Chapter 5. Birthday Night


The manor hall is full, but I don’t feel like I’m surrounded by people. I’m trying to find Princess Lucy. She promised me she would attend tonight so that I wasn’t alone. She isn’t here, though, not that I can see.

I continue to walk around trying to find her and stop when I see Prince Stefan. He hates me, I’ve noticed whenever I even attempt to get close to him to throws vile words at me, and pushes me away. It’s as if he is afraid of me going near him, so I barely get within five feet of him before he shouts abuse at me and storms away, or I run after his words.

Why, though? Is all this because I don’t have a wolf? Does he really hate the fact that I’m merely a human, not a werewolf? I see Princess Lucy and walk towards her.

“Your Majesty.” I curtsey her, grateful to finally have someone at this celebration that I can speak to. Other than my mother and brothers that is, there is no one else here will even acknowledge me, it’s as if they themselves don’t see me as worthy of being here because of my lack of wolf.

“Harlyn!” She pulls me in for a hug, and I embrace her back, pulling her closer.

“I’m so glad you’re here, I’ve had no one to speak to and had to stand around like a loner.” I laugh slightly, and she smiles at me.

“Happy birthday, how was your day?” she asks.

I sigh and shrug. “Same as always, Your Highness, in the shadow, I focused on what my mother wanted and ignored that today is my birthday,” I explain. It’s for the best, it stops my fathers abuse that I am ruining her birthday.

As he always reminds me, without my mother my birthday wouldn’t be today. I wouldn’t even exist. He’s right, I wouldn’t.

“Well, I am here to ensure you enjoy the rest of it. So drink!” She pushes the glass into my hand, and I laugh. “You’re eighteen. Get drunk, come on, drink up.”

Her words have me laughing. “Your Highness, you’re a bad influence.” She’s trying to get me drunk. We both laugh, and she nods.

“It’s your birthday, eighteen, you shouldn’t be sober, plus, getting drunk has it’s benefits, you can ignore people and pretend you’re too drunk to notice them.” She laughs, and I nod, giving in and taking a drink.

Maybe I should, then it might be at least one night where I fall asleep without hearing the abusive words of my father and Stefan? Maybe it won’t help and will make it worse, but it’s worth a try.

We stand together for a while, and I glance across the room, unable to see the king or queen. “The Queen and King are not in attendance?” I ask, feeling confused. It’s unlike them. It’s certainly unlike the Queen, considering she is my mother's best friend.

“There is an attack at the border; father is sorting it, and mother is helping. Either that or they are looking at suitable candidates for the future queen.” She laughs loudly, and everyone turns to look at her.

“Future queen?” She means Stefan’s wife, right?

“Yes, my parents are set to find my brother the perfect wife and queen for the kingdom. They want him to marry soon after he is given the crown and takes the title of King, so they are hunting different kingdoms for suitable candidates.”

Something inside of me burns with jealousy. I hate the thought of Stefan being with another woman, even though he rejected me and he’s not mine. How is it right? It should be me, but he rejected me and hates me.

Maybe he has the right idea? People reject their mates in the hope of a second chance mate, one they are better suited for. I can understand Prince Stefan wanting someone with a wolf. Maybe I will find a second chance mate. One who at least can stand to look at me, unlike Prince Stefan, who can’t stand the sight of me.

Maybe he was right in rejecting me to give us both a chance to find a better mate. Still, I hate it, and I don’t like the thought of him marrying another woman and her becoming queen. It should be me. I was his mate. The one the Moon Goddess chose for him, and chose as the future queen. It makes no difference to Prince Stefan; however, to him, I’m not worthy of anything. So how could I possibly be worthy of becoming the queen?

I hug Lucy goodbye and watch her walk away, I should just leave, and go to my room. Grabbing a drink I nod and thank the man who hands me it. My eyes look around the room.

“Darling, are you okay?” Mother looks at me.

“I’m fine, mother.” I smile at her, lying because I know if she tries to solve my issues tonight, my father will throw the entire world of abuse at me for ruining her birthday.

“Are you sure?” She hugs me and steps back.

I have no choice but to be sure. “I am; I think Princess Lucy just put too much alcohol in my drinks, Mother.” I smile at her, trying to ease her worries.

“She is wild that one. Just don’t go too crazy and make yourself ill, okay?” She laughs and I anod. She hugs me before walking away, turning I see my father glaring towards me. I told her I was fine, so she went back to her celebration, what more does he want?

Downing the drink, I leave the bustling hall and walk down the corridor. My steps become slow, and I feel myself struggling to move. I think I drank that last one too quickly. I feel someone guiding me through the manor and into a room to a bed.

I fight to remember what I am even doing. Something cold has me jumping, and I realise they are hands touching my skin. How did I get here? Something about him pulls me in. I feel safe, but at the same time, I don’t want this. I’m saving myself for my mate, but my body can’t move, and I can’t speak to tell him no.

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