Chapter 3

"You actually did that?!" Jungso's eyes were wide. "Daughter, you said all that in front of everyone?"

They were at a local seafood restaurant of the elders' choice. The smell was quite pleasant and strong, as they served seafood dishes there. In that moment, Lucy was eating some squid, but she nodded with her cheeks slightly puffed, swallowing before saying, "I did, Dad."

"But then what? What will happen now?" Sun-ha asked.

"We're going to sue her," Ryeon answered. "She stole from me, accused me, and used me. She deserves to pay dearly."

"Little ant, I'm not sure if I feel proud or... okay, I'm really proud to be honest, but I'm also worried. Do you remember that boy from university?"

"Sungwon?" Lucy sighed. "I know what he received wasn't exactly what he deserved, Dad, but you don't have to worry. After that, he never appeared again, especially not in my life."

"We're parents, dear, we can't help but worry."

"But you really don't need to, Aunt. I promise to protect her," Ryeon smiled at his mother-in-law.

Sun-ha nodded, though not entirely convinced. She couldn't push away the fear from her heart, as it was exactly what she felt from the moment she understood who Lucy was.

"But what about this woman?" Jungso spoke. "Isn't she dangerous? You mentioned she might be behind the robbery."

"I'm sure she is, Dad, but nothing will happen to me. Her name is now closely associated with mine on all the gossip websites. She'll leave me alone and try to calm down the dust about the new swindler fame she gained."

Sun-ha laughed at how her daughter referred to the other woman.

"So now you really have your own clothing brand?" the elder woman shifted the conversation, smiling at her daughter. "Can I show off to the neighbors?"

Lucy smiled. She knew that after the cancer and all the hardships that had infiltrated her mother's life, there were few remaining "friends." The neighborhood ladies had simply abandoned her, and Yeo was the only one left from the bunch who still visited Sun-ha and shared some gossip. Other newcomers on the block were forming a new kind of group, and Sun-ha was participating. Once a week, they all gathered at the public hall in the square and talked, shared news, and more gossip. And of course, for those ladies who hadn't donned prejudice against Lucy yet, Sun-ha made a point to show off. She talked about how her daughter had achieved independence at such a young age, how she was a brilliant student, and a beautiful young woman with the photos Lucy worked on. Some even joked that one day Sun-ha should introduce her to them, maybe at a more youthful gathering where all the other kids would be, and Lucy could get to know them too.

But Sun-ha knew the intention behind it all and quickly mentioned that her daughter already had a fiancé. A good young man, also independent and dedicated. A good son-in-law who made her happy, knowing that he took good care of her only daughter.

"Of course you can," Lucy replied. "But for now, there's no shop or anything like that. It's going to take a while."

"See that, Sun-ha? How our little princess makes us proud? She's so dedicated to her dreams. I even think we should order another portion of squid to celebrate. What do you say?"

Lucy laughed along with her mother.

"Is this an excuse to eat more?" Sun-ha asked her husband, narrowing her eyes.

"Well... maybe. But she is indeed our pride."

Ryeon nodded, raising his hand to call the waiter. He was happy to spend as much as needed that night. Giving Lucy the pleasure of enjoying time with her parents, whom she hadn't seen for months, and making them laugh with silly, nonsensical jokes was worth so much more.

"Are you sure you'll be okay sleeping there alone? You can sleep here. Ryeon can sleep on the couch."

Lucy laughed, shaking her head, and hugged her boyfriend.

"We'll be fine, Dad, don't worry."

"Okay, okay, I'll let the kid sleep in the room, but on a separate mattress."

"Jun, stop being so grumpy. They live together in Seoul, what's the problem with them sleeping in the same bed?"

"Sun-ha, it's just that..." the man scratched his head, hearing his daughter's laughter once again.

"It's fine. We'll come over in the morning to have breakfast together, alright?"

Jungso relented. He nodded, hugged his daughter, and left a goodnight kiss on her cheek.

"Let's go, I'll walk you guys home."

"But it's just across the street, Uncle."

"Are you trying to stop me from walking my daughter over there?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not."

"Ah, good. Let's go then."

Sun-ha waved them off and bid farewell. Jungso accompanied the young couple across the road. When he stopped in front of their entrance, he hugged his daughter once again and shook Ryeon right hand firmly.

"It was nice having dinner with you tonight, son."

"I say the same, Uncle. Can we do this more often, what do you think?"

Speaking of that... " Jungso pulled Ryeon onto the lawn. Lucy left them to talk and hurried to take a shower, removing all the makeup that covered her face. "I've been thinking... when are you going to do that?"

"Do what, Uncle?"

"That, you know."

"That what, Uncle?"

"Officially ask for my daughter's hand in marriage, of course."

"But... that already happened. Don't you remember?"

"TSK, you call that an official proposal? Do you know how we used to do it in my time? We'd arrange a dinner with the most important people and ask again in front of everyone."

"Do you want me to do that?"

"It would be nice, don't you think?"

"Well, I... I need to know if Lucy is on board first. You know, she has to feel comfortable with it."

"You're right, it's good to think about her well-being." Ryeon nodded, smiling as he felt proud of himself for earning some positive points from his father-in-law. "And have you thought about the date?"

"Date? You mean the wedding?"

"Of course, young man. Are you lost in space?"

"It's just that, Uncle... we're still studying, you know? Lu and I think it's better to wait a bit longer."

"Wait, why? Have you even planned how the wedding will be? You know Lucy can have the wedding however she wants, right? I insist on paying for whatever it takes to make her happy."

"Thank you, Uncle, but we haven't thought about anything yet."

"You young people... do you really need to take so much time?"

"Oh, well, Uncle... Maybe we need this time so that we don't put the cart before the horse, as my mom always says, you know?"

"Are you saying you need time to be sure that you really want to marry my little girl?" Jungso crossed his arms, sporting the demeanor of a serious man.

Ryeon immediately shook his head.

"No, no, Uncle, I want to marry her and grow old together, but we need stability, both financially and emotionally. I know we're practically already married considering our routine, but when it's for real, it must be different, don't you think? I want this phase to be good with her. I want Lu to smile every day."

Jungso sighed, putting aside his fatherly sternness to give a brief proud smile to the young man. His right hand touched Ryeon shoulder, and his eyes were calm as they met his son-in-law's.

"Keep being this way, you're a good guy."

Ryeon nodded, his smile growing wider.

Jungso stepped away, bidding goodnight once again, and finally crossed the street. Ryeon entered the house, still feeling the excitement from hearing such positive words from the man who, whether he liked it or not, was also important in his life.

He waited for Lucy to come out of the shower, and when Lucy emerged with her long hair tied up in a high bun, wrapped in a white towel, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Love, how do you want our wedding to be?"

Lucy smiled and sat down next to Ryeon, sharing ideas and dreams, hoping that everything would come true. They deserved to be very happy in the future.

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