Chapter 2. Sunny Peruvian

Sunny’s POV

‘Is that the Great Damon Furlord on the cover of your book?’

‘That’s Damon!’

‘Did you have sex with him?!’

The comment section of the story that I just published online was getting floods of messages from people I didn't know who kept on asking me about the guy on my book cover. I barely even knew him. I just saw his photo online, and his features really corresponded to Denver, the hero in my story, so I decided to use it. And I thought not so many people would know him, but fuck, they were bugging me right now!


I almost fell from my chair when the google results came out.

Damon Furlord, a twenty-year-old CEO of Furlord Enterprises, has been known for being the youngest self-made CEO in the country. He was also known as the Angel CEO because of his ethereal feature that can be compared to an angel. 

I looked through his images, and I immediately found the photo that I had just used as my book cover. “Damn, what did I just do?!”

At the bottom of his photo was an article with the headline, “THE ANGEL CEO HAD SEX WITH AN AUTHOR?’ What the fuck?! Had sex?! I just used his photo, and they already think that I had sex with him?! I quickly went to my website and deleted his photo, and changed the cover of my book to a blank background with the title written in its center. I sighed. I deleted it already. It’s okay now, right? I already deleted it.

“SUNSUN!!!!” I quickly turned off my pc and turned around only to see a woman wearing a pink halter dress with red, perfectly permed hair. She suddenly came running to me and hugged me. “SUNSUN!!”

“L-Let me go…! Who are you?!” I tried to push her away, but she kept on hugging me until my chair fell down on the floor, and so did we. “Ahhhh!!” My head had already hit the floor, but the woman still didn’t let go of me. 

“SUNSUN I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!” She kept on kissing my face, too, so I gathered all my strength and pushed her away.

“Who are you?! And how did you get inside our house, huh?! Are you a thief?!” I yelled at her. I knew she couldn't be a thief. With that pretty small face of hers, I looked more like a thief than her, actually.  

“SUNSUN… How can you say that to me?” her face suddenly turned red, and tears came running down her face all of a sudden. 

I furrowed my brows and stared at her. “W-Why are you crying? I’m just asking about your name and….” I leaned closer to her and tried to stare at her face. “Wait, don’t tell me you are…M-Mira?!”

The woman just kept on crying like a little kid as she nodded. “You are so mean SUNSUN!”

 I moved closer to her and peered at her face once more. “What happened to you? Why did your hair turn red! Did you already join the cult of Satan?!” 

“FOOL!” Mira suddenly got up and lunged onto me and started locking her arms around my neck. 

“Arrg!! L-Let me go!” I yelled while trying to take her hands off my neck. 

“How dare you forget your older sister huh?! You small little brat!” 

No doubt, she was really my older sister. Her name was Mira, she went to Paris five years ago to study. She had two years older than me but acted like a total kid. I remember fighting with her over ice cream. She won because she cried, and so mom scolded me and asked me to just give it to her. This woman was a total actress, you know. 

I was running out of breath when Mira finally let go of me. “What are you doing here, huh? Do you have your boyfriend hiding somewhere here?” she stood up and started rummaging through my closet and even under my bed. 

“What are you doing? Stop messing my room I just cleaned it!”

She turned around and glanced at me. “Cleaned? You mean you already cleaned this? Really?!” she kicked the crumpled papers on the floor. “And look at yourself, you look like some lost child. God Sunny, you’re already twenty years old but you still don’t know how to groom yourself. No wonder, you never had a boyfriend.”

“If you’re just going to reprimand me, then just go out. I have been and is always getting enough words from mom and dad about that so could you just give my ears some rest even tonight?” I said as I sat back on my swivel chair. 

I heard her sigh. “Fine. I’m sorry, okay? Come on, let’s eat first before you do what you’ve been doing there. Mom cooked some Quesadilla.” 

I already knew she was smiling based on the tone of her voice. 

“I’m busy….” I said.

“Oh really Quesadilla girl?” she teased me. 

A smile suddenly formed on my lips. This girl really knew me no matter how many years had passed. I tilted my head towards her, and she raised an eyebrow. 

“The loser’s going to wash the dishes!!” we both yelled as we raced towards the kitchen. We both sat in front of the table, and she was the first one to grab the biggest quesadilla. “Well, seems like I’m still the fastest!” she winked at me. 

I just rolled my eyes and started eating the Italian Spiral Meat Loaf that dad baked. “Hey dad, it tastes good!” I said.

“Of course, I’m the one who baked it. There’s no way it would taste bad.” Dad boasted. 

“Hey, my quesadilla tastes good too! Right, honey?” Mom said to Mira. 

“Of course, it’s best quesadilla I ever tasted!!”

I frowned, and Mira made a face at me. She did change, but her character didn’t. She had that jolly and childish older sister that loved to mock me. She became prettier, her black hair back then turned red now, but it suited her anyway. Any color of hair would suit her. She was pretty anyway, no doubt, because all of my crushes back then had confessed to her. Mira was the total opposite of me. She was jolly, extroverted, pretty, talented, and smart. She had all the traits that a man would look for. All the things that I will never have and will never be.

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