Chapter 4

All the way back home, Tigreal kept on asking himself this question about this human girl.

  "Did her appearance today work in my favor? Or to my implications?"These were the questions he kept asking himself, without finding an answer to them.

  Journey back home from The Bronx to Brooklyn that night took them hours, in which He spent half of it peering at the girl's face where he laid her in the back seat.

  "According to my assumption, she must be in her twenties. Looking at her from head to toe, she's a broken girl, a totally disheartened one like me", Tig mumbled in a concerned tone.

    Tigreal got lost in thoughts, as he started soliloquizing and his thoughts started escaping through his lips.

  "Her hair was roughly cut short, and her skin seemed pale due to lack of sunlight exposure. She wore a simple white dress in which half of it was torn and his shoe revealed how much she'd suffered.

  I could smell the heavy infliction of the rain on her, as she was shivering consistently even though I made her go unconsciously. Her eyes were swollen and red, probably because of the tears.

She was in a state of shock and confusion when I met her, possibly confused why someone like me saved her. Maybe she thinks I'm some kind of monster, or worse, a criminal?".

     After hours of driving, He parked his car in front of his apartment building. Carried her gently and placed her on the sofa with care.

   Tigreal found it too irritating to touch Humans, however, seeing this girl wet from head to toe made it difficult for him to overlook.

    "I'm not going to touch her or change her wet clothes. You can do this Tig", He affirmed himself as he beat his chest and turned back to leave when he suddenly found himself seated beside her and removing her moldy shoes.

    "I'll do it this once and never touch her again", he later concluded when he found out he couldn't overlook her pathetic state.

  His hands reluctantly go for her partially ripped garment and gently rip it off till she is entirely naked in front of my sight.

  Actually, it was Tig's first time seeing a human in her briefs, nor had he ever seen she-wolf nudity, so he took his time analyzing what it actually looked like before covering her chest with one of his sweatshirts.

  Freya was wearing a short denim knicker underneath her white gown, making it hard for him to put on her his jean trousers and save her from her freezing condition.

  The knicker was totally wet, so intense that it wets up Tig's sofa. Having no choice, He was left with no choice but to take off her jean underwear.

 He slumped his hands on her thighs and pulled them apart, revealing her smooth thighs which made him cover his eyes.

  Tigreal has never felt such a huge desire in my life, he was as if he was hypnotized or spelled. For some unknown reason, He felt like keeping her undressed for the meantime, however, he forced himself to lock away these absurd thoughts and wore her his best jeans, capable of taking out any sort of cold.

While He was dressing her, Tigreal noticed the bruises on her thigh, and her arms. They were black, indicating that she's a girl passing through a lot of difficulties and this breaks his heart.

   "I bet she's actually one of the most beautiful human girls I've ever met, however, the bruises and her shattered soul make her look ugly.

The worst part is the way her legs look, it's bruised, scratched, and scarred, looking like a victim of torture, who dare treat such a beauty like this?"Tigreal puttered with anger.

 One thing about Tigreal, his heart bleeds anytime he sees girls in such a pitiful situation, they remind him of his dead mother. The way she was scathed and scarred like an enemy's slave. Therefore, Since his mother's death, Tigreal stays away totally from humans, avoiding them with all the possible best for him not to misbehave.

  "This damn feeling again...I knew how I felt when I see a girl or woman's tears, it always makes me feel like shedding the blood of whoever caused the person to weep, I'm concerned I'll have to do for this girl also", he grumbled with his eyebrows furrowed.

   He sat beside her, stroking her hair softly while telling her stories about himself, even though he knew she wasn't hearing them, he still kept it on.

It took him minutes before he regained consciousness. That's until when he carried her into one of his bedrooms, where he laid her down and covered her with a blanket after rubbing her feet with menthol crystals.

  "This girl is totally strange, she makes me do what I've never done, and this is annoying me", Tigreal whimpered as he bumped out of the room, slammed the door, and went back to his room.

  He freshened up and went back to the sitting room, where he stood by the window side, glaring at the moonlight bathing everything in its glow.

   Its glimmering lights remind him of the way his Alpha's Marble shone in her belly, dropping him in a state of confusion. 

  Being reminded of his Dear Marble, he became uncomfortable as he went back to the room where he laid her, doing nothing but staring at the Alpha's Marble in her belly. 

  " Perhaps it's because of my possession that's inside her belly?'' I strangely felt like having her always before my eyes" Tigreal bubbled in his heart.

   "This was wrong, I know this. However, I can't help it. I want to protect her, no, my marble rather. Just like what I did to her when we met earlier tonight.

  I will no more let anyone hurt her, and neither would I allowed anyone to lay a single finger on her henceforth, now that she's carrying my most treasured possession in her belly, I won't let her be scratched or scathed by any means ever again", He promised himself as he stroke his hands through her brown hairs.

    Wolves don't sleep at night, therefore, Tig spent all the night sitting and watching over her, no, his marble rather. Even though her snoring caused him a headache, He endured it till it was morning.

    Unluckily, He was about to leave the room when he saw her blinking her eyes softly, dropping heavy goosebumps All over his body. He quickly drew his head back and hurried to one corner of the room, beside the window. 

  "She must be a lazy head, I guessed", Tigreal bubbled in his heart jokingly when he saw how she yawned uncontrollably and stretched her arms and legs.

   Her eyes were still shut tight, causing her eyelids to flutter lightly as if trying hard to wake herself up.

He was busy enjoying the bright show until his mouth slipped again and her eyes caught him where he sat beside the window.

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