Chapter 2. The Punishment and the Hot Boss

"Anything. But don't fire me, please!" I plead, bowing to my boss. 

I can't afford to lose my job barely a week old. The condition of my family back home can't even allow me to become jobless.

"Your punishment is...." God, I know how cold this man is. I also know that I offended him by calling him that name. It was a bad slip of the tongue. I won't repeat it again. For the sake of the poor souls depending on me, please don't let him fire me!  "You will not call me by any other name." My jaw drops as my eyes snap to his face. "Just Andy!" He winks and stands up with my brain and breath too.

Forget my confusion from his proclamations. Forget even how my heart is throbbing with euphoria from his statement. Did he... Did he actually just, wink at me? As in... He winked at me? Freaking hute!!! So he jokes, aside from with his daughter? No hell way... I mean, wow! 

He has been always icy, serious, and quiet to me since I came here. This is so new to me. So freaking new!

"Are we clear on that?" He speaks, snapping my thoughts and scrutiny from him since I had embarked on a mission to ransack his face until forever.

I wiggle my head a little to amass my thoughts, clearing my throat once.

"You...are... okay with that? I mean, isn't it too casual for a boss and employee?" I implore.

"I like it, and that's final. It's a million times better than that annoying "sir" of yours. What were you saying?" 


I know that means the end of discussion. So, I guess it's Andy, from now on? Sweet and easy, but it doesn't sit well with me all the same. But I know I have no grounds to contend it. He is my boss. His is to command, and mine is to obey. Andy, it is. 

I heave a sigh.

"Okay. I wanted to ask if you can allow me to at least make coffee. Even just for today. Please." I mumble.

He eyes me for quite a while, then he shakes his head. 

"This kitchen hasn't been used for years. My wife never liked being in the kitchen. We are used to eating outside, and I don't want my daughter to get attached to things that won't last, Tania. So, no!" He declares, and I tuck my lips inside, forming a straight line.

No? Come on, Andy!

Looking at him, I sense that he is suddenly sinking in thoughts. Seems like he kind of remembered his wife. And...not in a good way, presumably.



What kind of wife will not cook for his family? I mean, I understand that there are days one would feel exhausted and all, but not even a day to cook for your family? 

I think whatever transpired between him and his wife hurt him even now. A lot because he suddenly looks lost somewhere in a dark jungle. He is swimming in a thick quagmire of assorted thoughts.

"Well, I...I respect your decision, Andy, but it's just coffee. And I am not in a haste to leave, by the way." I speak, and add when I finally get his attention back. "My family depends entirely on me. And our condition back home doesn't allow me to become jobless any time soon." I try to push my luck, fingers crossed in the hope that he doesn't yell at me.

After breathing out heavily, he speaks. 

"Okay. You can make coffee. You know how to use the coffee machine?" He asks, and I shake my head. 

How can I know how to use a coffee machine if I have never even seen one? I am yet to get accustomed to this modernized life of the rich. I hope I will be able to, though, because it's like the rich and the poor don't live in the same world as I reckoned. Everything is so distinct, including the aura they breathe. Theirs is fresher than ours, and I think it even has a scent - a sweet scent. 

"Can I first go out to buy lemons and honey?" I speak, and I know it is absurd of me to ask because it's almost nine at night, but I can't have coffee without lemons. And I can't send my boss to the stores, right?

"Tell Mark to get you lemons and honey from the market. Buy as much as you want." He says and hands me some cash from his pocket, and like happy kid, I jog out of the kitchen to Mark, and run back immediately after speaking to Mark.

Mark doesn't take long to come back since there is no traffic at this hour, but within that short time, Andy has shown me how to use the coffee machine. With Andy comfortably perched on the kitchen stool still on his phone, I make coffee peacefully and with solace, and I make a lot of it. I don't care if I will battle to sleep after consuming two or three mugs of coffee at this time. I just miss it so much. 

"Here, try it." I mutter, setting a mug of hot steaming coffee on the table and he sniffs it. I take mine and start strolling out of the kitchen.

Boss and employee distance is paramount. It's respect. 

"Where are you going?" His voice stops me in my tracks, turning to him.

"To have my coffee." I say.

What gesture of what I am doing is unclear to him, though?

"There is a lot of space here." He says, putting his phone down and pulling another stool and patting it. I don't move, because I don't want to misconstrue the gesticulation. It definitely can't be what my little brain is screaming at me. It's... "Am I that scary that you can't imagine yourself sitting beside me?" He adds, righting my brain's unbelievable thoughts.

"Aah.. no! It's just that... it's..." Ahem! Ahem! What am I saying? "Nothing." I trash whatever I wanted to say, and shuffle back and sit on the stool next to him after pulling it away from him a little. 

I try to forget the notion of my cold boss beside me, and the fact that we are sharing coffee like this, and bury my face in the mug. The steam might do a meritorious job of blowing away the discomforts that I am feeling. 

"I don't bite, for your peace of mind." He states, perhaps after discerning my turmoil. 

Ooh, he doesn't bite!? Then why am I feeling this way? Why is the aura turning dangerously hot all of a sudden?

He takes a sip of his coffee, and another, and another, then he gulps the third sip looking up and wiggling his head slowly from side to side.

As he faces up with his eyes closed, I steal the chance to study him. I hadn't had time to have a close look at him since I met him. He leaves early in the morning and comes home late and exhausted. Even now, his face looks so tired, and the way he is twirling his head is a result of somnolence. 

Why does he overwork himself like this?

"Don't stare too much." He says as peels his eyes, his hand grabbing his mug of coffee again, not looking in my direction. 

Shit! How embarrassing! I know my cheeks look like an overripe tomato right now. He caught me staring at him. I hope he doesn't think ill of me. I take my coffee and sip slowly, enjoying its taste down my throat. 

"Where did you learn how to make this?" He breaks the silence. 

Looking at him, I realize he is taking the last sip of his coffee. That was fast! 

"My mom did teach me. She also taught me how to prepare different kinds of dishes. You like the coffee?" I respond, hugging my cool so tight so that it doesn't slip away.

"It's the best I have had in my life." He says, and for the first time, he gleams at me. 

Adrian, smiling? He must have had a very beautiful day at work to act like this. Or maybe he went on a one-day stand that turned out well? 


"There is more. You want some?" I ask, shyly grinning. His smile must have gotten deep into me.

"Sure." He says.

I bring the remaining coffee and pour him a full mug and fill mine too. We drink until the jar is empty, and I am glad that he at least looks a bit glossy in the end. There was nothing much said and that puts me at ease. 

"Thank you for the coffee," Andy says as he stands up to leave.

"Welcome." I take the cups and walk to the sink to wash them while he starts out.

"Aah, Tania?" 

I snap at him as he towers before me, dwarfing me under his glorious tall contour.

"Yes, Andy?" Now, that name, huh... Wait. Is it how that name sweetly rolls out of my lips or the almost zero distance between us that is making me tremble?

I swallow hard! And dry! Even my throat is lamenting for that torture I put it through. There was nothing at all to swallow. Still none, but I still feel the dominant urge to keep pushing something down to my guts.

"Can you make some for Angel tomorrow after school, please?" He softly asks.

Ooh! It's that!

Why is he requesting? I thought bosses are meant to give orders. To demand. But he is... kind of different. I am not saying he is a softie. Far from it. If you want to experience real hell, you mess with his daughter, and he will bring down flaring hell on you. That I know perfectly, but this other side he has shown today, it's new.

"Of course, Andy. I will gladly prepare it for her. I hope she likes it." I respond.

"She certainly will. I'm sure." He adds with certainty and pats my shoulder. "Goodnight." With that, he marches out of the kitchen, leaving me here blushing like an idiot, and struggling to recall how to breathe.

I didn't know this side of him, but I like it already. When I am stable enough to do what brought me here, which is work, I embark on cleaning the dishes, the picture of him winking and grinning roaming through my mind.

Don't get me wrong, okay? This is just simply so new to me. Anyone would be acting this way, or even worse. Sigh!

I finish washing the utensils and drying up the sink, hoping that I will see myself cooking in this kitchen someday. There is no harm in keeping hope alive, is there?


Just when I am about to lock the kitchen so that I can retire to bed, I hear Adrian's phone buzz from where we were seated. He forgot his phone? I saunter to where it is ringing from.

I didn't intend to, but I happened to see the caller. I swear, it wasn't intentional. Ambrose. Andy's PA is the one calling. Well, at least it's not this other gender. Sigh! 

What's my problem if it was some bitch? I mean, lady?! 

I grab the phone and lock the door quickly, and run upstairs to Adrian's room on the right, next to Angel's. I knock thrice, and I was about to leave when the door opened, Andy standing in front of me with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His other body parts are dripping wet. My jaw drops. Men, doesn't he look so damn hot? So hot and cute. His tight muscles on display and his flat broad chest are bewitching my mind. And those wet lips, ooh gosh!

And this...

"You brought more coffee?" He speaks when I start ogling him down like a piece of meat that I can devour in a flash. It must be the effect of seeing a man like this for the first time. Yeah? Yeah. And the coffee too. The effects of hot coffee on such a cold night fussed with seeing a hot guy almost naked for the first time would definitely blow anyone's mind. I am innocent here.

"Tania?!" One wasn't enough. He really had to snap my mind again.

Damn me!

"Coffee? Y...e...s... I mean, coffee!, sorry! I mean phone. Yes. I brought your phone because you forgot it in the kitchen and Ambrose was calling. It was there ringing and I didn't know..." His eyes and cocked eyebrows stop my nonsensical nonstop rants, making me feel like a really confused idiot. What is with me? 

"Oookay...Thank you. Can I, have my phone now?" He says, stretching his hand out to me. 

I hand him the phone with a trembling hand. Well, everything in me is in motion, and God knows how much I want to disappear from his face right now.

"Aah... I'll go now. Bye... I mean, goodnight, Andy." I say as I walk as fast as I can towards my room. 

I can't even be beguiled to look back because I know I have made a total fool of myself back there. Jeez! What is he thinking of me right now? And what the heck is wrong with me, huh? 

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