Chapter 3. Bad Days

"Kimmy, this is the agreement file that Mr. Nicholas asked for. Please complete it because he will confirm it today," said Steven as he handed some files to Kimberly, who was walking towards his office. 

"Okay, sir." 

"Kimmy, this is Mr. Nicholas's schedule that you have to arrange for the next few days. Please check and pay attention." This time it was Nancy's turn from the planning division to offer her the work meeting agenda book. 

"Okay, ma'am." 

"Kimmy, this is a list of investors you should contact." 


Kimberly entered the room, feeling annoyed. She placed the pile of files she was carrying so that some papers fell on the floor. It was eight o'clock in the morning, but the man he knew as the CEO was pissing hers off. Why did she have to feel this hell after just becoming an assistant? 

"He thinks because he's an owner, he just orders me like this? Shit! Isn't this too much? How can I finish this many piles of registers in a day? You CRAZY MR. NICHOLAS!!!" cursed Kimberly. 

While babbling in her heart, Kimberly continued to do the task Nicholas had given her. Felt that what the new chief had ordered this morning was frustrating her. How can the man show, so we must complete many tasks according to her deadline? 

Before Kimberly had finished her work, there was a call from behind the intercom line on the table. Kimberly picked it up. "Come to my room now!" 

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Kimberly replied, then with unsteady steps, she dragged her feet into Nicholas's room. 

Kimberly saw the room owner busy reviewing the arranged files before him. Kimberly gazed at the man in her face of her, then asked. "What shall I do, Mister?" 

"After lunch, join me for a meeting outside the office," Nicholas said without taking his sees off the pile of files he was reading. 

"B-but Mr.…" 

Nicholas averted his regards, then crossed his arms in the air of his chest. "Why? Was there something wrong with what I did?" 

Kimberly nodded. "But didn't you just order me to complete some deadlines?" 

Nicholas raised an eyebrow. "Then? What's your problem now? Do you want to protest that you can't solve it today?" 

Kimberly only shook her head once, responding to her boss's question. Then Nicholas twisted his wrist. He looked at the watch that was circular in his hand. "You still have 300 minutes from now before we go outside this afternoon. I think that's enough to finish your assignments."

Kimberly nodded. Even though her heart rebelled, she still couldn't refuse the man's orders. She has no power here. As a subordinate, she has to obey without arguing. "Okay, Mister. I will work on all the deadlines today." 

Then Kimberly pointed her feet towards the exit of the room. 

"You madman! He thinks I'm a robot to complete all the tasks he gave him?" Kimberly whispered. 

"Kimberly! Stop your cursing. Do you think I didn't hear? Do you want me to add to your assignments?" 

Kimberly jumped in surprise when Nicholas heard the curse he was mumbling. While grimacing, Kimberly left the room, and she breathed a sigh of relief as she continued to hold her chest. "Just wait for my revenge. One day, I swear, I will make you fall in love with me, Nick." Kimberly muttered.


Nicholas had just arrived at one of the construction consulting offices because he wanted to talk about an important project his company was working on. In the next few months, there are indeed so many deadlines that he must complete. Not to mention the cooperation agreement between big investors, which he also has to re-review. That's why he needs a personal assistant to help arrange all his agendas. 

"Previously, we had a meeting with Mr. Jacob Grey in London. According to him, the planning and implementation of the Royal Penthouse expansion project should be reviewed by Mr. Nicholas first."

Nicholas listened. His fingers seemed to caress his chin, and even his head was seen nodding a few times. From the look in his eyes, it can be seen that he is serious about what the other person is explaining, as if he wants to avoid missing any of the information given. 

"In that case, the day after tomorrow, we will start observing the location of the construction project. Please contact the development team so that tomorrow's briefing will be at the office at around 11 am. Don't forget to prepare all the analysis files regarding the environmental impact." 

The man in front of Nicholas nodded in understanding, shook hands with each other, and then excused himself to leave Nicholas, who was still sitting, enjoying his coffee.

"Have you noted all we talked about earlier?" 

Kimberly nodded. "Yes, Sir, I have documented all you proposed for. This afternoon, I will send it to your email," Kimberly replied. 

Nicholas then stands from his sitting position. He glanced at his watch and then spoke. "Then let's move." 

Kimberly also followed where her boss walked. Driving the car at a moderate speed, they stopped at a restaurant on the outskirts of town this day. Kimberly thought that after the meeting was over, Nicholas would return to the office. Because, as she had, his chief wasn't the type to waste time on things that weren't relevant. But the man brought Kimberly with him to stop early. 

Still with confused eyes, Kimberly got out of the car. Many questions were swirling in her notice. But she didn't dare tell it. 

"Why are you mute?" Nicholas called as they entered a restaurant. "Quickly, sit down and order your food," the man ordered. 

However, Kimberly remained silent in her stand and didn't have long to answer, "I think we'll go straight back to the office." 

Nicholas reached for a glass of orange juice that was served in front of him. Get a sip of the drink first. Then soon, the man chuckled at his assistant. 

Swear to God! This was the early time Kimberly saw Nicholas smiling. In her heart, she jumped with joy because, once again, everyone realized Nicholas was a cold man. Never laughing, he never glanced at the employees who passed him. 

"You think I'm a cruel boss?"

Kimberly just nodded without answering Nicholas's words. Then they both ate in silence. Neither of them started a conversation. Then someone's presence disturbed the peace between both of them.

"I guess God destined us to meet again, Kimberly Ryder. I struggled to find you. It turns out that we met here." 

Both Nicholas and Kimberly's eyes stared at the source of the voice in unison. Moreover, Kimberly was amazed to see the man's figure before her. The personality that had been avoiding this. Laughing, the man spoke repeatedly. 

"Is she your new partner?" He asked Kimberly. 

Nicholas was silent momentarily, watching the man's movements before him. 

"Marco! Wish don't disturb my peace!" Kimberly tried to keep herself calm. "We're done. So, I hope you go out of my sight now!" the woman ordered with a displeased expression. But the man in front of him still ignored his criticisms. 

"Don't think that because you already have a new boyfriend, your problem with me is over." The man laughed sarcastically. "It's not that easy, Kimberly Rayder. Remember! It's not that easy." 

When Marco's hand wanted to touch Kimberly's face, Nicholas pushed it away. Smiling, Nicholas spoke firmly. "Please don't disturb my lunch, dude. No matter what your problem is. If you two want to argue, please settle it outside!" 

Marco chuckled, annoyed at Nicholas's comments. "You should think twice about defending the woman next to you." 

Nicholas screamed until his shoulders lifted. "I doubt that's any of your problem. You'd better go out of here before I summon the restaurant to kick you out!" 

Marco glared at Nicholas and Kimberly. "Just wait your time, Nath. I'll make clear you pay for your treatment today." 

Then Marco left as he reached for the cell phone in his pocket and showed it like he was calling someone. "I've found it." 

After making the man bothering him leave, Nicholas returned to continue his lunch activities until it was finished. Nothing happened in contrast to Kimberly, who remained silent while looking at Nicholas's face, which was so calm. Feeling noticed by the woman in front of him, Nicholas talked again. "I know if my face is handsome. So, there's no need to look at me like that," said Nicholas with a straight face. 

Kimberly grimaced, then pursed her lips after hearing Nicholas's opinions. She was unaware that his boss had such high self-confidence. "Are you always confident like this?"

Nicholas glanced at Kimberly's face, did not answer but moved from his seat, leaving Kimberly still silent with a confused look. 

"Mr. Nicholas, wait for me!" Kimberly shrieked in annoyance as she jogged after Nicholas's steps, who had already entered the car.

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