Chapter 4

Ciara’s POV

I quickly glanced at my watch. It was almost eight at night. I can’t believe that I sat here till this time. It’s already late.

I quickly stood up and made my way home.

I got a cab and drove home.

Immediately I arrived, I walked straight to the kitchen to make dinner. I had to get mom some food to eat cause I’m sure she’s very hungry.

I didn’t bother taking off my clothes so I set to work.

The door opened slightly.

“Ciara?” my aunt called. I turned to look at her and continued chopping the vegetables.

I can’t believe that she was at home all this while and never bothered to cook anything.

She didn’t even visit the hospital to check how dad was doing. Some aunt she was.

“Where is mom and Ben? They just ran out of the house and refused to tell me anything,” she pulled a chair and sat down.

“Maybe if you tried calling your husband, then you would know where they are right now,” I said. She’s just so irritating. I can’t stand the mere sight of her.

“Just tell me where they are. I’m worried,” she told me.

I sighed, placing my hand on the kitchen counter, and turned to face her.

“Please, aunt, I’m tired as it is. But if you really want to know where they are, then I suggest you call Ben or better still visit Hilltop Hospital,” I said and continued cooking.

She glared at me and finally picked up her phone to make a phone call.

After some minutes of talking on the phone, she turned to me and said, “How could you not tell me that dad was just admitted into the hospital?”

“You didn’t seem like you cared about any of that. You couldn’t even cook dinner to help me out. I wonder what my brother saw in you that prompted him to get married,” I said, tucking my hair behind my ears angrily.

“What?” she scoffed. “Hey, you should be watchful about the things you say to me, alright? After all, you don’t belong in this family,” she said, and that moment I felt a sharp pain run through my heart.

“Just an orphaned girl picked up in the streets and you think Ben is your brother. He doesn’t look anything like you, so stop having illusions that Ben is your brother cause he’s not. No one in this family is related to you. You are nothing more than a slave. Just to serve and clean up. Low life,” she said and walked away.

I held on to the counter. My legs were already wobbly.

How can she say something like that about me?

The tears trickled down my cheeks, but I wiped them out and continued making dinner.

No one will ever like me no matter how hard I try, so it’s best if I stop trying.

After cooking, I dished some out for my aunt and packed the rest for mom and Ben.

I quickly rushed into my room to change my outfit, after which I made my way to the clinic.

All through the drive there, I was only thinking about how to get enough money for the surgery. Cause my savings for five years won’t be enough for an operation.

I arrived and quickly rushed to meet mom.

She glared immediately when she saw me and threw her face to the other side.

“Mom, I brought dinner,” I said, and that’s when Ben noticed my presence in the room. He was too busy sulking to realize that I was already here.

“Ciara, you brought us food. How thoughtful of you,” he said, grabbing the food from my hands.

“We haven’t eaten since noon,” he opened the lid and took a bite. “Wow. Delicious. Good work,” he said as he continued eating.

I placed the food on mom’s thighs, but she kept it down.

“Please, mom. Just eat something,” I begged. “You’ll get sick.”

“Ciara’s right, mom,” Ben said, but he gave him a glare, and he stopped talking.

“I will eat. I’m just not hungry. Leave it on the floor,” she told me, and I nodded.

“What about you? Have you had your dinner?” he asked me.

“I have,” I lied. I don’t want them to start disturbing to eat, and besides, I’m not really hungry.

“How is dad now?” I asked, hoping for a miracle.

“He’s inside. The doctor wants a deposit before he begins the surgery on dad. And right, we don’t know where to get that money from,” Ben told me, and I noticed mom tearing up again.

“We could get a loan from the bank,” I suggested.

“How do you intend to pay back? It’s not that easy, Ciara,” he said.

I sat down on the chair and shut my eyes.

I glanced at my watch. It was almost midnight. I couldn’t go home now so I wrapped my shawl around my shoulder.

After eating, I watched mom and Ben talking, and I felt so left out. I felt so alone. Like I didn’t belong.

I kept on staring at them until I finally fell asleep.

The cold from the hospital was unbearable. I felt like I would die the next minute.

I felt someone cover me with something. I quickly opened my eyes to see mom going back to her chair.

“Thank you, mom,” I muttered, and I’m sure she heard it. I finally closed my eyes.

I was awakened by the sunlight that penetrated through the building and hit my face. I yawned and stretched myself before opening up my eyes.

Mom and Ben were already up.

“Morning, mom,” I greeted, but she didn’t reply.

“Hey, Ciara,” Ben called me, and I gave a faint smile.

“Have you spoken to the doctor?” I asked.

“Yes. Dad would be moved out if we don’t make a move soon,” he told me.

“I’ll… I’ll try to think of something,” I said and quickly rushed out of the hospital to the house.

I had my bath and wore my clothes before heading to work. I need to talk to Darren. He’s the only friend I have and maybe he would be able to help.

I arrived and threw the door open. I was told he was in a meeting so I had to wait.

Finally, he was out. I quickly rushed to meet him.

“Darren,” I called, breaking down all of a sudden. “I need your help.”

“Ciara, are you okay?” he said, holding my arm. “Have a seat,” he walked to a chair, and we sat down.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?”

“I… Well… Dad is in the hospital. He got into an accident,” I said, and I noticed his jaw drop.

“How is he now? Is he alright?” he asked me, but I shook my head.

“He’s not. The doctor said he sustained some internal injuries and had to be operated. But the thing is, I don’t have enough money for that, so I was hoping if you could help me,” I said and turned to look at him.

He kept silent like someone who was lost in his thoughts or something. He was really my last hope.

“I would really love to help you, Ciara. Believe me, I would, but I don’t have that kind of money at my disposal,” he said, and I felt like my whole world just came to an end.

“What will I do now?” I sniffed. “I can’t lose my father right now. He’s all I’ve got. There has to be a way.”

“Actually there is,” he told me, and I sat up, wiping my tears.

“Really, what?”

“Have you heard of Brian’s Home for Charity? They offer help to most commoners so if you can talk to them or their son, I’m sure they could be of assistance,” he told me.

A ray of hope. Somehow it’s worth a try, and I can’t give that up. I have to see him.

“Where is it?”

“I’ll text you the address.”

“Thank you, Darren. I was positive you would help me,” I hugged him, and he returned it.

I quickly pulled away and walked out to the place he said.

He texted me the address, and I took a cab there.

I arrived and stepped down.

“OMG, this place is massive, people actually live here?” I said to myself and walked in.

At first I felt a little intimidated about my outfit, but I never cared less. My dad’s health is all I could think of right now.

“Hello?” I said to a man, standing behind a counter, and he gave me a look, then stared at me.

“How can I help you?” he asked.

“I was told to come here. I’m looking for Brian Salter.”

“Boss asked you to come here? Are you one of his side chicks or girlfriends?” He asked in a disgusted manner.

I shook my head. “No, I’m not anyone’s girlfriend. I was told to come here cause someone said that he would help me,” I said, feeling irritated. Who does he think he is to ask me that?

“He’s not in at the moment. He’s a busy guy, so you’ll have to wait,” he told me and gestured to me to sit, which I did.

I felt pretty embarrassed cause everyone was staring at me. At least I managed a good shower. For a moment there, I thought I would die cause they couldn’t stop looking.

I sat down for some minutes, probably forty five minutes, before I was told that he was back. He quickly took his phone and passed a message across, and I’m sure he agreed cause I was told to see him.

Someone escorted me to his office, and I stood outside. Should I knock or just go in? He already knows I’m coming, but what if he gets angry? I really need the money, and I don’t want to do anything to upset him.

I finally decided to knock.

“Come in,” he said in response to my knocking.

I gently pushed the door knob and walked inside. He sat down backing me so I didn’t see his face.

Is he some kind of demon that doesn’t like people seeing his face or what?

“Hello, I’m Ciara,” I said.

“How can I help you?” he said, still backing me.

“I was told to come here. I need your help,” I said, my voice shaking.

“Oh really. How can I be of help, Ciara?” he said and just then turned around to face me.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face.

“So we meet again?” he said, placing his hand on his chin.

“You’re Brian?” I asked.

Holy crap, what have I gotten myself into now?

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