Chapter 2

“You really need to try and dress a bit better, Bianca,” Siobhan whined. “What am I going to do with you?”

It was hours since we left the beach and we were back in our hotel room looking nice and tanned. Siobhan was holding out a little peach dress, eyeing it with a critical eye. She looks good in whatever she wears though. Me the other hand, I was just trying to look for something to make my boobs look a lot bigger. And no it has nothing to do with that idiot who called my boobs small!

“I try!”

“Yes, you do. When are you not wearing sweats and old t-shirts,” she rolled her eyes. Digging into the box of clothes at the foot of the wardrobe she pulled out a white summer dress with floral prints with an exposed back and tossed it at me. “Wear this instead. Mom and Dad must be waiting downstairs already.”

Since Siobhan and I became friends her parents became mine and mine hers. She had instead of vacations together so during summer and spring breaks we were either going on exotic trips with her parents or toughing it out in the yard behind my parents’ house. My mom never lets Siobhan work when she’s around because you know her dad is my dad’s boss but Siobhan still does her bit around the house. She may be rich and spoiled rotten but she’s great. That’s why she’s my best friend.

Mr. and Mrs. Hayes had chosen the warm Island of Mainland for our summer break this year so Siobhan and I had packed our things and joined them on their private jet. So far since the vacation started it was peaceful and lovely, we ran into a friend or two and we were only separated when Siobhan was invited on a date with one hot guy or the other. There has been no mishap until today with that good-looking idiot. Oh God, why am I still thinking of him?

I hate boys like him. Cockish, annoying idiots.

Downstairs in the restaurant adjoined to the hotel we lodged, we were supposed to meet Siobhan’s parents for dinner and one look at the time told us just how late we were.

“Put that on already,” Siobhan said. She was already coming for me with her makeup box in hand.

“Arghh not that too. You know how hideous I look with makeup!”

“Yeah because you apply it like an idiot,” she laughed. “There are men who know more about makeup than you do. Now hurry up.”

Before I could resist her she sat me down and began to comb and brush and dab and smoothen until after 30 minutes she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

With an exaggerated flip of her hair she sighed, “God my talents are wasting. Look in the mirror,” she exclaimed.

I did and oh boy. Okay, maybe I’ve been doing myself a great injustice by using my lipstick for my blush. I looked different. I looked pretty. “Wow.”

“Wow indeed, darling. Gosh, look how much beauty you’ve been hiding. I’m sure you’ll get a date tonight.”

“Yeah right because I need one.” I rolled my eyes.

Siobhan didn’t notice my bitter statement. She was chirping excitedly while wearing a nice light blue gown with cream-colored sandals. “We could even go on a double date. One last fling before the next week when we have to return to school.”

To be honest I can’t wait for the summer to be over. I get reminded every time of just how much different Siobhan and I are even though we are practically sisters. Even though we are best friends she doesn’t seem to see how hard I struggle with being second to her. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in a competition to win the hearts of boys with my best friend, it’s just that she forgets about me when a new boy comes and when he goes – which is usually after two weeks – she comes back to me seeking comfort. Then it’s on to the next fling.

My only consolation is I’m smarter academically. But then I have to be smart or else…Mom and Dad are not rich and I am the only child they have. I want to work hard in school, graduate with high grades and make them proud. Siobhan doesn’t have to worry about that because she can either join her dad’s company or start her fashion or interior design business like she always wanted. I guess it was just as well that between the two of us, I was the one chosen as head girl of our high school, Edwin and Co.

An expensive high school for a poor girl like me? Yes. Siobhan had convinced her parents to help me through high school and though dad had been insulted at the idea, Mr. Hayes, Siobhan’s father had presented it like a scholarship. If I do well in my junior year he would support me through till senior year. Dad had disagreed but mom had been thrilled at the thought and eventually convinced him to accept. I am indebted to the Hayes and I love them but sometimes Siobhan doesn’t know when to stop. I know she does it out of love as my best friend though.

As we started to leave for the restaurant our room phone rang. It was Mr. Hayes.

Siobhan picked it. “Hey, dad.”

I could hear him from over the phone. “Hi, honey. Your mom and I wouldn’t be able to join you and Bianca for dinner tonight, I’m afraid. We got called on business.”

“But dad! You promised!” she shrieked.

“I know I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. We’ll not be long. Maybe I can make reservations for a sightseeing tour before your mom and I are done? That would be lovely!”

“Whatever,” Siobhan replied sulkily.

“Oh, honey I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. Be downstairs in 5 minutes, your guide should be there and waiting.”

Siobhan hit the phone hard on the table. I could tell she was angry because her bottom lip stuck out like a baby’s.

“He promised! I knew he was going to call off dinner.”

“Maybe he’s busy. You know how busy he and mom gets,” I tried to help. But even I was somewhat disappointed because I had endured 30 minutes of makeup to look good only to have dinner canceled.

“Yeah right, they are always busy and never have time for me! I hate them!”

“You don’t,” I laughed and linked my hand through hers. “Now there’s nothing like sightseeing in Mainland. You can never get tired of the view. Let’s see what surprises our guide has.”

She reluctantly agreed and took her small Prada fashion purse which was too small to hold anything. Not even her phone could enter so I offered to put it in my bigger bag. We left the room and went downstairs where a staff directed us to the lobby to meet the guide from the local tourist shop: Mainland’s Attraction.

“Oh my God is that him?” Siobhan gasped. She wasn’t frowning anymore. She now had that naughty flirty smile on her face that worked on so many boys in school and beyond. I looked in the direction she was discreetly pointing and almost stopped dead in my tracks.

Of course, he is the one.

Handsome and tall with the uniform shorts that displayed his long, strong legs, the idiot from earlier stood on one side of the lobby with his hands in his pocket. He looked up at the same time I was looking away.

Oh God let it not be him! I prayed in my mind. There were many other people in the lobby but none of them wore the Mainland’s Attraction tourist uniform. And he wore it so well. Ugh.

He started coming towards us, a hint of a smile on his lips as he watched me. My heart began to beat heavily in my chest and I prayed I wouldn’t trip up and fall. Then his eyes slipped to Siobhan and they sparkled.

Sure. What was I thinking? Like I could ever hold a candle to her light.

“Good evening ladies,” he said. His voice was a lovely memory and far more formal and respectful than it had been earlier this afternoon at the beach. “My name is Andre Rio, shall we begin our tour of Mainland’s Attraction?”

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