Chapter 3. Antsy Wolf


Texting the message to my alpha-beta, Daniel, I relaxed back in my chair. I didn't want to tell him that I was already in the town and had been living in the wooden cabin on the outskirts of the town for the past two days.

I didn't want to alert them and wanted to observe the security of my pack and how things had been managed in my absence.

I know my father was there to guide them in my absence, but I also know that he was relying too much on him to see if he was capable of becoming the alpha-beta of the pack or not.

That was the sole purpose of my staying in this wooden cabin, to observe things, and also, to relax a bit. I mean, a guy should be allowed to relax every now and then, right? So what if I am the alpha of the pack? At the end of the day, I am allowed to be tired too. 

However, now I was feeling a little bit confused, and the sense of yearning for my mate was increasing with each passing second from the moment I smelled that intoxicating scent. The intoxicating scent that I smell in the woods has been making me mad.

I don't know what it was, but I have been smelling this alluring scent coming from near the town or inside the town, I don't know from where exactly. I have tried to follow this scent multiple times already, but after a few steps, I always lose the trail of it, which has been keeping my wolf on edge. It was almost like someone was playing a game with me,  at this point, and I hated every part of it. 

It wasn't probably a big deal for others, but it was for me. For a wolf, not being able to follow a smell trail is the biggest shame, because this is how we catch prey and protect our loved ones from our enemies, and it wasn't some random alpha either. It was about the future king of the werewolf kingdom, for the god's sake. 

My wolf, or my other half, we say them our other soul, was on edge and in agony, not knowing what exactly this scent was.

Yes, that was right.

I am a werewolf, and a strong one at that.

We all are a pack of werewolves, and yes this wasn't a fantasy, we exist. However, because of our natural blending among humans, no one ever suspects anything.

The sheriff of the town, the professors, even some students, and many other people here are werewolves like me and are a part of my pack. We are spread all over the world. It's just hard to distinguish one from a human if he doesn't tell himself.

I wanted to have a break from my alpha duties. Work had been increasing these past days because of the intruding rogues in the nearby packs and the alphas of the other packs demanding me for my help and suggestions, along with constant pressure from my parents about finding a mate for myself.

Sometimes, I just want to yell at them to give me a break. It becomes overbearing at times, I swear.

But I can't blame them for it either. I am not a normal alpha, to begin with. I am their alpha king, who is above all the alphas. They look to me for many important decisions, not only regarding packs and rules but also about their household matters. And an alpha king without his Luna was like an alpha king with only half his power. Yes, despite the rank of the female, our partner is supposed to make us strong. 

Plus, I want to find her, my mate. I have already passed the age of finding a mate two years ago. And now, I was getting edgy about the matter. They say finding your mate is the best gift from the moon goddess and I wanted to have the gift, the boon of being loved by someone unconditionally.

I have heard about the stories of people not finding their mate for the rest of their lives and then settling for someone who doesn’t belong to them as compensation.

I don't want that. I want to settle down and have four, no, eight children with my mate. Things like that keep bothering me all the time. Then again, I love thinking about all of them.

Sometimes I try to imagine how she will look. Will she belong to the werewolf community, or will she be a normal human? 

That's also true. Humans can also become our mates. And in the last decade, the cases of humans appearing as mates of werewolves, be it a woman or man, were more prominent than a werewolf being a mate of a werewolf.

Looks like the moon goddess wants to make the two species live together peacefully.

I leaned on my chair inhaling deeply, closing my eyes while remembering that alluring scent.

Before I could relax properly, a gust of wind hit my face, and I smelled that same intoxicating scent coming from near me.

My wolf purred with pleasure and urged me to hurry up and find the person from whom this alluring scent was coming.

Changing quickly into my wolf form, I strutted down the forest, heightening my sense to follow the trail of the scent. The scent was fainting with each passing second and my wolf was getting antsy again.

I reached the lake to calm my nerves. However, when I reached there, I smelled the same intoxicating scent, and the trail this time was leading inside the town.

My wolf was now getting angry at me.

'Okay. okay. I'll cut my observation period short and go inside the town to check who this person is.' I said to my wolf before going back into the cabin and changing back to my human form.

Looks like the holidays are over.

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