Chapter 2. Craving Independence

As soon as the car came to a stop beneath a large tree, she stopped putting things off. The hotel's parking lot was crowded, with several vehicles occupying the nearest spots. The hotel room where the celebration was taking place was far too crowded. She excused herself while her stepmother was preoccupied with giving their order to the waiter and writing it down. She was headed to the women's restroom when two hands suddenly covered her eyes as she walked toward the bathroom. 


She could hear the hint of disappointment in that voice. 

"How quickly can you recognize that it's my hands, Iza?" 

"Are you nuts? "She asked. " You're the only person who has ever played the covering my eyes game," she jokingly remarked, and there was a round of laughter. "Yes," she remarked as she tapped her forehead. " What's the status? Do you still intend to hunt for a job tomorrow? "

"Yes, as we talked about it yesterday." 

"Oh no," she shook her head. "Tomorrow is going to be a solo flight for you. After arriving here, my family decided to spend the night at the resort. But do you think your father will approve? " 

"I don’t want to think that part, but I believe he will constantly be busy with the furniture business or alone in his laboratory, so I’ll take my chance. I've had this summertime idea to create something for myself since I started making money from that brief gap in our modeling. My stepmother is eyeing me for her ambition to be with a very wealthy man for a husband. "

"Yep. When we completed our group project at your home, I saw how she raised an eyebrow at our friend Robert. I can't blame her razor eyes. Robert was rather noticeable with his eyes on you." 

Izabella chuckled, and Shanda joined in the giggles. 

“Not bad, though. Robert is a good catch if only she knows….” Shanda commented.

And she joined her friend’s laughter. 

"But she could not stop her daughter from making out with him. What a girl. Your adversary for everything will be not only your stepmother but also your stepsister, I wager.”

"Argh. I can avoid their scrutiny if I can find work. I carefully considered all my options when I decided to find a summer job. I'll merely save aside the money my father gives me each month as an allowance." 

"Me, too. Additionally, going to work gives us an excuse to meet our perfect man.”

"I hope it's not a perfect, possessive headache. Hey, what’s that look?” 

Shanda laughed, "Girl, wait. I have a quick question concerning something we haven't discussed recently. Do you still recall the events of our previous summer? Shanda gave her a careful look. 

"Regarding what?" Her brow furrowed. 

"Hmm, our midsummer misadventure. You still don't recall that affluent man you became involved with, do you?"

"Ah, the person you claimed I was wed to...? "

Shanda nodded, "Yeah." 

"But you said he passed away?"

"His aide told us that. However, I kept thinking that perhaps if we went back, you would recall everything." 

"I disagree, Shanda. I don't even believe anything took place. And I think it's funny that I became a widow so young,” she giggled. 

“But what of his assets? That will save you from—” 

“No. I think of that escapade as something never existed. Don't bring up your absurd tale since it would kill my father." 

Shanda erupted in giggles. 

"Hey, don't you need to get going? I have to use the restroom." 

"OK. Just let you know what my plans are for tomorrow." 

"Cool. Thank you."

She nodded while watching her closest buddy leave. Because they were in the same course, they were classmates in nearly every topic. They became best friends when they moved to that lot her dad bought next to the Humphreys’ residence.

Izabella sighed heavily as she thought back to what Shanda had said. She decided not to tell her buddy about the nightmares or other unusual dreams that frequently prompted her to wake up around midnight since she did not want to recall anything about what had happened in Greece. She glimpsed a man's face in a dream but couldn't identify him. When that happened, she was held hostage for most of the day. The sound of his calling her alarmed her and drew her to him.

Izabella sighed and went to head for the bathroom, but instead, she bumped into a lean, toned body. A hand swiftly moved across her shoulders.

"Stay still," the baritone voice said. 

She took a quick look and apologized.

She noticed he was much taller than her and was dressed in dark shades with a black turtleneck sweater. 

He took off his shades and looked at her. She stared at his water-pool blue eyes for a few minutes in a daze. The man responded in the same way. 

She apologized after clearing her throat.

She nodded hurriedly and dashed into the restroom. She would have seen the man she ran into looking after her if she had merely turned back.


The day after, Izabella took a breath and stopped at a shadowy building. She quickly glanced at her wristwatch. By eleven in the morning, she started feeling

 slightly hungry. She skipped breakfast since she was pushed for time. Thankfully, she had coffee and bread with marmalade before leaving the house. 

She reasoned that the earlier she started turning up at the places where people were expecting her, the more likely she would be chosen for a job. Her confidence soon waned when she arrived and saw she was eighth in the lineup. Her chances of finding employment were relatively small.

Her gaze veered to the tall structure across from her as she purposefully licked her parched lips. She turned her attention to the long row of gorgeous women, many of whom had long legs. As a magnificent woman came out of that big, busy building, and as she was about to cross the pedestrian lane, she observed another woman coming from the side of the building and joining each other. 

She sought out the location in search of a restroom. She assumed that after a long stroll in the sun, she now looked messy. And after the lipstick had disappeared from her lips, she licked them so vigorously that they dried up. She must have had a shiny face due to the heat. The summer has the power to destroy a woman's impressive resume. She had nowhere to correct her lipstick, cosmetics, or profile. When Izabella noticed the two women crossing the street, she immediately straightened up. She was beginning to have a plan for how to learn what was in that queue.

She inhaled deeply and said, "Hello," to the two women walking directly by where she was standing." Please tell me what the women across the street are doing?" 

Before responding to her questions, the two women exchanged glances.

She grinned at them, hoping they would tell her something about the busiest building. 

"It's a job interview. The woman who emerged from the high-rise building responded, "I didn't get it. I even wonder what precisely they are looking for. I'm a great candidate for an assistant position, but I wasn't fortunate enough."

Her buddy responded, "Hey, I could see why you weren't selected. You're short. With heels, you appeared to be 5 feet 7 but not so without them."

The woman gave her buddy a look. Do you have to make me look bad?" 

"No, I was giving you my honest assessment. Did you not notice that most photos are of tall, stunning women?”

She frowned at her friend before turning to face Izabella. "Go there and give it a shot if you're seeking work. I believe you fulfilled the requirements. The organization provides rewarding work and substantial pay. Who knows? You could be lucky today, " she added. 

"Yes. Get started by trying, "said the female she spoke to initially. "Better move quickly. Almost lunchtime. I've heard the interview will last only till lunchtime." "What corporation is that?"

"It is a global advertising agency. I don't want to move for marketing assistant employment because they require models, a PA, and help with marketing for their new location in Hongkong. I wasn't taken because of this." 

"Oh, that's OK. I sincerely appreciate that. "She addressed the two females. She smiled goodbye before turning toward the highway. 

While waiting for the green light on the side street, a fast-moving automobile suddenly halted before her. A man wearing dark sunglasses peered out the automobile window as it slid down, his eyes fixed on her.

To make sure the man was staring at her, she turned to glance both left and right behind her. He was, but she had no time fooling around. 

Izabella gritted her teeth in frustration. She glanced at the man as he removed his sunglasses and addressed her directly. She could see a hint of shock in his eyes and a deep frowning undeniably. She furrowed her forehead as well, pondering what had happened to him. When the red light turned red, she gestured for them to move quickly. She glimpsed his sly smirk before rolling down the window and gradually pulling away.

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