Chapter 3

Raymond’s POV

I watched my reflection in the mirror as I arranged my black tuxedo. My dark, slightly messy hair, which refused to budge as always, left me with no choice but to lay it down with my hands. I exhaled deeply as I gave myself one last look in a mirror, the thought of going on a blind date with some lady weighs down on my shoulder like a rock. On a usual day, I would never be caught having a ridiculous date with just anyone, or accepting my mother’s offer to find me a wife. But here I was, all thanks to my Late Grandfather.

Last week, Grandfather’s long awaited Will finally arrived, and the lawyer had revealed the most ridiculous idea ever. The Will stated that he would only hand the family’s company to any of his grandchildren who gets married and conceives a child first. Automatically instigating a silly competition between my cousin —Mark, and I. Since we were the only grandchildren that he had.

But then again, I did not allow my rage to gain control of me. I was not going to sit back and watch a business my grandfather worked so hard to build go down the drain. All because of someone who did not care the least about it, except to extort all the funds and run the family dry.

A gentle knock came up on my door, and I turned my head to see my mother push the door open and walking in. Her high heels echoing against the wooden floor as she advanced towards me. As always, she looked gorgeous and intimidating, and I couldn’t help but admit that she deserved to be called The Queen.

“Getting ready, are we?” She reached for my collar and adjusted it gently.

“Yes, mum.” I responded and exhaled deeply.

“Do not be skeptical about this.”

She kept her eyes locked to mine, then gave me a small reassuring smile. “I can bet on all that I have that this would be the most unforgettable night of your life.”

I chuckled sarcastically at her exaggerated promises. “Your confidence is quite suspicious, mum. Is there something else you have planned out that I do not know about?”

“Perhaps.” She shrugged and brought her hand to my hair this time, trying unsuccessfully to lie my hair flat. “Like I said, she is a sweet, interesting girl. You will definitely like her”.

“Okay.” I let her have her way without an argument this time. “I should get going already.”

“Alright.” She took a step away from me again and watched me with pure adoration in her eyes.

I knew fully well that she was about to repeat one of her cliché lines about how much I looked like my father. A man who had died when I was just a baby and whose face I would never have remembered were it not for the aid of old pictures of him.

“If Peter was still alive, I am sure he would be proud of the man you have become.”


I shifted quite uncomfortably on my feet, knowing that in a few seconds my mother was going to have one of her usual emotional sprees, like she always did whenever she recalled memories of my father.

Fortunately, my prediction was wrong this time and instead of a teary episode, she maintained her fierce, confident composure.

“That is why I am not going to sit back and watch your useless cousin and his mother rob us of our inheritance. I will not let the hard work of your father go to waste.”

I lifted my lips in a small reassuring smile and closed the distance between us, planting a soft peck on her forehead.

“Me neither. I will do all I can to return glory to our family. I’ll give you my word.”


Pollen’s POV

After the cab I had boarded stopped at the address I gave, he drove off. I stood in front of the exquisite A-class hotel where I was dropped at, and my eyes looked from the address in my phone’s GPS tracker and back to the glass restaurant building again. I took in the restaurant’s name, which was crafted in bold letters, with neon lights beautifying and dancing all around it.

Blu Restaurant.

Confirming that I was at the right address, I inhaled dramatically and gave my evening dress a final glance. I was wearing a red knee-length flared dress. It had a small slit opening and a deep v-neck that did its best not to expose too much of my cleavage. Overall, it was pretty decent for a first and hopefully late date night.

Summoning all the confidence in me, I walked into the restaurant and headed to the table that had been reserved for my date with the stranger.

When I arrived at the table, I observed that it was empty and my supposed date was yet to arrive. In my head, I thanked the heavens for giving me the chance to collect myself again and settle my racing thoughts before meeting with him.

As I sat down at the table waiting, I tapped my fingers a little nervously against the surface of the table. A waitress approached me, holding a small tray that had a bottle of water and an empty glass cup.

“Water?” She asked me, a small friendly smile playing across her lips.

“Yes, please.” I reciprocated her smile, and the lady served the bottle of water.

She poured some into the cup before taking the empty tray and walking away again.

God. How did she know this was what I needed right now? A glass of water to calm my nerves down was the perfect menu at that moment.

I retrieved the water from the table with a rather shaky hand, and I almost jumped out of my skin when I accidentally emptied half of its content over my body, soiling my dress wet.

“Fuck.” I cursed at myself for my clumsiness and returned the glass of water back to the table to tend to my wet dress.

This was why I never went on dates or tried to date anyone. I knew how much of a mess I was, even to myself. Expecting someone else to be able to manage me was only a pie in the sky dream.

I tried to brush the wetness off, but it was a feeble effort. And while I was at it, concentrating on squeezing some liquid out, a deep masculine voice called gently in front of me.


I froze instantly, and my eyes snapped open at the sound of the such sonorous masculine voice.

Oh, my God! Do not let it be my date. Do not let it be my date, please!

Slowly, and visibly embarrassed, I raised my head. My body froze for a second round at the sight of the most gorgeous, sexiest man I had ever come across in my entire life.

“Sorry, I took a bit of your time. I was stuck in traffic.” He apologized to me and drew a seat from underneath the table to join me. I remained frozen and only gaped, completely smitten by his sight.

Holy cow. This man was my blind date!

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