Chapter 3

“Andre Rios, uhn?” Siobhan asked. I recognize that tone of voice. Believe me, there are many suckers who have been drawn in by that sweet tone. She knows how to enchant you and make you fall for her. It’s a rare gift she possesses that I don’t. My idea of flirting is probably poking my fingers in my eyes if I want to do that thing where I put my hair behind my ear while looking up from beneath my lashes. But Siobhan on the other hand excels at that kind of thing.

We were in a golf cart of some sort. Well, it resembled a golf cart only difference is it was much bigger so Siobhan and I sat in the back while Andre drove.

Andre. That’s a pretty name for a rude dude like him.

Siobhan leaned her head to one side and locked eyes with him through the mirror. “That’s a nice name. Do you know any hot clubs around here?”

“There are many but won’t your friend tell on you? She does look like the killjoy type.”

“Bianca? Nah Bianca would never do that. Actually we are not kids just so you know, we are 18, high school seniors.”

“So am I.”

I knew it! I knew he was my age, he just has that streetwise look that makes him appear more mature than Siobhan and I.

“So Bianca uh?” he called my name. I was looking outside the open cart pretending not to be interested in their conversation whereas I was giving him my side view, Siobhan used to say that a woman’s side view was the perfect view. I thought he was looking at me through the mirror on my side, I mean I could feel his eyes on me but when I stole a glance his eyes were locked with Siobhan’s. She gave him her biggest smile.

My heart sank. Why do I keep forgetting?! My only chance of having a hot guy take a look at me and decide he wanted me over her is if by magic Siobhan grew horns and a tail overnight.

“And what’s yours?” he asked.

“Siobhan Davis,” I frowned at her. She just gave away her name so easily. I nudged her and she ignored me. Oh boy, here we go again. Once again I am the third wheel. Wait till Annoying Andre breaks her heart then she’ll come running back to me to tell me everything. But as soon as that thought came into my mind I sat up straight. Siobhan has dated many boys in the past, most of whom knew how rich her father was and was hoping to leech off her. Then some were with her because she was hot and sexy and the most popular girl in school.

Siobhan has done “it” before. The first time she had sex was during a bring break in Florida with an attractive 25-year-old bartender. She had promised me not to tell her parents and I did partially because I was silently wishing that one day I too would get laid.

Andre Rios looks like the kind of trouble I don’t want my best friend to date let alone have sex with. I must keep him away from her, I thought.

“I will take you to a club where a pal of mine works but I’m worried your friend here would ruin your night.”

“Oh Bianca is actually dying to party, right?” she gave me that direct stare she always did whenever she wanted me to lie.

“Sure,” I said, not sounding convincing in my head. “We are dying to party.”

I thought I saw Andre’s amused smile but in the night with only flashing lights to see I couldn’t tell for sure.

“Alright then, if Bianca wouldn’t spill then I’ll take you.”

Siobhan whooped and cheered, yelling party, party, party. Honestly, she can be such a child sometimes. While she flirted with Andre I took notice of the roads in passed just in case, you know, he decides to abduct us and whatever streetwise teenage boys did with girls like us. But to my surprise, he stuck to the main roads and only took a corner when we got to the club. It was a small but bubbling place with neon lights, booze smell, music, and the works. Siobhan was out and falling in Andre’s arms before I could do a thing. It was another ploy to catch Andre in quick but I don’t think she needs to play the whole trick in her books because, by the looks of it, he was already smitten. His hands didn’t leave her waist after she ‘mistakenly’ tripped on him.

I nudged her from behind. “You know we can’t stay for too long, mom and dad won’t be long remember?”

“Yeah yeah yeah,” she said over her shoulder. “Lighten up a little will ya?” she blew a kiss at me. She was literally dancing in Andre’s arms when they entered the club leaving me to follow them.

Andre really had a pal who worked in the club because as soon as we got to the bar a young cute boy hailed him over. They talked in low tones or maybe I just couldn’t hear them because of the loud music before he turned to Siobhan to ask her what she wanted to drink. She ordered something alcoholic and he did the same. The bartender got their drink.

They forgot about me.

“I will have a c*** thanks for asking!” I yelled over the music.

Three pairs of eyes turned to me as if they just realized I was there. Siobhan smiled apologetically.

“A c**e?” Andre asked. The disco lights gave his eyes a twinkle. “This may be a bar but snorting lines is prohibited here.”

“More line jokes?” I rolled my eyes. And only then did his eyes settle on me again the way they did this afternoon. My breathing stopped altogether as I waited for us to resume our banter from this afternoon like a stupid little schoolgirl. Suddenly, Siobhan poked her head out to look between him and me.

“Line joke?”

Andre cocked a brow at me. “You are staring. Are you making your order or what? There’s a light forming.”

I shook myself mentally. “Cola was what I meant to say. Cola.”

“Hey,” Siobhan said to Andre as she slipped away from his hold. Her eyes were now glued to someone dancing on the dancefloor. “Can I see you guys later? I see a potential dance partner.”

Andre’s friend handed me my drink. I watched as Siobhan danced her way toward the unsuspecting guy who now caught her eyes. She danced in front of him and gained his attention.

“She’s pretty,” Andre observed. “And bold.”

“Yeah, she’s all of that.” I must have sounded wistful because the next thing I knew I looked and he was watching me. Is it possible that he’s even more handsome than the last time? “Why are you staring? What are you in love with me?” I joked pretending to be nonchalant even though once again a guy was looking at me.

But then he opened his mouth and spoiled everything. “Look, Bianca, right? Does your friend have a boyfriend?”

My heart sank to the pit of my belly. I looked over at Siobhan who was now practically rubbing herself all over the other guy. At that moment it seemed so unfair that she had it all and all I got were crumbs.

“No,” I responded.

Andre made a victory gesture. “Let’s make a deal. She doesn’t know about the bikini incident yeah? If you get her to date me I’ll keep shut about it.”

I frowned. Okay, this guy has a lot of balls on him and it’s annoying.

“Excuse you? What your boobies lines didn’t work on her?”

“Are you jealous?” He leaned close with a smirk – well in my opinion it looked stupid -ly hot. “Don’t worry sweetheart that line is specifically for you. Also, they might not work, she’s different from the usual.”

The Insult just keeps getting worse. Different from the usual? So I was the ‘usual’ and Siobhan was what? Classy? Worth the effort and chase?

I slammed my coca cola glass on the counter. “No! I’m not going to get my best friend to date you because you are rude and disrespectful. And you know what? You won’t even get to see us after today because once this week is over it is bye bye Mr. Rude and Annoying!”

Without waiting for a word from him I stormed the dance floor, caught Siobhan by the hand pulled her away. She protested but once I lied to her that her dad had called she came willingly and even hailed a taxi.

“I wish I could have said goodbye to Andre though,” she said.

Don’t worry, I thought, I already said enough for two.

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