her clothes and folded them neatly, and they checked out immediately. She told the hotel boy to deliver the dress to room 245, and handed him a tip.

***Tom's POV

When he woke up, he held his head because it hurt with a hangover, and he immediately remembered the woman. When he turned to the bed, she was no longer by his side, so he turned around to look in the bathroom, but the woman was not there. He returned to the bed and sat down, he remembered what happened to the woman, and he suddenly pulled the blanket and saw a little drop of blood on the bed sheets. He smiled at what he saw because the girl he slept with for a one-night stand was clean. At that time, he only made one promise to himself, he would look for the woman anywhere in the country. He got up to take a shower, when he entered the bathroom he saw what the girl was wearing last night. He took them and stared at them again and again, and returned to his memory of how he met the woman.

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